What Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy Dog Eyes 

It is common for a guy to stammer, stutter, look affectionately, or even laugh at himself while talking to a girl he likes or finds attractive. This could make him just stare in wonder or look at you with puppy dog eyes. 

But does it just end there? I guess the answer is no, as you are left with the final puzzle of why he looked at you that way. What was he even thinking? All of these thoughts will continue to linger on especially if you are familiar with him. 

We have compiled a list of all the possible reasons why a guy must have looked at you with puppy dog eyes. So that you don’t overthink it or read the wrong meaning into his eye contact. 

8 Meanings To What It Means  When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

Whether a guy doesn’t know the right words to use while asking a girl out on a date for the time or he is too insecure to let his feelings known.

Both instances are meanings to why he may look at a girl he likes with puppy dog eyes. Other meanings could be that:

He Wants To Ask You Out 

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

When a guy looks at you with puppy dog eyes, he may be trying to ask you out on a date at the moment or He simply wants something from you.

It could be that he thinks you may not approve of it because you feel he is like other guys. He wants you to know that he won’t disappoint nor will he break your heart. He is simply asking for one chance or if it’s your ex, he is begging for a second chance. 

That is exactly what most guys are thinking when they look at you with puppy dog eyes.

Some may want to ask you out for dinner or a visit to a cool park at night for a drink but just don’t know how to say it.

It may be that if he looks at you that way, he can manipulate you to not insist but accept his offer. 

He Wants You To See Him As Safe And Approachable 

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes  

This depends on the relationship you both happen to be in. Most guys don’t think of looking at a girl in such a manner unless he is familiar with her.

It could be that he is known for bad things or his facial expression is not always welcoming. He’s looking at you with puppy dog eyes as a way to make you feel comfortable around him. 

A guy who does not want a girl he likes or any other of his female friends to see him as a safe, approachable, and lovable personality is probably a bad person.

Guys who are like these don’t seem friendly, but if he is a bit lose and approachable you get to hang out with him more often.

This way it shows you are comfortable around him, and he can also look at you with sad eyes to express how he feels from time to time. 

He Likes You  

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

For most guys, looking at a girl with puppy dog eyes is a way they show they like you. Probably you walk into a restaurant to eat your favorite lunch, and then you caught a guy who seemed to be lost in thought while staring at you.

It looked like he was looking at you with puppy dog eyes. And you are left to ponder on what this extraordinary eye contact could mean. 

If he is just a random guy, it could be that he has never seen a girl like you, or that’s his way of flirting with girls.

If it’s a guy you know or have met before, he might be a good way to get your attention or say he is happy seeing you again.  

He Is Infatuated 

What does it mean when a guy looks at you with puppy dog eyes? It may simply mean that he is head over heels for you but he can’t have you as you already have a boyfriend.

Or he has a girlfriend but you seem to have a crush on him and he does not know how to tell you. In other instances, you are too young for him to date or be in a relationship with.      

He tries as much as possible to avoid talking about his love interest with his girlfriend when he is with you.

He feels you are that girl he can’t go a day without thinking about and he has fallen for you. He is being sincere and real, and he simply felt the need to look at you with puppy dog eyes.

He Is Just Flirting With You

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

One other good reason why a guy looks at you with puppy dog eyes is simply to flirt with you.

Although you cannot always know a guy who wants to flirt by merely looking at him. However, one red flag is his body language. He will try to act as naturally as possible so that you don’t find him deceptive.

If you don’t know him too well and you feel he is trying to play with your mind, simply ignore him. Any slight attention you give him could lead him to have what he wants from you.

He Is Being Gullible 

We always have this class of people around us, who always believe whatever we tell them. They don’t mind the source of gist, and whether it is true or false.

We can relate this to a guy who looks at you with puppy dog eyes. He is being vulnerable at that moment and is willing to believe anything you say to him or tell him to do as long as it pleases you. 

At this point, you could hurt his feelings or make him happy, depending on what you are talking about.

It could be that he is seriously in love with you and believes you won’t give him no as an answer. That is why when he sees you, he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes. 

He Is Trying To Act Innocent  

We can safely assume that when someone is looking at you with puppy dog eyes, they want you to see them as harmless and not capable of hurting a fly. It could be that he is being real,  naive, or acting innocent in front of you.  

For example, if he is having an affair outside your relationship, and you heard about it, he thinks by looking that way you will never suspect him of it.

Puppy dog eyes are so manipulative and could be a way he uses to hide something from you. 

You could act smart by not being emotional when he looks at you that way. Instead, ask him about it again and if he is silent, he is probably guilty. 

He Is Clueless About Your Question  

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

Another reason for a guy to look at you with puppy dog eyes could be that you mistook him for something, you asked him a question he doesn’t have an answer to, or you guessed his mind.

In the first scenario, he wants you to know that he is not the kind of person you think he is, and that you have got the wrong guy.  

In the second instance, those puppy dog eyes are an indication that he is surprised or doesn’t know what to give you as an answer.

The last scenario could be that you voiced out his thoughts verbatim or you knew his next move on something.   

Things To Consider Before Reaching A Conclusion That A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

Before you can boldly read the meaning of his action, of looking at you with puppy dog eyes, it is important to take note of the following factors. As they will help you come to a more reasonable conclusion and avoid acting weird in his presence. 

Consider Your Relationship With Him

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

If the guy in question is your boyfriend or your best friend who is always around you, then it is a good reason for him to look at you with puppy dog eyes. It is a sign that he knows you quite well, cares about you, and wants to be part of your life. 

However, he can be manipulative with those puppy dog eyes as he seems to get whatever it is he wants from you by doing that.

Some guys risk doing it, just to know your reaction and the kind of person you are based on your body language. If you don’t like being used that way by any guy, let them know that you don’t like it. 

Consider His Relationship With Other Girls  

It could be that girls love being around him, and the way he relates with them is based on a platonic relationship.

To him, that look appeals more to women and they don’t take him for granted. He feels he can relate better when he looks that way or make you do him a favor. 

If he is like that with other girls but when it comes to you, his body language changes. You are special to him, at times he is not able to boldly look you in the eyes while talking to you.

In order not to embarrass himself, he just looks at you with puppy dog eyes and hopes you can read his feelings. 

Look At His Mode Of Approach 

What  Does It Mean When A Guy Looks At You With Puppy  Dog Eyes 

What does he want from you? It could be that you have something in your possession that he gravely needs. And you seem to insist on not giving it to him. Could it be that he wants to ask you out on a date and you are not being considerate?

Most times guys find it hard to impress a girl they like simply because she has had the worst experiences with guys in the past. She probably heard negative stories about you and your ex and feels she can’t deal with you. 

At this point, he doesn’t know what to say or where to start explaining as all he needs is one chance with you. With those eyes, he feels you could eventually change your stance and give in to his request.   

Consider His Personality Type 

Is the guy in question known to be shy and unsociable? It is possible that he likes you and wants to talk about it but anytime he sees you, he becomes short of words. In this case, you are dealing with a shy guy who is head over heels for you. 

That could be his way of making you find him attractive, now it’s all up to you to let him know your feelings towards him.

In other cases, the guy may be the outgoing type, good-looking, and relates well but there’s just something about his puppy dog eyes that makes you naturally like him or fall for him. 


A guy may look at you with puppy dog eyes simply because he has feelings for you. And can’t think of what to say to you at that moment.

Most of the time, it is just a way to get what he wants from you. Your boyfriend or guys who you are familiar with could act that way with you. 

It is also a way that guys employ to flirt with girls they find attractive. In other words, it means nothing and you should not read any meaning into it.

A better way to react is to be assertive and not emotional while trying to find out why he is looking at you that way.  

A guy could also look at you that way to prove his innocence to you. This happens when you don’t trust him or he is hiding something from you. 

Whatever the reason may be, you now understand the reason why a guy tends to look at you with puppy dog eyes.

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