Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

Love is one feeling that builds an untold ecstasy when we see the one who showers us with it. The moment that envelops us we never remain the same. 

Everything keeps being rosy until we lose that one person that brings love our way… the feeling of loss now engulfs us. 

It is a gross bad feeling that has brought down so many hard men and women, and also made others have enough not to allow love to penetrate any walls they have built.

It can be hard for others too, to accept the loss so they pray to have their loved one come back to them. 

It is understandable if you feel this way, but don’t know how to ask God for a second chance at love. This is why I’ve put together a list of things to say as a prayer for someone you love to come back.

Table of Contents

30 Things to Say as Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

Prayer is been interpreted into so many things, no matter the religious meaning or context. So I will go with what I believe to be the point of prayer, which is a personal submission to the source that creates life.

You can ask for an increment in the love which you guys shared, or say a prayer to give you the strength to carry on with hope.

Some of the prayers in this context and around it include, “I pray the lord pulls down any barriers against us”, “Our dreams remain valid, I beseech our swift reunion, “I pray to see my kids again” or you can say “I have strong faith in the works of God”.

Other statements of hope and prayer are, “Lord if it is your will then bring us back together”, and “I’m convinced we’re meant for each other”.

You can add deep emotions to the prayer with a statement like “My heart is heavy with their departure, please lord take this pain away”.

How about we dive right into the details of each prayer and also explore other statements of positivity?

I Pray God Gives Them the Fortitude to Look Back to Our Love

Oh lord, I come to you in prayers and I ask you to touch their hearts and mind to look back at what we shared. I may not have been the best partner, and for that, I hope I get another chance to make things right. 

My God, I can’t imagine a life without them, please grant me this prayer and restore joy to my life and heart. Amen.

I Pray the Lord Heightens the Love We Share

God, I’m back like the lost son came back to his father and I’ve come to ask for your mercy and loving presence. I still love (the person’s name) and I pray you to make the love which existed between us to know no bound. 

This way, (he or she) will come back to me. And this time, I promise to make things work and also involve your teachings in all we do. Amen.

I Pray We Find Peace among Each Other

Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

Peace is a vital element in every relationship and a lack of it brings separation. Oh lord, I pray you restore peace between us and make us feel your presence in all we do. This peace will bring us together and bring solace to us, this I pray for Lord. Amen.

I Hope They See Me as Their Perfect Half

Father Lord, I obsecrate you to help them to see me as their ideal partner and come back to me. I am ready to lay down my old ways of life and fully accept Christ if they come back. Amen.

I Pray the Lord Pulls Down Any Barriers Against Us

Oh God, I pray you to intervene in our lives. I don’t want to lose them, please take off any barriers that are against us from being together. I pray your spirit grants us an understanding to see each other’s importance and accept our love once again. Amen.

I Pray I Don’t Lose Them Entirely

I pray to God and hope that I don’t lose them finally because I still have hope that God will bring us back together.

Lord, please remove any hindrance that will make me lose (insert the person’s name) and make them understand that loving me is the best thing that would happen in their lives. Amen.

My Promise to Remain Faithful if They Come Back

Almighty God, I have a promise to make and I intend to fulfill it if you help me get back (the person’s name).

I know we didn’t hit things off on a best of notes, but I’m sure we can work things out. If you do this for me, lord, I will forever remain devoted to your service and the spread of your word. Amen.

Lord, Please Grant Me Second Shot at Love with Them

Father Lord, I have realized my mistakes and my flaws. I have made amends where necessary and all I’m asking for now is your intervention. Oh God, please grant me a second shot at love with (their name). I want to sleep peacefully, knowing that you’ve answered my prayers and supplements. Amen.

If we’re meant for Each Other, Lord Please Bring Them Back

Dear lord, your word says that love is the biggest commitment and the highest power in the universe. Your word also taught us to make a decree and it will come to pass with faith. Amen.

I have come to ask you to swing into action and bring back (the person’s name) to me; only if we’re meant to be together. You’re the God that searches the hearts of men and you know our respective desires… examine our spirits Oh lord and take control of our reunion. Amen.

I’ve Resolved to Stay Positive They’ll Come Back

My God, I have chosen to be open and receptive to your loving spirit which engulfs all mankind. I beseech you to bring solace to my hearts as I hope that (the person’s name) returns to me. Amen.

I Have Strong Faith in the Works of God

According to your words Lord, Faith is the hope for something not seen and I have such faith in your works. I believe you are working to make (the person’s name) realize that what we had was real and come back to me. Amen.

Love Has Always Been the Centre of the Universe, I Hope It Finds Us Again

The word of the Lord says that Love rules all life and I tap into this same power to declare the reunion with the love of my life. I want to look them in the eyes and tell them how much they mean to me. God, please grant me this through your riches in glory. Amen.

Our Dreams Still Remain Valid, I Beseech Our Swift Reunion

Oh Lord, I pray you to make our reunion a swift one. We still have dreams to fulfill and 

I hope your binding love brings us back together. Amen.

I Pray I See My Kids Again

Almighty God, I beseech thee to make me set my eyes on my children again. I love them and I want them to come back to me. Lord you say n your word that the joy of parenthood is in seeing their children hale and hearty, oh Lord please grant me this prayer. Amen.

Oh Lord, Grant Me the Patience to Wait On Them

Patience they say is a virtue, not only in society but also in your presence Oh Lord. I pray you grant me the spirit of patience to believe in the love we once shared and also wait on them to return to me. Amen. 

I Pray They Remember Our Sweet Memories

Almighty God, release your spirit on them so they have a flashback of whatever we once shared. It is only by your divine intervention can this miracle happen.

I am like a dead person to them, but Lord alone can bring me alive in their memory. Do this for me my God, and await a bountiful thanksgiving in your Holy House (church). Amen.

I Wish Death Didn’t Take Them Away, but I Can’t Question God

The bitterness in my heart is enormous. It envelops my whole being and my prayers to God have always been to find succor in his arms and presence. I won’t question you, my Lord, for I believe you give and you take back but I also believe that everything is possible through you. Amen.

I Pray I Find Solace until Our Reunion

Oh God, you’ve been nothing but merciful and loving to me. Your spirit has been the source of my joy and happiness and I’m grateful. But God, I do request to make my reunion with (the person’s name) come through and I promise to be of help in your divine vineyard. Amen.

I Beseech My Only Child Comes Back Home

Prayers they say are how we communicate with our God and Lord I’ve come to pour out my heart to you in prayer.

Father, I pray you to release your spirit to wherever my only child is. Father, please guide (the person’s name) safely back home; their mother loves them a lot. Amen.

I Have Faith I’d Find Love in Their Eyes Again

Almighty God, I’m once again in your presence…not to ask for wealth or understanding but to ask that you help me find love again in (the person’s name) eyes. I still love them and I want us to go back to the old days. Amen.

I Plead With God to Make Things Work Out for Us

Father Lord, you’ve always made things easy for those who believe in your word. I believe in it too and I pray you to make things work out between me and (the person’s name). I still love (him or her) so much and only your directive can bring us back together. Amen.

My Heart Call Upon God to Intercede in Our Reunion

Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

Father, my heart and soul call upon your name and that of your only son Jesus Christ, to be a part of my reunion with (person’s name).  Only your intercession can make this a reality and I claim victory in your name, Amen.

Lord if it’s Your Will Then Bring Us Back Together

Almighty Father, I know you have plans for all your children. For as our faces differ, so is our problem so Lord I pray you to bring us back together if it is thy will. I don’t want to be hasty due to love, so I come to you humbly to ask for your will and power. Amen

I Offer Thanks to God as I Believe He’s Putting the Works to Bring Them Back

The Lord of all souls, I thank thee for adding a new year to my life and I also offer thanks to you for your actions towards my reunion with (person’s name).

It was a relief seeing them happy, and I pray you to finish your work on them. Thank you, God, Amen.

Lord, I Appeal to You to Restore My Joy through Them

Mighty man in battle, you alone understand the heart and soul of all men and I know you’ve perceived my desires. Father, I appeal to you to restore my joy by bringing back (person’s name) to me. I believe you’ve done miracles already in your name I pray, Amen.

I Really Miss Her, Lord Help Us Close In on the Distance

Gracious Father, I’ve come to you with a wish and a prayer. I wish she comes back to me and I pray to you to help me achieve this. In your name, I pray, Amen.

I’m convinced we’re meant for Each Other, Lord Bring Her Back

Just as the birds are meant to explore the skies, I am convinced we’re meant for each other and I have faith that only your spirit Lord can make her come back to me. I pray any barrier that is holding her away from me gets weak enough for her to break free. In your name, I decree, Amen.

Oh Lord, if You Can, Help Me See Them Again

I read in your word oh God that impossibility is alien in your presence and my conviction in your word proves it further. Therefore, God, I pray you to make your miracle and help me see (person’s name) again.

My love for (person’s name) grows stronger by the day and I will be devastated if I don’t have (him or her) back into my life. I pray for your intervention in your name, Amen.

My Heart Is Heavy With Their Departure, Please Lord Take This Pain Away

Jehovah, I am now in your presence with a heavy heart and I pray you to take this pain away from me. Let your spirit compel (person’s name) to know I am the one for them and make them come back to me. Amen.

Lord, I Ask You Help Stitch Back Our Torn Hearts

Prayer for Someone You Love To Come Back

God, your love has been my strength in life and it has been strengthening me for more journeys. But God, ever since (person’s name) left, my life has gone from good to bad and I wish they come back.

Only your spirit can do this, and that’s why I’ve come to you in prayer. I’ll forever worship you if you do this for me Oh Lord. This I ask in your name, Amen.


Here we are, at the very conclusion of this prayer-packed post. Love is a   beautiful thing, whether shown by a mother to her child or between lovers. I am convinced the Lord knows our heart desires and will fulfill them only when we ask in prayer. 

As you pick any point to pray with, ask the Lord to open your eyes to the realities of life and also show you how to love better because he is the master of love.

Don’t close this page without spreading the love and prayer in this article by hitting the share button. God Bless You.

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