What To Say When Someone Tells You Stay Safe  

People frequently feel compelled to advise you to be safe because they genuinely care about you. Enemies don’t typically tell you to keep safe, and if they do, it’s probably because they’re threatening you.

There are a lot of things you can say when you are in such a situation. Being polite and friendly with your responses also helps. It goes a long way to say that words alone don’t cut it and actions and gestures have to be aligned too.

Stick with me in this post and I will go through many replies that you can use as a response to anyone who tells you to stay safe.

20 Replies When Someone Tells You Stay Safe

What To Say When Someone Tells You Stay Safe  

When someone tells you to stay safe. You should understand that it is not ideal to hesitate in replying or replying wrongly. Here, I have mentioned 20 of the best replies you can use when someone tells you to stay safe.

1. I appreciate you appreciate your good wishes

When someone tells you to stay safe, a good reply is to tell them you appreciate their good wishes.

This is thanks because it means that you sincerely thank them for their wishes. Maybe you are embarking on a journey or they are leaving you for long periods.

It isn’t uncommon to see them telling you to stay safe, this reply is very appropriate to anyone wishing you well. It shows that you noticed their gesture and are happy about it.

2. Yes, I will stay safe

What To Say When Someone Tells You Stay Safe  

One good reply when someone tells you to stay safe is to tell them ‘’yes, I will stay safe’’. When someone says stay safe to you, it often means that they care about you or your present situation.

This reply shows that you have heard what they are saying and respectfully concur. This response is brief but it does well to fulfil the duty of assuring them that you will be safe. If someone goes to the trouble of wishing you good tidings, it’s only right that you assure them of doing it.

3. I will see you soon

If someone tells you to stay safe, you can reply by telling them ‘’ I will see you soon’’. Many people use the word stay safe to also signify saying goodbye. When you reply this way, it shows you understand their meaning and also hope to see them soon.

By saying this reply, you are also saying goodbye of your own to them. When someone shows you how much they value you, it is only right that you do the same too.

4. Sure, pinky swears

When someone tells you to stay safe, you can reply to them by saying sure, pinky swear. This is another way to reassure them you value their commitment to you and are dedicated to them and following their statement to the latter.

This reply is a way to switch up from the monotonous sounding responses that Are old and lack depth. Sometimes using new and passionate phrases goes a long way in making anyone who cares about you, trusts that you will take their advice.

5. Thanks, stay safe out there

A good reply when someone tells you to stay safe is to tell them to thank you and stay safe out there. here, you have simply shown gratitude for their wishes towards you and also returned the favour by wishing them the same. They will leave you with visible signs of happiness on their faces.

By saying this you have started a good fair play and genuine care. It is one way to reciprocate the feelings that such a person has shown to you. It is also a sign of maturity on your part and emotional intelligence.

6. You are always welcome. Hope we see again

When someone says stay safe to you, you can reply by telling them they are always welcome. Like I mentioned earlier, people would always say stay safe mostly when they are departing from you. This may be a friend leaving or a family member travelling away.

I have hosted some events where lots of my friends say stay safe when they are leaving. I have found this reply works all the time and is a relevant phrase to keep your guest or visitors in good spirits. In addition, you are also bidding them good tidings for their travels ahead.

7. I am always safe, but thanks for the thought

If someone throws the compliment stay safe in your direction, a good reply is telling them I am always safe, and thank you for your thoughts. Such scenarios where you will receive such comments vary from place to occasion.

Using this reply helps keep their mind at ease, especially for a friend who is always worried about your physical state of well-being.

By giving them such a reply, you have increased their confidence and settled their fears that you will remain safe always. I am a firm believer that good gestures should not go to waste.

8. I love you, see you soon

When someone tells you to stay safe, a sweet reply you can say is ‘’ I love you, see you soon’’. Such a reply is very much cherished especially from someone that loves you. By telling them you have you love them, you are reciprocating the affection they showed you first.

Saying I love you may sound cliché, but not when you are saying this to those persons that hold you dear to their hearts.

9. Be good

If you are looking for a short and simple reply to someone saying stay safe, telling them to be good is at the top of the list.

This response is perfect for acquaintances, work colleagues, neighbours, and strangers. It shows that you are not willing to say more but you acknowledge the effort they showed.

Apart from being very courteous, such responses is being needed when you don’t know what to say or can’t spend too much time coming up with the correct phrase.

10. Alright. I’ll be guarded

When someone tells you to stay safe, a valid response is saying alright, you will be guarded. Often people tell you to stay safe because of security risks. They may be worried about your safety or insecurity issues have been prevalent and want you safe always.

By saying this reply to them they will feel at ease knowing that you are taking them seriously, and also concerned about your safety. Ensuring our loved ones, we heed their instruction or advice is a good trait one should possess.

11. Sure, care to expatiate

When someone tells you to stay safe, you can reply to them by saying ‘sure care to expatiate. This is a sign that you are interested in staying safe and are also curious to know why they chose that phrase.

Caring for your physical being is important, any present threat to you should be readily exposed so you know you are safe.

This reply from you is also a question that they will have to answer. This is because if there is an active threat in your life, is imperative that you are well informed of the matter.

12. That is kind of you to say

If someone cares about you, they will tell you to stay safe, and a good reply is to tell them their gesture is very kind. Many folks can only show how much they care for you in subtle ways such as this.

A good way you can let them know what is happening is by expressing your thoughts on the matter. They will feel at ease knowing that all their feelings towards you are not a mistake and are noticed by you.

Also, this reply is a very good and formal way you can reply to anyone who tells you such a phrase.

13. Safety comes from God

What To Say When Someone Tells You Stay Safe  

When someone says stay safe, you can reply to them by saying that safety comes from God. This reply tells them about your faith and also for them to understand that being safe is a normal routine you keep always.

You say safety comes from God because we rarely have general control of things that happens in life. When things want to go wrong, they tend to do so.

14. Watch your back too

When someone says stay safe, you can reply to them by telling them to watch their backs too.

This is because such a phrase can be used as a threat to you. Anyone who has taken some offence to you or wants to antagonize you will use such a statement to induce fear in you.

To stand your ground and show that you are not fazed by such a threat, tell them to watch their backs too. This will surely give them a reason to think before playing silly games with you.

15. Yes, I’ll see you on the other side

A good reply to someone who tells you to stay safe is telling them you will see them on the other side. This is a farewell bidding to someone who you won’t see for some time. It may be a dying friend or someone who you love deeply and you hate to see go.

With this reply, they are assured that you will always think about them, and their memories will be ever fresh.

16. Good thing I have you

If someone says stay safe to you, a quick friendly reply is to tell them good things you have them. This is a cute reply that is bound to plaster a smile on their face and yours. It tells them you see them as your protector and also love them for being there for you.

Simple words like this reply can go a long way in solidifying a relationship and making sure everyone’s efforts count very much in your relationship.

When your loved ones don’t feel neglected, they trust you because you appear grateful for all they do by using such a statement.

17. Yea, that’s what I pay security for

When someone tells you to stay safe, you can reply to them by telling them that’s what you pay security for.

This reply may be cocky, but some situations demand cockiness. When you feel your pride or status is being tarnished you reply this way to remind them of who you are.

They will get the message and stay clear of using such remarks in the future.

18. Will you be my Knight

‘’will you be my knight’’ is a perfect response to anyone who tells you to stay safe. This is a way to tell them you have confidence in them and also a flirtatious reply you can give to a lover or a crush.

By asking them if they will be your knight, you are telling them you trust in their ability to protect you.

19. Yea, that’s why I am always strapped

When someone tells you to stay safe, you can reply by saying why I am always strapped. This reply is boastful. It means that you are conscious of your security and have taken extra measures to keep yourself safe.

 20. Yes, the world is a playground

When someone says stay safe to you, a good reply is telling them the world is your playground. Many folks would see this reply as a funny way to remain lighthearted about the situation.


Someone telling you to stay safe is not a strange phenomenon. It is often those who sincerely care for you, who will use such a phrase with you. I can even say that it is a love language and should be treated.

If you don’t perceive the tone as negative vibes from the person saying it, then it is only fair that you respond with a similar word of affection or care. This shows them you understand their gesture and grow stronger bonds.

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