What To Say If Someone Says You’re Dumb?

When someone calls you dumb, you do not always feel comfortable with it. But what do you do instead? Do you fight back or do you give a comeback

The best thing you can do is respond in a way that makes him regret calling you dumb in the first place.

In this article, I will share 30 things to say when someone calls you dumb. This will get him thinking and even make him regret why he called you dumb.

Table of Contents

30 Things To Say If Someone Says You Are Dumb

What To Say If Someone Says You're Dumb

  • You may think I’m dumb, but I’d rather be dumb than think like you.
  • You should have known me better before you judged.
  • What do you expect from a big-mouthed person like you?
  • Do you have so much time to waste calling someone dumb?
  • You might be upset, but don’t you think it is wrong to call someone dumb?
  • Can’t you do something better in your free time?
  • How can you be so insensitive?
  • Did I hear you well? Repeat yourself.
  • You should think of better ways to make good use of your time.
  • Don’t you think you should be doing something better than calling me dumb?
  • If I am dumb, how then do you understand me? 
  • This is what silly people do in their free time.
  • Don’t you think you should visit a therapist? You sound depressed.
  • You seem to be good at spotting dumb people. You could be dumb too. Don’t you think?
  • I wish I had time to reply to you.
  • I became so busy that I do not have energy for people like you.
  • Talk to me when you have something meaningful to say.
  • What did you accomplish by calling me dumb?
  • When did your opinion of me start to matter?
  • You could have been a better person if you had spent this time doing something else.
  • I’m sorry. I stopped listening to people’s opinions about me.
  • Oh!I didn’t notice. How did you figure that out?
  • If you want to get to me, you should try harder.
  • I’m too smart to even comprehend what you just said.
  • You’re not the first person to say it. Try to think of something better to do with your time.
  • You seem so intelligent, but you just proved me wrong.
  • It’s obvious you have poor parental training.
  • I am a lot better without hearing your opinions.
  • Can you stop talking so that I can have some breathing space?
  • Calling me dumb does not mean I will become intelligent in split seconds.

I’d rather be dumb than think like you

 Someone who calls another person dumb definitely does not reason well. That is why you need to reply in this way.

You would rather be dumb than think like that. This would be a good reply that would get the person thinking and even wondering why he called you dumb.

You should have known me better before you judged

This is a reply that shows that you should not be in a hurry to judge people. Why would you not know me and yet you are so quick to judge me and call me dumb?

When you reply in such a way, it would get the person thinking and make him realize that he should have waited a bit before judging you and calling you dumb. This reply would also make him rethink.

What do you expect from a big-mouthed person like you?

Someone who is so bold to call you dumb is actually big-mouthed, and he can go all the way to calling you dumb without even worrying about the consequences.

When you let the person know that he is big-mouthed, it would give him a chance to rethink and get him calm. Next time, he will not call you dumb.

Do you have so much time to waste calling someone dumb?

 When you call someone dumb, you probably have thought of it and even decided to call the person dumb.

That time would have been used for something better. This is another perspective. This is a good reply that you can give to someone who calls you dumb.

You might be upset, but it is wrong to call someone dumb?

When you get upset with someone, there is every possibility that you will say things that you never imagined you would say because you are so angry.

That is not the reason why you need to be mindful of what you call people. Do you not think it is wrong to call someone dumb? This is a good reply.

Can’t you do something better in your free time?

Do you just go about looking for someone to say nasty things to?

If you reply in such a way, you would be sending a message to him that he should better do something better with his free time instead of using that time to call you dumb or even call other people names.

How can you be so insensitive?

What To Say If Someone Says You're Dumb

When you call someone dumb, you may not know how the other person will react to it. You do not know if it would make him sad or not. That means you are insensitive to how the other person feels about what you say.

When you draw his attention to the fact that he is actually insensitive, this will give him a rethink on why he was so insensitive to the fact that calling you dumb could make you feel bad.

Did I hear you well?

This is a good reply. Maybe you did not hear him clearly when he called you dumb and you want to be sure if it was you that he referred to when he called you dumb.

Just tell him to repeat himself. When he repeats himself, you will probably be able to hear him clearly and be sure if he actually called you dumb.

You should think of better ways to make good use of your time

Yes, there are better ways to make use of your time instead of using it to call someone dumb.

When you reply this way, you will be able to communicate to him that there are better ways to make use of his time instead of using it to call someone dumb.

Don’t you think you should be doing something better?

Calling someone dumb is really a silly thing to do, especially when you know the person you are calling dumb is not actually dumb.

Don’t you think you should be doing something like encouraging the person instead of bringing him down by calling him dumb?

If I am dumb, how then do you understand me?

In the real sense, someone who is actually dumb will find it difficult to understand other people. This means that the person is not actually dumb. He has to think well before he understands this reply.

This is what silly people do in their free time

 This is a reply indirectly telling him to do something better with his free time instead of using his free time to look for someone to call dumb. He can actually do something better, like being creative or even resting.

Don’t you think you should visit a therapist?

For someone to call you dumb shows that he himself is in a really bad place and he has a lot of hurt in him. You should tell him to visit a therapist

You seem to be good at spotting dumb people

Don’t you think? Someone who called you dumb should be so good at spotting dumb people. This is one example of why he himself could be dumb as well. This is a good reply that hits hard.

I wish I had time to reply to you

This is a reply that shows that you do not have time to reply to people who only love to say negative things to you. You should not even have time for such people at all.

I became so busy that I did not have energy for people like you

 This shows that you use your energy for better things. And you would rather use your energy for something more productive than using it to reply to someone who does not even have something tangible to say.

obviously has nothing meaningful to say to you

 Simply shut him out by telling him to come talk to you when he has something meaningful to say.

What did you accomplish by calling me dumb?

Someone who calls you dumb definitely has something in mind that he wants to accomplish by calling you dumb. Ask him directly what exactly he hopes you accomplish by calling you dumb. This makes him think for himself.

When did your opinion of me start to matter?

This communicates that you do not care about his opinion of you. If he thinks you are dumb, you do not even care one bit. This is a good trait that you need to have. It helps you develop a tough skin.

Only if you invested this time into something else

This shows that he could have invested that time he used in calling you dumb. He could have used it to do something better in his life, and it would make him a better person in the end.

I’m sorry, I stopped listening to people’s opinions about me

This shows you do not listen to what people say or even their opinions about you, and you also do not care. It is a really good thing.

Oh!I didn’t notice. How did you figure that out?

This is a sacarstic reply, making him think that you accept that you are dumb when you know full well that you are not.

If you want to get to me, you should try harder

 someone who is calling you dumb is definitely looking for ways to get at you. But calling you dumb is one of the weakest ways to get at you. This is a good reply.

I’m too smart to even comprehend what you just said

This is a direct way of telling the person who called you dumb that you are in no way dumb at all. And if he is in his right senses, he would realize that you are even too smart to give this kind of reply.

You’re not the first person to say it

 This shows that many people have told you that already, and you do not even care about it at this point.

You seem so intelligent, but you just proved me wrong

 It shows that you thought he was so intelligent before, until you heard him call you dumb. Then you decided that he was not as intelligent as you thought.

It’s obvious you have poor parental training

 Someone who has good training will not be so quick to call you dumb when he knows nothing about you. Reply by telling him he has poor parental training.

I am a lot better off without hearing your opinions

 This shows you are better off without listening to him or even hearing what he has to say.

Can you stop talking so that I can have some breathing space?

This shows you have not even had breathing space since he started talking and even calling you dumb. He should keep quiet so that you can have some breathing space.

Calling me dumb does not mean I will become intelligent in split seconds

This communicates to him that calling you dumb will not change anything about you in the shortest time possible.


When someone calls you dumb, you need to respond in such a way that the person understands that calling you dumb was not a pleasant thing to do.

These replies that I have shared in this article will help when someone calls you dumb.

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