What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook: 15 Things We Know!

When someone adds you as a friend on Facebook, the ideal thing to say at first is “Good day, it is nice to meet you”.

This is courteous enough. It is really good to show a good first impression to people you meet online. You may not always know them, but being kind and courteous is the way to go.

I have worked with a lot of people today that I met on Facebook, and because I was kind and accommodating to them, it has brought me new clients and potential life-long friends.

There are other things you can say when someone adds you on Facebook.

15 first things to say when someone adds you on Facebook

  1. Good day. It’s nice to connect with you.
  2. My name is Alfred Matthew, may I know you?.
  3. Hello, I’m Stephen. Do you know me?
  4. Thanks for adding me.
  5. Hello, have we met before? You look familiar.
  6. Hi, I love your profile. Tell me more about what you do.
  7. Can we meet and hang out?
  8. Tell me more about your interests.
  9. I like your virtual, and will like us to go on a date?
  10. Please why did you add me?
  11. Please can I have your number? Let’s meet up?
  12. I have gone through your profile, you’re doing a great job, I love it.
  13. Are you you or you are something else?
  14. Let us collaborate on a business idea.
  15. I will ignore you because I know your intentions are not pure.

Good day. It’s nice to connect with you

What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook

If someone just adds you on Facebook, it will be nice for you to simply message the person and say something like, “Good day, it is nice to connect with you.” Doing this makes the other party comfortable from the get-go.

There is a saying that people are often strangers until you get to meet them. This is the same situation here.

Someone who adds you on Facebook might be a stranger, but the moment you start to engage in a conversation, you two might just end up as friends. Who knows?

My name is Alfred Matthew, I am a blogger, and you?

This is another good thing to say when someone adds you on Facebook. After you guys have exchanged pleasantries, go ahead to say, “My name is Alfred Matthew.

I am a blogger, may I know you?” When you do that, it gives room for the person to also introduce himself, and from there you can learn more about the person you are chatting with.

When you both get to know each other, it could lead to something positive.

Hello, I’m Stephen. May I know you?

This is a polite way to get the person to tell you his or her name and some other basic things without sounding rude or offensive.

When you first tell the person your name, he or she will be encouraged to do the same because you have already said your name, which makes the person trust you to say his or her name. When you say, “May I know you?”

Thanks for adding me

What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook

Some people do not think it is OK to say “thank you for adding me” to someone that added you on Facebook.

There is nothing wrong with telling someone thanks for adding me. If you feel you want to thank the person for adding you, then you can go ahead with it. Say thank you if you feel you need to.

Hello, have we met before? You look familiar

It is very possible that someone who added you on Facebook looks very familiar. Perhaps, it could be someone you met at the mall or someone you bumped into and exchanged contacts with.

Because of Facebook’s algorithm, it will go ahead and suggest the person as a friend to you. Facebook must have suggested you as a friend to the person and that is why the person added you.

Do not be surprised, it is the Facebook algorithm. If the person looks familiar, ask if you guys have met before and tell him he looks familiar.

If you guys have met before, it is actually a good thing that you are connecting on social media. Even if you both lose contact, you will still be connected via Facebook. This is one of the benefits of Facebook.

Hi, I love your profile. Tell me more about what you do

When you visit the profiles of some people on Facebook, you will fall in love with them. If someone adds you and after accepting the request, you go to the person’s profile to check to see exactly what he does, you can commend the person for a job well done on his profile.

You can say something like “hi, impressive profile, what do you do?. Will it be great if we get to work together as business partners?

You may have seen the business or service on the profile, but then you can go ahead and ask the person to tell you about the business or service. You may just be a potential customer.

Can we meet and hang out?

What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook

Sometimes, you lose contact with some of your close friends that you have shared beautiful moments with in the past. It is usually a good thing when you guys get to connect on Facebook.

If one of your old friends stumbles on you and adds you on Facebook, one thing you can tell him or her is to ask if you both can meet someone and discuss, or probably just have a nice time together just like you guys have done in the past.

It will be nice to reconnect with old friends who you might not see again if it weren’t for Facebook. This will be a really good way to connect with the person once again.

Tell me more about your interests

If you have gone through the profile of the lady that added you, and she is someone you will be like to be close to or even have as a girlfriend, while you guys are having a conversation and things that are too cool, ask her what her interests are.

When she starts talking about her interests, it gives you a hint about the type of person she is. You will know if you should take a step toward her or not.

I like your virtual, and will like us to go on a date?

What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook

Yes, that person that added you on Facebook could be your crush or someone you have been admiring for a long time and you have always wanted to talk to the person. Facebook just made it easy for you.

For her to have added you on Facebook means she might also have a thing for you. It will be a cool thing if you decide to get on with it and give it shot if you have something for her and she feels the same way.

You both could just end up being cool together. You may not know if you do not try.

Please why did you add me?

It is very possible for someone who you are not on good terms with to add you on Facebook. Perhaps the person wants to make peace or something.

However, if you are not comfortable with the person or you do not like or want to have anything to do with the person, you can ask why you were added.

If, after explaining, you do not want to go further with the person, You can easily unfriend the person, then both of you can go your separate ways.

It is your right to decide who you want to follow on Facebook. If you do not want anything to do with someone who added you, simply make it clear. You are free to unfriend the person.

Please can I have your number let’s meet up.

Who would not want to connect to old friends, especially those ones you were really close to and lost contact with them due to unforeseen circumstances?

Once the person adds you on Facebook, go ahead and ask for the person’s number so that both of you can relate on a deeper level and even bring back memories that you guys shared together in the past.

You may even get added to group chats where you have other of your close friends you have lost contact with.

This is really a good way to connect with old friends. That is why it is good you ask for a phone number when you get added by an old friend on Facebook.

I have gone through your profile, you’re doing a great job, I love it

This is usually a nice thing to say. If you have gone through the person’s profile and you are in love with the pictures, posts, or even the profile in general, you can simply go ahead to say something like, hey I went through your profile I love your content, keep it up.

That alone will go a long way, and it is also a good way to start a conversation with the person.

Are you you or you are something else?

With the way social media is these days, it is very easy to impersonate someone without being caught. You also need to be vigilant and also, and you need to be able to discern when someone you know is being impersonated.

If someone adds you on Facebook and you notice that the person is pretending to be someone he is not, then you can go ahead and probe or ask questions to be sure if you are actually talking to the right person.

On the flip side, it may not be that the person is impersonating; it may just be a second account owned by the same person. That is why you should not be in a hurry to judge. Ask questions before you make any conclusion.

Let us collaborate on a business idea

On social media, you should build bridges, not walls. If someone adds you on Facebook and you have gone through the person’s profile, as a business-minded person, you should see it as an opportunity to collaborate and work together to achieve a common goal.

If you guys are creators, go ahead and collaborate with the person and you will see how growth will occur. The new competition is collaboration.

I will ignore you because I know your intentions are not pure

What to Say When Someone Adds You on Facebook

Some people pretend to be someone they are not, and they use that opportunity to scam or defraud people. If you notice someone adding you on Facebook while pretending to be someone else or attempting to scam you, report it.

The moment you confirm that the person is a scammer, you can ignore or block the person to prevent them from taking further steps toward you.

You can even make yourself safe by blocking the person and make others safe by reporting the account to prevent the person from scamming other people. Also, warn other people about this scammer as well.


Since Facebook has over five billion users worldwide, there is every possibility that new people will add you as a friend. Most times you do not even know these people. Thanks to Facebook.

If anyone adds you as a friend, see it as an opportunity to meet new people, and connect with a few business partners too. People are often strangers until you both become friends.

These 15 things that I have shared will help you a whole lot when someone adds you on Facebook. Most of the time, if not for social media, you would not be able to meet those people in real life.

See it as an opportunity to meet new friends, business partners, connect with old friends, and also bring back old memories.

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