How To Respond To Let’s Just Be Friends

You can respond by saying, “Yes, we can be friends.” If and only if you are comfortable with being friends with that person.

If someone asks you such a question and you have been watching the person for a while, you can be friends with the person if you are comfortable with it.

But how about when you do not really like the person and you are not comfortable with being friends? There are ways that you can respond to such requests.

Stick around till the end of this article as I show you the various ways you can respond if someone asks you if you could be friends.

20 Best Responses to Let’s Just Be Friends

How To Respond To Let's Just Be Friends

  • Yes, we can be friends.
  • I would think about it.
  • No I don’t.
  • Maybe I may end up liking you.
  • Can’t we be more than just friends?
  • Let’s be more than friends.
  • Don’t you find me attractive enough to be more than just a friend?
  • It seems you do not like me anymore.
  • Are you trying to friendzone me? I do not want that.
  • I never expected this, but thank you for being honest.
  • I do not want that. I am going to miss you though.
  • We cannot stay as friends, but text me if you need me.
  • It was nice to know you, and I would have loved to be more than just a friend, but we have to part ways.
  • If this is how you want our relationship to be, then so be it.
  • If you are not interested in me, you can as well say it.
  • I’m not interested. I have enough friends. Thanks.
  • Let’s keep chatting and see if we can remain friends.
  • We are friends already.
  • I’m not in for that. I’m busy these days.
  • If you are not interested in me, I would not like to be friendzoned.

Yes, we can be friends

As long as you are OK with being friends with the person and you have no issues with it, you can simply agree by saying “yes, we can be friends.” This communicates to the person that you are comfortable with being “just friends.”

This means that nothing romantic is attached; you guys are just friends, as you have agreed. This answer is simple and straight to the point.

It is usually good to define relationships with people. If you guys have agreed that you will remain friends, then that relationship is defined.

I would think about it

you can use this simple answer if you are not really sure who the person is. You would not want to be friends with someone you know nothing about. It is best to not rush things.

Just reply by telling the person you will think about it. You do not want to make rash decisions on the kind of friends you keep. This answer helps you think before making a decision. This is even for your own good.

No I don’t

If you already know the person and you are not fully comfortable with being friends with that person, simply tell him or her straight up that you do not want to be friends, not minding how the person will feel.

As long as you are intentional about the kind of friends you keep, you should scrutinize the kind of people you let into your life, especially those who would disguise themselves as “friends.” If you are not OK with being friends with the person, just go ahead and decline.

Maybe I may end up liking you

This type of reply is best if you do not really like the person, but you see potential in that person to be a good friend. Of course, you may end up liking the person. That is the best answer to give in a situation like this.

You may not really like the person right away, but you can see signs that you both may just be good friends in the future.

Can’t we be more than friends?

You may have liked the person and expected to have a close relationship or something similar, but then the person asked if you could be “just friends.“Respond by asking if you guys can be more than just friends.

This is a good response if you feel like you and the person can have a deeper or more close relationship. If the person wants to be more than just friends, he or she may likely accept.

Let’s be more than friends

This is a good reply for someone you want to be more than just friends with. Reject the offer of being just friends and let the person know that you want to be more than just friends.

This sends a message to the person that you know exactly what you want and you do not want to go about being friends with someone when you originally wanted to be more than friends with the person.

Don’t you find me attractive enough to be more?

How To Respond To Let's Just Be Friends

It could be that the person does not find you attractive enough to be more than just a friend. That is why you need to ask the question so that you will be sure exactly what the situation is.

Maybe there is someone else he must have considered more attractive, and he felt you could just stay as regular friends, probably because you are not as attractive as that person.

Anyway, you may not know if that is the exact reason, and that is why you need to ask the question.

This appears you no longer like me

 this is the response you should give if you and he were once very close and he suddenly asked if you could be friends. Obviously, you guys were more than just friends, so why the sudden request to just be friends?

That means something is wrong somewhere. That is why you need to ask this question if he doesn’t like you anymore. If that is the case, then he should come out plain and let you know if he does not find you attractive.

Are you trying to friendzone me? That is not what I want

 Nobody likes to be friendzoned, and when you are asking someone you used to be close to to be just friends, it looks like you are trying to friendzone the person.

If you are in that situation, ask if he is trying to friendzone you. He may be trying to friendzone you. You may not know.

That is more reason why you need to ask. This puts you in a better position to know what exactly he is trying to do. When you ask, you get answers.

I never expected this, but thank you for being honest

 You may have been expecting something better from him. You have probably been expecting him to ask you out, probably because of how close you both have become.

Then all of a sudden, he asked if you guys could remain friends. As someone who has been expecting something better, you will not be happy about this, but at the same time, you will be grateful that at least he was being honest with you and not trying to play around with you.

I don’t want that. I’ll miss you though

This is a simple and straightforward answer. You guys were more than just friends, probably in the past, but then there was no connection again and he requested that you guys stay as friends.

Simply let the person know that you appreciate the friendship that both of you have. If you do not want to be just friends, appreciate the friendship, then say you do not want that.

That let the person know you expected more and don’t want to be just friends; you’d rather be something more than just a friend.

We cannot stay friends, text me if you need me

This shows that you still care. You guys may not be able to stay as close as you used to be, but you still care for the person and you do not want to totally lose contact.

You can simply tell the person that you cannot remain friends, but that he or she can call or text you if he or she needs you.

That is a simple way of saying that both of you cannot remain friends, but you do not need to lose contact completely.

It was nice knowing you, but we have to part ways

 If it was really nice to know the person and you did not want to be just friends because you wanted to be something more than just friends, just let him know that it was nice to know him and you guys would have to part ways at that point in time.

If this is what you want, then so be it

 If you want the fate of your friendship to be decided by him, and you are totally okay with whatever decision he makes about your friendship.

If he wants you guys to remain just friends, then so be it. If that is what you want, then go ahead and tell him. Let him know you are totally okay with whatever decision he makes about your friendship.

If you are not interested in me; say it

 Ask if he is not interested in you again. Maybe he does not want to have anything to do with you and he is trying to cover up by trying to tell you that you two should remain just friends.

Simply respond by telling him that if he is not interested in you, he should come out plain and say so so that you would be aware. This helps to keep things straight and for you to know your stand in you guys’ relationship.

I’m not interested. I have enough friends. Thanks

If you feel you have more than enough friends and you do not want to be “just friends” with someone else, If you do not want that, simply respond by saying you are not interested and you have enough friends already.

This answer is straightforward enough and it communicates that you know exactly what you are looking for in a friend.

Let’s keep chatting and see if we can remain friends

With this response, you want to give the person some time to see if he is someone you would like to be friends with.

This is a good response because you have all the time you want to know the type of person he is when you chat and have some conversation.

After some time, you will be able to come to a conclusion based on whether you still want to be friends with the person.

We are friends already

This is if you really like the person and you are totally comfortable with both of you being just friends. Simply let him know that you have already accepted the friend request.

I’m not up for that. I’m busy these days

How To Respond To Let's Just Be Friends

Maybe you guys were once close, but all of a sudden he wanted you to be just friends, and you became so caught up in work that you do not have ample time to be “just friends” with someone that you were once so close to.

Simply respond by telling him that you are getting so busy these days and you are not up for that.

I would not like to be friendzoned

Perhaps you liked him and you thought you guys were going to be more than just friends. Then he pops the question and you become pissed.

You can simply respond that if he is not interested in you, you would not like to be friendzoned at all.

Give yourself some prestige, especially if you are constantly put in that friend zone when you are actually looking for a serious relationship.


These are the best 20 responses that I have shared. I am pretty sure that each of these answers has its uniqueness and you can use them when someone pops that friendzone question at you.

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