How to Respond to “Just Chilling”

Sometimes you could be having a conversation with a friend, only for him to reply to you by saying “just chilling”.

Sometimes it could be that he is chilling with friends or family and he just needs a time out with them.

How do you respond in a situation like this when someone says “just chillin'”? You need to be smart about your reply and not think that the person does not want to talk or does not want to have a conversation with you.

These replies that I will share in this article will help you to think of the best replies to give if you are in a situation like this.

15 Ways To Respond To “Just Chillin”

  1. Do you want to get frozen?
  2. After chillin’, what next?
  3. That’s cool
  4. When you’re done chillin’, let’s talk
  5. Ok, enjoy yourself
  6. Ok, maybe we can see later on
  7. Is it that I’m not worth talking to?
  8. Are you ignoring me?
  9. Are you chillin’ for real? Or you are messing with me?
  10. I guess you need some time alone
  11. When you feel you want to talk, let me know
  12. There is nothing wrong with it, enjoy yourself
  13. You need to do this frequently
  14. It’s ok if you need some time to chill with friends
  15. Can I join you?

Do you want to get frozen?

How to Respond to "Just Chilling"

This is a funny answer, usually, when something is cold, you can say that it is chill. When someone says he is chillin’, you can reply funnily by asking if he wants to get frozen.

It takes someone with a good level of humor to understand that you are just making a joke. This is a good reply you can give, that is if the person understands that you are making a joke.

After chillin’, what next?

This reply means that you are asking the person what he hopes to do after chillin’. It could be that you have plans for you both to hang out and you want to know if the person plans to go anywhere after chillin’.

This is why you should ask what next, it will help you know if the person will be available after chilling.

That’s cool

This is a reply you can give if you feel that both of you do not have any plans to hang out.

Since the person is chillin’, you do not need to say anything again.

When you’re done chillin’, let’s talk

This shows that you want to have a conversation with the person after he is done chillin’. Since he told you that he is just chillin’, he will most likely have some time for you when he is done chillin’.

If you want to have a conversation with the person after he is done chillin’, do well to reply this way. Tell him that when he is done chillin’ you will like you both to talk.

Ok, enjoy yourself

How to Respond to "Just Chilling"

This reply shows that you just want to wish him well and you want him to enjoy himself as he is chillin’.

You both may not have planned anything together, but the moment the person tells you he is just chillin’, reply by telling him to enjoy himself.

This is a way of wishing him well and hoping that he enjoys himself while chilling.

Ok, maybe we can see later

You can use this reply if you have told him that you would like to see him, but you could not because he told you he was just chillin’.

If he told you that he was “just chillin'” and you still have it in mind to see him, reply by telling him that you will see him later when he is done chilling.

When he understands that you prefer to see him later when he is done chillin’, then he will have no issue.

Is it that I’m not worth talking to?

This reply is a way of asking the person if he is truly chillin’ or if he is not worth talking to. You may not know what exactly the person has in mind, but a reply like this will help you know if the person thinks you are not worth talking to.

You may not be able to know what the person is thinking, but this reply will help you to know if the person wants to talk to you or not.

Are you ignoring me?

Some people don’t want to talk to you and they will always find an excuse they can use to not talk to you. Some may tell you that they are “just chillin'” simply because they do not want to talk to you.

How will you be able to know if the person is ignoring you or not? You may not be me to tell at first, but if you ask if the person is ignoring you, from his reply, you will be able to tell.

Are you chillin’ for real? Or you are messing with me?

Some people like to mess with people by saying things that they do not mean. If you were not going to talk to the person then you should not give an excuse that you are “just chillin'”.

You may not be able to know, but with this reply, you will have a better understanding of what the person wants to do. If he is messing with you or not.

I guess you need some time alone

As humans, we need some time alone where we can clear our heads. That could be the situation with the person and that would most likely be the reason why he said he is just chillin’.

Sometimes, it is good to chill with friends and family just to clear your head.

It may just be that the person needs some time alone, not that he does not want to talk to you. This is a good reply that you can give in case you find yourself in this type of situation.

When you feel you want to talk, let me know

The person may not just want to talk, he prefers to tell you that he is just chillin’ so that you do not have to bother him with so much long talk. He may be avoiding you because he is not in a good state of mind to talk.

In a reply like this, you can tell him that when he is ready and he feels like he wants to talk, he should let you know so that you both can have a conversation.

This is one way to share your thoughts with people via conversations. When the person is done chilling, you both can talk for as long as you want.

There is nothing wrong with it, enjoy yourself

In this reply, you are telling the person that there is nothing wrong with trying to chill and have some fun either alone or with someone or even family. Having alone time is therapeutic, and I will recommend it to you.

With a reply like this, you show concern and you also make it obvious that you want the best for him.

With a reply like this, he will start to see you differently and he will know that your intentions towards him are pure.

You need to do this frequently

This is a reply that sends a message that you are aware that the person spends a lot of time working and he barely takes some time out to chill or even have a good time with friends and family. In this reply, you encourage him that he needs to chill frequently.

It can help you to rejuvenate especially in times of burnout. Just have a chill time with friends and family or if you prefer to do it alone, it is still a good idea.

It’s ok if you need some time to chill with friends

It’s ok if you take some time out to chill with friends, that is what this reply is all about. If you have a friend you want to have a conversation with and he tells you that he is “just chilling” with his friends, then you should let him be.

Also, let him know that it is ok if he needs some time out to chill with his friends. That alone will make him understand that you value his growth and you will love to see him at his best.

That is why you recommend he gets some time to chill with friends. Sometimes, that is what you need to get yourself together.

Can I join you?

When he says he is just chilling, ask him if you can join him. This is a way of saying that you are interested in joining him and you want to spend some time with him too.

Final words

When you are talking with someone and he replies by telling you that he is “just chilling”, do not assume or jump to the conclusion that the person is trying to make an excuse to not talk to you.

Make use of any of the replies I have explained in this article so that you will always know what to say if you find yourself in this situation.

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