How to Respond to “Don’t Be A Stranger” (20 Quick-Fire Responses)

It is possible that you know someone but you guys are not so close because you have not spent ample time together. To respond to ‘’don’t be a stranger’’, you can simply reply by telling the person that you hope to see him again.

This is one reply you can give. However, it could be that the person just wants to get to know you better and wants to spend more time with you.

If you also want to spend some time with the person, let the person know in your reply that you will also want to spend time with the person so that you both will no longer be strangers.

These replies will help you know what to say in situations where someone tells you ‘’don’t be a stranger’’. Take a look at the 20 replies you can give.

20 Responses to “Don’t Be A Stranger”

  1. I hope to see you again
  2. Do you want us to be friends?
  3. Maybe we are better off as strangers
  4. I do not think I will like to be friends with you
  5. Do you think you are worthy enough to be my friend?
  6. Ok, you can contact me and let us talk
  7. I am not a stranger, we chat all the time
  8. But you follow me on social media, I am not a stranger to you
  9. Tell me what you want to know
  10. You know a lot about me already, how are we, strangers?
  11. Maybe I am the one that does not know about you, let us chat
  12. We can still see often let us get acquainted
  13. Let us plan when next we can meet
  14. Let us just stay as business partners
  15. Our work does not permit us to get close, let us stay as strangers
  16. I will love to, but you were rude the first time I met you
  17. I do not have to always do the calling, you can call
  18. When next do you want us to see it, let me know
  19. I will try to come to our next meeting
  20. It is not my fault, you never show up for meetings or parties

I hope to see you again

How to Respond to "Don’t Be A Stranger"

This shows that you hope to see the person again and you want to know how possible it will be for you both to not be strangers anymore.

When you give this reply, it shows that you are also interested in making sure that you both are no longer strangers.

This is a good reply especially if you want to be genuine friends with the person.

Do you want us to be friends?

How to Respond to "Don’t Be A Stranger"

This is a way of asking the person if he truly wants to be friends with you. When you get his feedback if he wants to be friends with you, you will be able to decide if you truly want to be friends with the person.

If the person says yes, then you can go ahead to make sure that the person is no longer a stranger to you. This reply can help make things clearer.

Maybe we are better off as strangers

This is a reply you can give if you do not want to have anything to do with the person and you prefer that you both are strangers than for you to be friends.

It could be that you must have done business with or have been friends with the person before and you do not want to have anything to do with him because of his character.

If that is the case you can simply tell the person that it is better if you both stay as strangers. If you both stay as strangers, you will not have to worry about your both having differences.

I do not think I will like to be friends with you

This is a reply you can tell the person if you do not want to be friends for personal reasons or any reason that you have.

Maybe you do not like the person’s aura. It is not a bad thing to say that you do not want to be friends with the person.

Just let the person know in a calm way that does not sound rude.

Do you think you are worthy enough to be my friend?

This reply shows that you are careful about the type of people you have around you and you want to make sure that those you have around you are worth it. You like to have valuable people around you.

Letting the person know that he is not worthy to be your friend is not rude, it is only passing a message that you are so careful with who you have around you and you do not want to have any kind of person as your friend.

Ok, you can contact me and let us talk

This shows you are willing to have a conversation with the person, and maybe from there, you both will no longer be strangers. If the person shows up, you both can talk about certain things that you will be willing to share.

That way, you both can become friends and you will not be strangers anymore. This reply is a good one.

I am not a stranger, we chat all the time

This reply shows that he does not know that you both have been chatting for a long. He still thinks you guys are strangers because he has no idea that you both have been talking over text.

Let him know in your reply that you both are not strangers. If he knew, he would not have said that you both are strangers.

But you follow me on social media, I am not a stranger to you

It could be that he follows you on social media and he has been liking your posts on social media for a while and he still could not figure out that you are the one.

Remind him on social media that he has been liking your posts and he is still not able to figure out that you both are not total strangers.

Tell me what you want to know

This shows that you do not want to remain, strangers, just as the person told you. You are interested in getting to know the person.

In this reply, you simply ask the person what he wants to know about you. That way, you make it easier for the person to know you better and you both will no longer remain strangers.

You know a lot about me already, how are we, strangers?

This reply shows that the person already knows a lot about you, and it sounds strange that the person still thinks that you are a stranger.

Let the person know that he already knows a lot about you and that you are not strangers as the person may think.

Maybe I am the one that does not know about you, let us chat

It could be that you are the one who does not know anything about the person and that is why it seems as though you both are strangers.

Let the person know that you are the one who does not know anything about the person and you would like it if you both have a chat so you are familiar and not strangers anymore.

We can still see often let us get acquainted

This reply shows that you both can still see often and that is what you prefer. When you both see each other often, you are going to get acquainted with each other and you will not seem like a stranger.

With replies like these, you expect the person to respond and let you know that he will also be interested in getting to know you.

Let us plan when next we can meet

This reply means that you both are making conscious efforts to get to know each other. When you plan on when next to meet, that is an avenue for you both to know each other.

This shows you and the other person are interested in getting to know one another. This way, you both will no longer be strangers.

Let us stay as business partners

It could be that you both work in the same place or you work as business partners and you do not want the relationship that you both share to exceed a business relationship.

If that is the case, you can simply let the person know in your reply that you do not want your relationship to exceed what goes on in business and that you want to just remain business partners.

The person should not get offended, however, he should understand that you prefer to just stay as business partners.

Our work does not permit us to get close, let us stay as strangers

It could be that where you both work does not permit employees of the opposite gender to get too close, probably because the company wants the employees to be at their best and not have anything hindering their efficiency at work.

This is a reply you can give if your workplace does not permit employees of the same gender to get too close. That way, you both will understand each other and there will be no form of sentiment or grudge.

I will love to, but you were rude the first time I met you

It could be that you both seem as if you are strangers because the other person was rude to you the first time you met him.

Because you got that first impression that he was rude, you did not want to have anything to do with him at all. Replies like these can make the person regret his actions.

I do not have to always do the calling, you can call

Maybe you both seem like strangers because you are the one that always does the calling and the person has not picked up the phone to call you for once, even though you do call frequently.

Let the person know that you would appreciate it if he also takes him time to call you and you do not always have to be the one doing the calling.

When next do you want us to see it, let me know

This shows you are open if the person wants to see you at any time. You also want to be friends with the person but you prefer if the person informs you when next he wants you both to see.

Since you both do not want to be strangers anymore, you can communicate to the person that he should let you know when next he wants you both to see.

I will try to come to our next meeting

Maybe you both seem as though you are strangers because you both work in a place and you do not show up for meetings. Let the person know that you will come for the next meeting, you could start to be friends from there.

It is not my fault, you never show up for meetings or parties

Maybe the person is the one who does not show up at parties or meetings. Let the person know this so that he can start to show up for meetings or gatherings. That way, you both can become acquainted.

Final words

If it happens that you both work in the same place but it seems as though you guys are strangers, let the person know that it is either you or the person that does not show up for gatherings or meetings and that is why it seems like you both are strangers.

Try to show up often and attend meetings so that you both do not have to worry about not knowing each other. It works better this way.

The replies that I have shared in this article will make it easier for you to reply to someone who says “don’t be a stranger”.