How to Respond to mhm

When you are having a conversation with someone and the person goes ‘’mhm’’, the first thing that comes to your mind is that the person said yes.

This is because, originally, when someone says ‘’mhm’’, the literal meaning is that the person said yes.

It means that the person is positively replying to you. In a situation like this, you can ask the person what he means by mhm if you are not sure what it means.

This article will help you with the best 15 replies you can give when someone says ‘’mhm’’.

15 Ways To Respond To Mhm

  1. ‘’Ok’’
  2. Is that a yes?
  3. If you mean yes, then we are fine
  4. What exactly do you mean? I do not want to assume
  5. Are you a hummingbird?
  6. Can you repeat what you just said?
  7. I am sorry, I did not get what you said after ’’mhm’’.
  8. Can you explain better?
  9. Can you make it easier for me to get you?
  10. What do you mean? I don’t want to misunderstand you
  11. You sound ambiguous
  12. Are you saying this is the end of the conversation?
  13. If you are good to go, then I am set.
  14. Yes, I agree
  15. Indeed


How to Respond to mhm

This is a simple positive reply that you can give when someone says mhm. If the person says mhm, then it will be that the person agrees with you and whatever decision you make.

Saying Ok, means you agree with the person. This is a good response that you can give when the person gives you such a reply. When you reply this way, the person will also understand that you agree with what he said.

Is that a yes?

How to Respond to mhm

Sometimes, when someone says mhm, the person may mean yes, but you as a person may not understand what the person said. That is why you need to ask in your reply if the person meant yes.

In your reply, ask the person, is that a yes? When you ask the person, you will get a reply, when the person replies if that is yes or no, you will know the next line of action to take or what to say next.

This makes it easier for you instead of assuming that the person meant yes when in the real sense, he did not. That is why you need to ask to be sure.

If you mean yes, then we are fine

This reply shows that you both may have agreed on something then you were expecting a reply from the person and the person said mhm, you can simply reply by saying that you are ok with it if what the person means is a yes.

This reply saves a lot of time because you know full well that the person said yes based on the question that was asked. If the person said yes and you also agree, then you are good to go.

What exactly do you mean? I do not want to assume

In a reply like this, you communicate to the person that you are the type of person that does not like to assume, you prefer to know what exactly the person means or is trying to say rather than assuming.

When you assume, you could either be wrong or right. But such a person will prefer to not take such a risk and he will ask. That is why this reply is important.

You do not want to assume that is why you are asking what exactly the person means.

Are you a hummingbird?

This is more like a sarcastic reply that you can give. Sometimes you may need to be careful while giving this type of reply so that the person may not feel offended.

When the person replies by saying ‘’mhm’’ it sounds like a hummingbird.

In your reply, ask if the person is a hummingbird. The person should not take this seriously because it is a sarcastic reply.

If after giving this reply and you notice that the person got upset because of the reply, let the person know that you are only being sarcastic.

Can you repeat what you just said?

This reply shows that you do not understand what the person just said and you want the person to repeat himself so that you can hear clearly to avoid misunderstanding.

Let the person repeat himself so that you will know what exactly you are to reply to. When the person replies you will know the best way to reply.

I am sorry, I did not get what you said after ’’mhm’’.

This is a reply you can give if the person said something after saying ‘’mhm’’. You may have heard the ‘’mhm’’, but you did not hear what the person said after that, then you can let the person know that you did not hear what he said.

After you have replied, the person will respond to you and you will be able to get what the person said without getting confused.

Can you explain better?

In this reply, you let the person know that you want him to explain better so that you will fully understand what the person said.

The moment the person explains better, you will not have to worry too much about not being able to get what he said because the explanation would have made it clear to you.

Can you make it easier for me to get you?

Some people are so fond of making things difficult for people when they talk they will not use words that you will find easy to understand, they will rather not say them instantly.

That is why you need to reply and tell the person to make it easier for you to understand. The person will most likely reply to you and make you understand what he said.

What do you mean? I don’t want to misunderstand you

In this reply, you make it obvious that you do not want to misunderstand the person, you reply by asking the person what exactly he means so that you do not misunderstand what he is trying to say.

When you reply, the person will explain better, that way, you will understand the person better when the person explains to you what he means.

You have already made it clear that you do not want to misunderstand the person, you will get a response from the person.

You sound ambiguous

When someone sounds ambiguous, the person likes to use big words so that people will find it difficult to understand what he is saying.

Let the person know this, when he knows that he sounds ambiguous, he will adjust and use words that you will be able to understand.

With a reply like this, the person will understand that you do not understand his ambiguous words, he should use words that people will understand.

Are you saying this is the end of the conversation?

When the person says mhm, it shows that he agrees with you and he is trying to say yes, if he says yes, then it means that it is the end of the conversation.

Once the person says yes, then there is no more thing to talk about.

If you are good to go, then I am set too

This reply shows that you know full well that the person means yes by saying ‘’mhm’’.

Since you already know what the person means, then you do not need to prolong the talk, simply reply by saying that if the person is good to go then you are too.

This reply shows that you both must have agreed on something beforehand, and when the person said ‘’mhm’’, it means the person said yes to you.

Yes, I agree too

In this reply, you also agree with the person and you know that the person is telling you that you also agree with what the person is saying. You are saying that you also agree and you will not do otherwise.

The person also agrees by saying mhm.


This shows that you are in support of what the person says, you also agree. With a reply like this, you agree to what the person is saying without asking twice what the person said.

Indeed means ‘’truly’’. This reply speaks volumes, you already agree with what the person said.

Final words

When someone says mhm, he most likely means that he agrees. But in a situation where you do not fully understand what the person means, you are free to reply with any of the replies that I have shared in this article.

Whichever reply you decide to use, it will go a long way to help you get what you need.

The next time someone replies by telling you mhm, if you do not understand, make sure you ask, and if you understand that the person meant yes, then you do not need to ask further questions. Take it as a yes.

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