How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat?

When someone calls you flat, simply tell the person that you love the way you look and you are comfortable with it.

You do not have to look like a model to look good. When someone calls you flat, what the person means is that you have a less visible body shape

In reality, the person is referring to the size of your body. The person can say that you are flat on both sides.

Ladies are usually the ones referred to when people say the word “flat”. because it is typically applied to females with small to less visible body frames.

There are some things you can say to someone if the person calls you flat, but do not say these responses in a ride way. Take a look at some of the responses.

10 responses to someone calling you flat

  1. I love the way I look and I am comfortable with it
  2. Do you think it is proper to call me flat?
  3. You can choose to say whatever you want. I can choose to ignore you
  4. People can say what they want. However, you need to know that there are limits to what you say to people
  5. I am not sure what exactly your intentions are for calling me flat
  6. Do not say a word to me if you do not have something valuable to say
  7. It would have been better if you said nothing and minded your business
  8. You have a talented eye to make such an observation
  9. Apparently, I did not ask for your opinion on my body
  10. If you channel that energy into something else, you will be more productive

I love the way I look and I am comfortable with it

How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat

When you say this to someone, he understands that you are confident in your body and comfortable with how you look.

Even though you do not have huge body frame, it sends a message to the person that you love the way you look and you have no intentions of changing it.

Men who are insecure always want you to become insecure too, so what they will do is try to make you feel insecure by making comments about your body.

Obviously, you have no control over the size of your body, and it is completely inappropriate to comment on the size of her body when you know full well that she did not create herself and she has no say in whether her body frame is large or small.

If you are in this situation, just respond by telling the person that you are comfortable with how you look and that you cannot be intimidated by anyone commenting on your body.

Do you think that it is proper to call me flat?

This is a good response to say to someone who calls you flat. Is it really proper to comment on people’s bodies in such an insensitive way?

In a real sense, is it proper to call someone flat? It is not. When you ask the person that question, he or she will have a second thought to see if it is actually proper to call someone fat.

Some women are actually how they are because of circumstances that are beyond their control. Some women have bloated stomachs because of childbirth.

Some other women have small body because of one health issue or the other. So, it is not really proper to say someone is flat.

People often respond differently to this, and some may not even take it well with you if you call them flat, especially if you say it in a public place.

You can choose to say whatever you want. I can choose to ignore you

How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat

This is a powerful response to say. One underrated ability we have as humans is the ability to ignore. It can save us a lot of stress.

If someone calls you flat, simply tell the person that he or she can choose to say whatever they want because, apparently, the mouth belongs to them, so you cannot dictate to them what to say, but you have it in your power to choose the way you want to respond to it.

When you let the person know that you can literally choose to ignore whatever the person is saying to you, then you become the powerful one because you do not allow external factors to determine how you behave.

The person will even be amazed at how you were able to maneuver such a thing. Others will be forced to fight back or even say abusive things to the person, but when you ignore them, it puts you in a power position.

People can say what they want. However, you need to know that there are limits to what you say to people

It is true that freedom of speech exists.

Freedom of speech actually means that people are free to say what they want at any given point in time.

But it is also important to note that whatever thing you are saying to someone, there are limits to it.

Especially if you are making derogatory comments about the person and if the comments are in no way helping the individual, but instead bringing the individual down and exposing her to low self-esteem.

When you repeatedly remind or say in such a harsh way that a woman is flat on both sides, meaning she has fewer visible small body frame

If you find yourself in this situation, make sure to remind the person who is telling you that there is a limit to free speech and that there are some things you should not say to people because they are derogatory.

I am not sure what exactly your intentions are for calling me flat

When someone says something to you, the person usually has the intention of saying that thing to you. You may not know what the intentions of that person are.

However, if the person says to you that you are flat on both sides, simply respond by asking what his intentions are for calling you flat.

This will give you an idea of if that person actually means something bad towards you or if the person may just be trying to make you less confident by saying derogatory things about you, like commenting negatively about your body.

The person already knows that you are aware that he has no good intentions toward you.

When you ask the person what his intentions are, the person will get dumbfounded. If he knows fully well that his intentions towards you are not good, he will not know what to say.

Do not say a word to me if you do not have something valuable to say

How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat

It is usually good when you have valuable people around you as friends.

Now, imagine if you have someone who calls you flat. Is that person valuable to you? Definitely not.

He or she is only making you feel less confident to the point of having low self-esteem.

If someone calls you flat, and you are not comfortable with it, respond by telling him that if he does not have anything valuable to say to you, he should not even say anything to you.

This sends a signal to him that you are so conscious of what you listen to and the caliber of people you have around you as friends.

Personally, if you have friends in your circle that continuously call you flat, and you obviously are not comfortable with that, then you should not have such people in your circle of friends.

It would have been better if you said nothing and mind your business

How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat

There are times that you need to be direct and assertive. Oftentimes, people say things that are so unnecessary, and if they are able to channel the energy used in saying unnecessary things into something else, they could possibly be more productive.

If you reply like this to someone who calls you flat, it sends a message to the person that you are not the type that has the time to trash talk and that you are very intentional about what you hear.

Simply tell the person that it would have been better if he remained silent instead of saying something that has no benefit to you.

Encourage the individual to mind his own business rather than saying things he has no idea how to come up with.

He has no idea if you are that way because of a health challenge. That is more reason why he needs to mind his business so that he does not say things that are uncalled for.

You have a talented eye to make such an observation

This communicates to the person that you have really good eyes to notice that you don’t have very big frame

Well, it is not as if you need to look closely for someone to notice that you do not have big enough body frame, you are just being sarcastic by drawing attention to the person’s eyes.

You are also indirectly telling the person that for him to have seen and focused on your body shows that he does not mind his business in the first place.

This is a good reply that you can give to someone who has his or her business in how you look, instead of focusing on himself.

Apparently, I did not ask for your opinion on my body

How to Respond to Someone Calling You Flat

Yes, this is another good response you can say to the person. This makes it so clear that you do not care what other people’s opinions about your body are.

You know how you look and you are 100% comfortable in your own skin. Let the person know that you did not ask for his or her opinion about your own body.

After you give this reply, the person will definitely not know what to say at that point, knowing fully well that you never wanted to hear him speak because you did not even ask for his opinion in the first place, and what he is saying has no way of adding value to you.

In fact, you do not even need it. Let them know that you are fully aware of how you look and that you are comfortable with it. You do not need anybody to remind you of how you look.

If you channel that energy into something else, you will be more productive

This one is actually a good reply as well. Simply tell the person that instead of wasting his energy telling you that you are flat, he can simply channel that energy into something else, something that would make him more productive.

Once you tell him this, he will definitely not have anything to say to you again because he knows that you are not giving him listening ears, and you also advised him to channel that energy into something else.

Next time, instead of him wasting his energy telling you how flat you are, he will rather do something more productive with that time and energy, and he will feel better.


It is not a good thing to repeatedly make derogatory comments about someone’s body. Especially when you have no idea how that person became like that.

The best you can do is say nothing and walk away. That person is probably comfortable with her looks, and she does not need to be reminded of how she looks.

If you are the type of person that loves making such statements to people, you should definitely stop doing so as it is not doing them any good.

Such statements could make someone lose confidence in her looks and also cause her to have low self-esteem.

Ladies who are flat are already aware of it and they need not be reminded.

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