20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

Every day we always have things to thank people for. One of the smallest things like adding someone on Facebook should be appreciated too.

What other way can you say “thank you” to someone that added you on Facebook? We need new words and expressions to use whenever we want to show our gratitude to people.

The more you appreciate people the more they do things for you. Let’s check out 20 different ways to say thanks for adding me on Facebook. 

20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

  • Thanks! This means a lot to me
  • Thanks for adding me
  • I want to thank you for adding me
  • Many thanks
  • Accept my deepest gratitude
  • I appreciate you 
  • I’m thankful for this
  • I’m so grateful for this
  • I sincerely appreciate your help
  • Thank you for your help
  • I won’t take this for granted
  • That’s so kind of you
  • Thanks a billion
  • Thank you! I hope to have fun here
  • Your help means a whole lot to me
  • Much obliged. 
  • Couldn’t have done this without your help
  • You’re so helpful. Thanks 
  • Just know I owe you one
  • Thank you for taking your time to add me

Thanks! This means a lot to me

This expression is used when something is very important to you. Using it as a form of appreciation shows that the act of adding you on Facebook is a very important thing and you so much appreciate it with all of your heart.

This expression shows that you’re really happy about what was done for you and you acknowledge the fact that it is important and will be very useful to you. First, you appreciate the help, then you tell the person how much it means to you.

Thanks for adding me

This is a very simple way of telling someone *thank you*. The only difference is that you’re being specific on what you appreciate the person for.

You’re thanking the person for adding you on Facebook. This could be direct and simple. You can say this to someone you’re very close to as it is very casual and simple.

I want to thank you for adding me

This way of thanking someone is very polite and also a very deliberate way of saying. It could be that you want to make your appreciation clear to a person.

This expression implies that you recognize the person’s effort. You recognize that someone has done something very special and kind for you and you want to Thank you.

This expression makes your gratitude a bit clear to whom you’re referring. You can go ahead to add the person’s name by saying; I want to thank John for adding me on Facebook. It is also a formal way of thanking a person for adding you on Facebook. 

Many thanks

This phrase is also very formal but can still be used. It is a very common method used in ending emails and messages. You can use it if you’re not so familiar with the person.

This phrase is an expression of gratitude but in a greater way. It is in a way greater than just saying “thank you” or “thanks” to a person. With this expression, you’re expressing your gratitude in a greater way. 

Accept my deepest gratitude

20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

Though this is a formal way of thanking someone it’s still acceptable to use. This expression is sincere and shows you appreciate the help. You feel very grateful for this and it is the best way to show your sincerity.

You’re trying to make your appreciation sincere and genuine to the person. It is very formal and polite. You can use this when you are not so familiar with the person.

You cannot use this for someone you’re close to because it is not casual and friendly. It would sound strange to a friend when you say thank you in this way, it is best you go for a more casual expression if you’d like to appreciate a friend.

I appreciate you 

It always feels good to be appreciated by someone and to appreciate someone. So when you’ve been added to Facebook, the least you can do is show your appreciation to the person.

You appreciate the fact that they did something to make your life a little easy or their assistance did you a lot of good. When you say this be sure to express how much adding you on Facebook means to you and how it is going to be of good use to you. 

I’m thankful for this

20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

When you use this expression it means you’re conscious of what the person did for you. You’re grateful for the favor you received or have received. T

his shows that you’re well pleased with the person. It shows that you’re aware of the favor and you’re thankful for it. Using this in your expression shows how much you recognize the particular thing that was done for you. 

I’m so grateful for this

This expression is similar to the one above. The difference is in the words, thankful and grateful. When you say this, you can go further to mention that it is for adding you on Facebook. To personalize your message, you can explain how being added to Facebook will benefit you

I sincerely appreciate your help

This is a deep form of appreciation. It is used when you want to acknowledge the good or the help that a person rendered to you. Saying this will make the person willing to help out next time or in a different situation.

When you use the word sincerely it means you’re genuinely appreciating the person. You’re saying thank you earnestly, honestly, genuinely, and wholeheartedly. You’re not faking your appreciation. You’re plain about it.

 Thank you for your help

This is another direct way of thanking someone. You acknowledge the help and support that was rendered to you. You’re showing gratitude for the help you received.

This statement is very formal, but if you want to use this expression for a friend or someone you’re close to, you have to say it in this way; “Thanks for your help”. You are to use this expression for a friend because it sounds more casual than the first. 

 I won’t take this for granted

This expression means you don’t see what has been done for you the light way. You value it and you don’t see it lightly. When someone takes something for granted, it means they don’t value it, they show no appreciation or gratitude towards the thing that has been done for them.

This expression shows that you value what is being done for you and it won’t be taken lightly. You can use this expression when you’re aware of all the troubles the person went through just to do you such a favor. 

 That’s so kind of you

20 Best Ways To Say Thanks For Adding Me On Facebook

When a person is kind, the person shows concern and care toward your affairs. You’re acknowledging that the person is kindhearted and caring.

Probably you were not expecting that the person would be so kind enough to add you on Facebook. Here, you’re admitting that the person was so kind to do such a thing for you. Though you’re not saying the “thank you” directly but you’re still appreciating the person, just in another way. 

 Thanks a billion

This is another way of saying “thank you very much”. This is usually used for casual conversation. It would fit well when you’re thanking someone for adding you on Facebook. It’s also a way of saying “thanks a lot”.

Though the common phrase is “thanks a million” you can make yours personal and different by saying “thanks a billion” you can even say “thanks a trillion” if you like. You should use this expression for a friend as it is very casual.

 Thank you! I hope to have fun here

Here, you’re saying thank you with a little expectation for something more. You’re expecting to have fun on Facebook. Though you’re thankful and appreciate the help, at the same time you’re anticipating something which is to have fun.

This expression is a combination of thankfulness and anticipation. You look forward to having a lot of fun and this makes you quite grateful to the person for adding you. 

 Your help means a whole lot to me

This expression shows that you acknowledge the help and you’re saying that the help is really important to you. It means the help means a great deal to you. It is significant.

When you tell someone this, it shows that the assistance means so much more than the person could understand.

Probably, you’ve been wanting this because you want to do something on Facebook and finally you were added. You can use this when talking to someone you’re familiar with and also a person you’re not so close to.

 Much obliged

Obligation simply means being grateful or appreciative. This is a quick way to thank someone formally. It works well when you want to send your appreciation by text.

It is a formal and polite way of thanking someone. You can use this expression if you want to be formal with the person or if it’s a stranger you’re referring to.

 Couldn’t have done this without your help

This expression shows that you were not able to do it. It shows that you couldn’t have been able to do it without the person’s help or assistance. You shouldn’t hold back on how important their help was to you.

You show that you wouldn’t have had the assistance or gotten the help or gotten added on Facebook without the person’s help. The statement shows how much you rely on the person for assistance.

You’re sure that without that person you wouldn’t have been on Facebook. You rely on someone for assistance which you could not do. 

You’re so helpful. Thanks 

This is similar to the one above. It shows that you’re grateful and you admit and recognize that the person was helpful to you.

First, you acknowledge the person’s help and to what extent it is going to help you, and then you show your appreciation to the person. Here, you acknowledge first, then you appreciate. 

 Just know I owe you one

This expression is another indirect way of saying “thank you” to a person. The statement shows that you are going to return the favor one way or another. Sometimes, the best way in which we can appreciate a favor that was done for us is either by returning it or doing something nice to repay the person’s kindness.

This expression lets the person know that you plan on doing something in return. This favor could be helping the person out when they are in serious need.

It could be getting the person a nice gift. It could also be doing something similar to what has been done for you. This statement is promising and appreciated.

Thank you for taking your time to add me

This expression shows that you appreciate the way the person took out time to add you on Facebook. You appreciate the person’s time and the person’s help.

Probably, you know that this person is very busy or he is someone that doesn’t joke with his time, but this person took out time to add you on Facebook.

If you have a person like this or someone like this who does such a thing to you or for you, this statement would be perfect for you to use.


You don’t have to always say *thanks/thank you*. There are several other ways to show your gratitude to someone, and so many expressions and phrases to use in appreciating a person.

You’ve seen 20 different ways to thank a person for adding you on Facebook, these expressions can also be applicable to use for appreciation on other social media platforms.


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