How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

If you’ve got a crush, your best bet to get to them is through their social media. However, should you stalk them or ask directly?

You definitely should ask them. But, how do you ask without being weird? The only way to do so is by not making it weird. 

Asking someone for their Snapchat seems like a natural act but when it gets down to doing that, we may find out that we suck at it.

The possible reason we may sound weird asking someone for their Snapchat is that we’ve built our minds to think that way. And this will most times keep us from sounding casual and natural as we should.

So, what’s the best way to ask someone for their Snapchat without being weird? I’m going to help you with that in this article.

12 Ways to Ask Someone for their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

Your best shot at asking someone for their Snapchat without being weird is to directly ask them with a big dose of confidence.

If you don’t want to be direct, there are also ways to fix them in your conversations so they come out naturally and are not forced.

However, confidence is the key, because, without that, that’s when you begin to sound weird to yourself. Below are 12 ways to go about it naturally.

  • I use Snapchat, what’s yours?
  • Are you on Snapchat?
  • Is it okay if I follow you on Snapchat?
  • What’s your Snapchat, I would like to add you.
  • I am on Snapchat, are you?
  • Can I get your Snapchat?
  • Can I add you on Snapchat?
  • Do you have Snapchat?
  • Can I follow you on Snapchat?
  • Can we follow each other on Snapchat?
  • Can we chat on Snapchat?
  • Is it okay if I chat with you on Snapchat?

I Use Snapchat, What’s Yours?

The best way to ask someone for something is to go straight to the point without cutting corners. Going around the topic will make you sound weird.

If you’ve just met someone that you like and have an interest in connecting with them on Snapchat. You just go ahead and ask for their snapcode.

I use Snapchat, what’s yours?” is a direct and simple approach to request for someone’s Snapchat.

In this way, you’ve increased the chances of them giving you their snapcode to a very good percentage.

When you tell them you use Snapchat and ask what’s theirs, they either say they don’t use it or they go ahead and give it to you.

Now, it will be very difficult for a lie to come out without you knowing except they’re probably very excellent at lying.

So, this approach is very direct and more often than not, a successful one to get someone to give you their Snapchat.

Is It Okay if I Follow You on Snapchat?

Another direct way to ask someone for their Snapchat without being weird is to assume they’ve Snapchat with your question.

“Is it okay if I follow you on Snapchat?” is a very appropriate approach to use. This approach sounds very confident, and with this, no one would think you’re weird except you make it feel so.

This approach is appropriate and good to use when you’re getting to know the person. Their response will depend on the impression you leave or their interest in you.

Moreover, when you use this question, the person can either say yes or no or say they don’t use Snapchat if they don’t.

So there shouldn’t be any feeling of awkwardness or you feeling dumb if they tell you “no.” Depending on your conversation you should know what to be expecting.

And if you get a rejection when you aren’t expecting to, you can respond with “no problem” and change the topic or go your own way.

What’s Your Snapchat? I Would Like to Add You.

How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

Another effective way to ask someone for their Snapchat without being weird is to ask and then state your reason for asking.

This is a very direct approach that should work well. When you say, “what’s your Snapchat? I would like to add you,” you don’t give the person much chance to refuse.

This approach is appropriate to fit into a conversation about their social media life. Probably you’ve talked about Snapchat or other social media handles, so when you ask what’s your Snapchat it’ll flow naturally.

In addition, when you state the reason if they’re interested they’ll surely give you or have to lie that they don’t use Snapchat.

Can I Get Your Snapchat?

How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

Another proper way to ask someone for their Snapchat is to make the request straightforward.

Can I get your Snapchat?” is a straightforward approach. This question shows you probably know they use Snapchat. Also, it expresses your confidence.

When you say this confidently, the person should be able to see your boldness and this alone can move them to give you.

If they say no, then it’s probably because they don’t like you. However, you should not lose your confidence if they say no. Losing your confidence will end up making it sound weird.

Can I Add You on Snapchat?

How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

Can I add you on Snapchat?” is another way you can ask someone for their Snapchat. This is a cool approach that wouldn’t sound weird except you make it so if you ask with nervousness.

This approach is cool if you’ve talked with them and have probably seen an interest in them wanting to be friends with you

But you don’t have to wait to see the signs. You can always ask if you feel like it. If you’ve just met someone whom you hit it off with well, if you’re asking for their contacts, you can well ask for their Snapchat too.

Most people may think it’s too quick, but you can just go ahead and say, “can I add you on Snapchat” after collecting their contacts. It’s either they say yes or no. It’s no big deal except you make it so.

I am on Snapchat, Are You?

One cool way to ask someone for their Snapchat is to tell them you’ve Snapchat and then ask if they do.

When you say this, they are likely to be very truthful with you because they don’t know the reason you’re asking for yet. In this way, you’ve increased your chances of getting their snapcode.

When they tell you yes, you can then go ahead and then ask if you can get their snapcode. If the person is cool with you, then they should give you. 

Some persons may also likely release it if they don’t want to hurt your feelings since you already took the pain of asking if they are on Snapchat.

So, this is one effective way that wouldn’t make you weird except of course you make it so. 

Are You on Snapchat?

Another way we can ask someone for their Snapchat is simple, “are you on Snapchat.

This is a cool and effortless way to make your request known without being weird. When you ask this, depending on your conversation with the person, they likely might be straightforward with the answer.

And if you get a yes, then you go on with asking for their snapcode, letting them know you will like to be friends there. It’s as simple as this, nothing to make you weird.

Do you Have Snapchat?

Another good approach to requesting someone’s Snapchat is with, “do you have Snapchat?”

This request is easy to make without much effort. If you’ve had a good and interesting conversation with them, go ahead and ask if they’ve got Snapchat with or without having their contacts. 

It doesn’t need much thinking. If you begin thinking about it too much, you may end up sounding nervous and weird.

Moreover, If they’re interested, they’ll tell you they do and give you their snapcode. So, go straight and casually ask if they’ve got a Snapchat and then request for their snapcode if they do.

Can I Follow You on Snapchat?

Asking someone if you can follow them on Snapchat is another cool way to get their snapcode.

If you find someone you like, you can request to follow them on Snapchat. This request will be cool to make if you’ve been chatting on other social media platforms.

This will make it sound as natural as possible and they’re likely to see more reason to accept your request. You can make this request over any of your chats if you’ve not met.

But if you meet frequently, you can make this request physically, it’ll sound better that way. Make sure, you’re not worried they wouldn’t accept, this may affect how you sound or act.

Can We Follow Each other on Snapchat?

Another way to ask someone for their Snapchat is to ask if you both can

follow each other on the platform. 

This is a straightforward way of making your request known and wouldn’t make you weird. However, you should make this request known if you’ve had a conversation with the person.

It’ll be cool if you’re also following each other on other social media platforms too. So, when you make the request, it’ll be as natural as possible.

If you both are already familiar with each other on other social media platforms, the chances of getting their snapcode will be higher.

However, that’s not to say you shouldn’t ask when you’re just meeting the person and talking with them. If you feel up to it, do so; just be as natural as you can.

Can We Chat on Snapchat?


Another easy way to ask someone for their Snapchat is to ask if you both can chat on the platform.

This is a very simple and polite way to make a request and if the person finds you interesting, there’s no reason they shouldn’t agree.

You can make this request if you just met them and you both conversed well. You don’t have to wait till you meet again.

However, if you don’t feel comfortable on the first day, you can start with WhatsApp and Facebook. Then when you both are very relaxed with each other, you can request that you Snapchat.

Is It Okay if I Chat With You on Snapchat?

How to Ask Someone for Their Snapchat Without Being Weird?

Another way you can ask someone for their Snapchat is to request if you can chat with them on the platform.

This is another nice and easy way to make your request without being weird. Asking this would mean you both are familiar either online or offline.

And even if you’re just meeting the person, depending on how your conversation goes, you can make this request before you both depart.

You shouldn’t fear rejection, if the person is cool with you, they should give you. And if you sound confident, they’re likely to give you. So, make your request calmly. If they refuse, take it graciously.

Final Thoughts

Snapchat is fun and a cool place to chat and exchange pictures with your crush. Asking someone for their Snapchat isn’t a big deal if you don’t make it so.

However, you should know when to ask. It’ll be cool if you’ve both had an interesting conversation physically or offline. So, you can always make your request when you want.

The key to not being weird is not being weird. Make your request as natural as you can. Don’t bother about if you’ll get it or not.

Also, be confident even while texting online. If you don’t want to be weird, you won’t; it’s up to you.

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