What To Say After Adding Someone on Snapchat

Usually, when you add someone on Snapchat, you do not just go silent, do you? Definitely not! You have to say something to get the conversation going and to find out who or what that person does to see if you can both become business partners or even close friends.

If you have ever thought of what to say after adding someone on Snapchat and you found it difficult to think of something, this article will put you through it. I have written 20 things to say after adding someone on Snapchat.

20 things to say after adding someone on Snapchat

What To Say After Adding Someone on Snapchat

  • Hello, I love your snap. Can we be friends?
  • Hello there, and thank you for following.
  • You have such a nice page. Let’s connect.
  • Greetings! I stumbled on your snap. I think we could partner on a project.
  • Thank you for following. If you’re interested in a business proposal, send me a message.
  • You seem to post too often. I like that.
  • Your snaps are so clear. What phone is that?
  • I like the concept you use in your snaps. Could you show it to me?
  • Your snaps seem so professional. Are you a photographer?
  • Let’s be more than just friends.
  • Hello, what do you like about my snaps? I take feedback to help me get better at my content.
  • I’ll get in touch with you soon.
  • I will get back to you. I have something to share with you.
  • Are you open to collaboration?
  • I want to get some things sorted out first, I will message you
  • You seem like a potential partner I would like to work with in business.
  • Thank you for your kind welcome.
  • Thank you for being you. I love what you do.
  • I found you on someone else’s snap. You seem like someone I would like to collaborate with.
  • Your snaps do not in any way help me. I will unfollow you.

Hello, I love your snap. Can we be friends? 

When you like someone’s snap, you immediately become attracted to the person, and you would also like to become friends with them. That is the same situation here.

That is a message you say to the person. If you genuinely like the person’s snaps, ask if you can both be friends. You could get a positive response. Who knows? You will not know until you ask.

Hey there, thanks for following

What To Say After Adding Someone on Snapchat

Sometimes getting people to follow you on Snapchat is difficult. If someone follows you, it is not a bad idea to say thank you to the person.

This is a simple message that you can say to someone who just added you on Snapchat. Simply thank the person for following you. Then the person would become glad that he was followed and appreciated.

You have such a nice page. Let’s connect

What To Say After Adding Someone on Snapchat

This is a message you can send to someone you just saw on Snapchat if you truly love the person’s page. Simply comment by saying that you would like to connect with the person and see what kind of reply you get.

As long as you are legitimate and you also have a good Snapchat page, you will most likely get a positive reply.

Greetings! I stumbled on your snap

I think we could partner on a project: There are situations where you stumble on someone’s snap and you have no option but to connect and partner with the person because he does a great job.

In situations like this, you will have to message the person that you would like to partner on a project with to achieve a common goal. Once you send the message, you should anticipate a positive response. If you are someone of like mind, you can both partner on a project.

Thank you for following. If you’re interested in a business proposal, send me a message

This is another message you can send to someone if you notice that the person is a business-minded person and you want to connect with them based on business.

The person must have gone through your profile and saw that you are actually business-minded, then he chose to follow and connect with you. If the person is interested in a business proposal, he will reach out to you.

You seem to post too often. I like that

Sometimes, you just admire how consistent someone can be on social media. If that is the situation, and you just like how consistent the person is, since he followed you. This is a message you can send to someone you just added on Snapchat.

A message like this can even encourage the person to do more and become more consistent with what they are already doing.

Your snaps are so clear. What phone is that?

If the person is using a really good phone, you will notice that the person’s snaps will be so clear. Phones that do not have great camera quality usually suffer from poor snaps, especially when you post them on Snapchat.

If you notice the person’s snaps are so clear, you can send a message asking what phone the person uses to take such clear snaps. The person will reply, and then you will know what phone the person is actually using.

I like the concept you use in your snaps. Could you show it to me?

Some people are so creative that when they make snaps, they make them so good and attractive to watch. People like this usually have a photography or videography background.

This makes it easy for them to make a creative snap that others would find really attractive. If you notice such a person, you can easily ask the person the concept that was used in the snap and you will definitely get a reply. You could even learn from that concept too.

Your snaps seem so professional. Are you a photographer?

Some people’s snaps on Snapchat are so professional that you think they are photographers. Some are actually photographers, while some just have a photography background.

It is best to ask if the person is actually a photographer. Because some types of snaps are too good to be ignored.

Those who take pictures and make snaps that are so professional tend to take better pictures of their snaps on Snapchat. Ask them, they may just be photographers.

Let’s be more than just friends

What To Say After Adding Someone on Snapchat

 It is possible that you may be friends with someone on Snapchat and you find the person attractive enough to be more than just friends.

If the person is so attractive to you and you want you both to be more than just friends, you can start a conversation with the person and ask if you two can be more than just friends.

Once you ask, you will get a reply. If the person is interested in you, you will get positive feedback as well.

Hello, what do you like about my snaps? I take feedback to help me get better at my content

Sometimes you may need to take feedback from those that follow you to know what exactly they like about your snaps and why they followed you in the first place.

Once you send a message like this to the person, you will definitely get replies. The replies you get will help you get better at your own snaps too.

I’ll get in touch with you soon

This is a message you should send to someone you see potential in.

If at all, you like what the person does and you want to potentially work with them, simply let the person know that you will get in touch soon to discuss your collaboration or business ideas that you would like to work on.

With a message like this, the person would be expecting to work on a business project with you soon.

I will get back to you. I have something to share with you

This is a message you can send to someone you added on Snapchat. You have something you would like to share with the person.

As long as it’s a serious thing, you should give the person a heads-up so that they will expect your message. Once you send such a message to the person, he will expect your message soon.

Are you open to collaboration?

If you see someone on Snapchat that has value to offer and you feel you both can actually work on a collaboration, do not hesitate to send a message to the person asking how you can both collaborate on a project.

If you appear to be a good collaborator, the person may accept your offer.The best you can do is to ask for the collaboration. Definitely, you both can connect and work together as long as you have a common goal in mind.

I want to get some things sorted out first, I will message you

This is a message that shows you have something in mind to collaborate on with the person.

You want to collaborate, but you are currently working on something and you will reach out to the person in due time. With a message like this, the person has you in mind and will schedule a time that you can both meet and talk.

You seem like someone I would like to get to know more about. Are you interested?

Because Snapchat is a social media platform used by millions of people, you can meet someone who could end up being a life-long partner. It has worked for a lot of people.

It can work for you too. Simply send a message to ask if the person is interested in getting to know you more. Just the way you are interested, the person could be interested too.

Thank you for your kind welcome

Someone who just added you on Snapchat must have sent you a warm welcome that you loved. What you need to tell the person is to appreciate his warm welcome. If you happen to get one, simply thank the person in a message.

Thank you for being you. I love what you do

This is a message you should send if the person you added is someone you very much admire.

First, thank the person for being original and unique, and then express your admiration for what they do.With a message like this, the person will even love you more.

If the person understands that you find him attractive, he would be so happy about that.

I found you on someone else’s snap. Tell me about what you do

 There are many occasions where you stumble on someone else’s snap. In situations like this, you may not know who that person is actually, simply because you found him on another person’s snap.

What you need to do in a situation like this is to send a message asking what exactly he does so that you would know if you would be interested in the person’s product or service, or even if you want to be the person’s friend.

Your snaps do not in any way help me. I will unfollow you

This is a message you should send to someone if you do not find the person’s snaps helpful or impactful. Let the person know you do not find his content helpful, and then if you choose to unfriend the person, it is up to you.


Snapchat is a platform that is used by millions of people, and you get to meet new people on a daily basis. If you play your cards well, you could meet business partners, life partners, or someone that would end up being a lifelong friend.

These messages I have shared here will help you when you next want to send a message to someone you have just added on Snapchat. After reading through this article, you will not get stuck when next you want to send a message to someone you just added on Snapchat.


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