What Should You Say When A Girl Says You’re Crazy?

You might have heard this from a girl before, or you might get to hear it from one sooner or later. Don’t let it come as a surprise to you. You need to know what to say when a girl calls you crazy.

This article will show you the 20 responses you can say to her in return in a situation where she says you are crazy.

20 Things To Say When A Girl Says You Are Crazy

What Should You Say When A Girl Says You're Crazy?

  • Why would you call me that?
  • Do you know what it means to call someone crazy?
  • Now you may be the crazy one.
  • If you knew the repercussions of calling me crazy, you would not have said that.
  • If you are not ready to accept me the way I am, then stay off.
  • I’d prefer to do something better with my time than reply to you.
  • You need to take it easy right now.
  • Yeah, sure! I think I’m crazily in love with you.
  • Oh no! You don’t have to say that to me.
  • You must be kidding right now
  • Where are your manners, girl?
  • To be frank, that’s very rude and bad of you to call me that.
  • I’d pretend I didn’t hear that.
  • Okay, I’m crazy, and you are?
  • Have you lost your mind or something?
  • Be mindful of the words you use, okay?
  • I do not like name-calling.
  • Calling me crazy doesn’t make you any better.
  • So, then! Thank you!
  • I can be crazier, you know.

Why would you call me that? 

What Should You Say When A Girl Says You're Crazy?

For a girl to make such a remark, there ought to be a reason for it. This question right here would be a good reply for her. You should try to understand the reason behind the statement and see how to go about it thereafter.

When she opens up to you about why she called you crazy, you will know a better way to reply to her. If you do not ask, you may reply in a rash manner, which may not likely be necessary. But it is good that you asked why she called you that.

Do you know what it means to call someone crazy?

What Should You Say When A Girl Says You're Crazy?

She most likely has no idea what it means to be called “crazy.” You could ask her directly and see what she says in response. Calling someone crazy could mean a whole lot of things.

She has some explanation to give on why she referred to you in that manner. If she had an idea in the first place, she would not think of calling you crazy.

Now, you may be the crazy one

This is another way in which you could reply to such remarks from her, depending on the situation and how she said it. Replying this way might make her rethink and ponder if she is taking things too far.

She may be the crazy one, and she doesn’t even know it. For her to transfer such aggression to you and go all the way to calling you crazy, then something is wrong. She must have let her emotions get the best of her.

If you knew the repercussions of calling me crazy, you wouldn’t have said that

Most girls act and say things without even thinking of the consequences or aftereffects. Replying this way would bring to her consciousness the need to think and review what she said.

You both might be in some sort of relationship; making such remarks could be detrimental to what both of you share, and it’s not ideal for a healthy relationship or friendship. She should think of the consequences before even opening her mouth to call you crazy.

If you’re not ready to accept me the way I am, then stay off

 You could as well put it to her clearly that she should either accept you for who you are or she could leave you alone. It is as simple as that. This could be used when you’re both in a serious relationship.

If she loves you as she said, she would stick with you regardless of the few flaws you possess.

If someone calls you crazy, then it is most likely because you both have had an argument that aggravated into something else. Stay off if you are not able to accept someone for who they are.

I’d prefer to do something better with my time than reply to you

If you want to take it easy with her, then this is a good way to reply to her. This shows some level of maturity and how you’re less concerned about what she said to you. It reduces any potential exchange of words or quarrels.

But you also have to be careful when saying this, as it might seem to her that you’re being indifferent to the situation at hand. This is also a good reply to show that you no longer waste time on irrelevant things. Once she understands this, she will up her game.

You need to take it easy right now

A very good response, and a calm one at that. Saying this shows you’re trying to calm her down because you feel she’s taking it too far by referring to you as being crazy. This is you trying to be nice and not wanting to exaggerate things.

It’s also a way of calming her down if she’s already beginning to lose it. Tell her she needs to relax because the two of you cannot be telling each other; one must remain silent in order for the other to speak. Tell her to take it easy for a bit.

Yeah, sure! I’m crazily in love with you

 I know this sounds kind of hilarious or weird as a reply, but you can say this cheekily and you might just be lucky to get away with whatever problem that would have ensued. Telling her this is capable of melting her heart and making her blush.

Well, it depends on her mood and the current relationship between you two. For you to give this type of reply, you should know the kind of person she is to know if the kind of reply will work for her.

Oh no! You really don’t have to say that to me

 Saying this would make her feel guilty and know that she took it too far by making such a remark about you. No matter what might have occurred, she really didn’t have to say this, so it’s good you let her know that you’re not pleased with such a remark.

You are not pleased, and you are also disappointed in her for making such comments about you. She should have known you better than this.

You must be kidding right now

You can as well try to rebuff such statements, take them as a joke, and just laugh them off like it’s nothing. This would make you feel bad about it, but you won’t worry much over what she said.

This is also a way of keeping it cool and trying to assume she’s not being serious with the statement she made. Try this reply on her to see what exactly her response will be. She will most likely understand.

Where are your manners, girl?

You could pose this as a rhetorical question to her, because it’s likely she wouldn’t reply to such, by asking her if she lost her manners, definitely explaining to her that it was wrong and manner less for her to say such.

No good girl should refer to a guy as being crazy, no matter the situation. Even if you are not on good terms with the guy, it will not make sense for you too.

To be frank, that’s very rude and bad of you

This reply right here shows how downcast and disappointed you are with her, especially if there is a cordial relationship and you two have been in contact for quite some time now. You definitely weren’t expecting to hear that from her.

Telling her this just shows how terrible it was for her to say such and how she has let you down. Ladies are expected to be calm and charming. You should not be too rude, especially to the opposite gender, because you are indirectly pushing them away from you.

I’d pretend I didn’t hear that

You can as well choose to shrug it off by telling her you’d pretend not to hear it. This is another calm way of handling the matter without letting it cause further damage or harm.

So if you’re looking to show some level of maturity, you can do well to reply this way. When you act like you did not hear it, it makes her even more upset because she called you crazy, expecting you to react and get angry too.

But because you had been able to calm yourself, you reacted to it differently.

Okay, I’m crazy, and you are?

This is accepting that you are crazy and also posing a strong question to her as well. It would probably come as a shock too for her, because she wouldn’t expect you to reply this way, and it would leave her flabbergasted.

She would be in shock at such a reply. She definitely wouldn’t say she is crazy too. However, it is good you asked the question. You will be able to see how she will reach

Have you lost your mind or something?

This is also a rhetorical question, and it’s a good response to a statement like that, because you’re definitely assuming she is out of her senses to say such a thing. If she was in a good frame of mind, she definitely shouldn’t be saying such.

Be mindful of the words you use 

This response is just like a reminder; you don’t find it appealing at all, and that’s why you can reply this way, so she minds her choice of words whenever she addresses you henceforth. You can also use this when she regularly uses profane or foul language.

I do not like name-calling

No one likes to be called names, insulted, or treated as scum, so if you’re that type of person that doesn’t tolerate such things at all, this should be a good way to reply to her.

She definitely wouldn’t like it if you said the same thing to her, so why would she say such a thing to you? Therefore, make it clear that you don’t like to be called names. Simple.

Calling me crazy doesn’t make you any better

She doesn’t stand to gain anything by referring to you as crazy. Replying this way could be a good boost to your self-esteem and your whole well-being as a person.

So, then! Thank you

This is a simple yet powerful way of responding to her when she pops out with such a statement.

It would leave her speechless and also leave lots of unanswered questions because she definitely would have been expecting you to retaliate or say something bad in return, but replying as soothingly and calmly as this could just be the best bet.

I can be crazier, you know

This is telling her she ain’t seen nothing yet, and you surely can get crazier than she thinks. You can say this, especially when you are not very familiar with one another.


If a girl ever tells you that you’re crazy and you’ve been wondering how or the right way to reply to her, look no further. You can pick whichever reply you want.

It also depends on how the girl made the statement, and also the relationship between you two.

I hope you found this article informative. All the replies shared in this article are really good. You should know which one fits a particular situation.


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