Why Does She Always Sit Next To Me 

She likes sitting next to you because she simply likes you. This is a common reason why a girl will sit next to a guy too frequently. When you notice that she always sits next to you, you have to find out why.

That is why I wrote this article, to show you the various reasons why she always sits next to you. Take a look at the other reasons why she always sits next to you.

Six Reasons Why She Always Sits Next To You

Why Does She Always Sit Next To Me 

  • She just likes you.
  • She thinks you are smart.
  • She likes your presence.
  • She feels comfortable around you.
  • Maybe there’s no other place for her to sit.
  • She likes your scent.

She just likes you

Why Does She Always Sit Next To Me 

This is the first and obvious reason why she always sits next to you. If a girl likes you, she will try her best to get close to you just to make sure that she gets physical contact with you.

A perfect example is when you are in class and you notice this particular girl that loves to sit next to you in class. That could be a sign that this girl likes you.

Obviously, she will not sit beside someone she does not find special all the time. She just likes you, and she is not confident enough to tell you, so she keeps on sitting next to you all the time, hoping that you will get the signal that she likes you.

She will keep sitting next to you, hoping you will start a conversation so that you can both start talking. If you notice this happening too frequently, just know that she likes you and that is why she keeps sitting next to you.

She thinks you are smart

Why Does She Always Sit Next To Me 

This is mostly applicable if you are both still in school and she keeps on sitting next to you. She keeps sitting next to you because she thinks you are smart.

Girls naturally like guys that are smart. If you both are in school and she keeps sitting next to you, it means she just wants to learn more from you, or she is not performing well in a particular course, and because she believes you are smart enough, she would like to sit next to you so that you can reach her and also help her succeed in that particular course in school.

Girls naturally gravitate towards guys that are smart. If you happen to be good at a particular course in school and it is time for that course, the moment you notice her sitting next to you when it is time for that course, that gives you a hint that she is sitting next to you because you are smart and are good at that particular course.

She likes your presence

If she likes your presence, aura, or energy, you will notice that she will continuously gravitate towards you and always want to sit next to you.

If she likes your energy and your aura, it means she likes how you carry yourself and also how you handle things. This makes you a completely different person from the majority. It means you have a really good charm that draws her closer to you.

Because she likes your presence, the more she keeps sitting next to you. Because you have a really good aura and presence, she would like how it feels when others see her sitting next to you. She literally wants to feel good just be sitting next to you.

She feels comfortable around you

 feel comfortable around the guy at all. If you sit next to a guy that you feel comfortable with, you will be able to share your feelings and experiences with the guy because he seems cool and calm.

Girls are usually attracted to calm guys who make them feel comfortable and allow them to be themselves whenever they are around the guy. This is another reason why she likes to sit next to you.

She may not have any feelings for you, she just likes the fact that she feels comfortable around you, which other guys may not be able to do.

Maybe there’s no other place for her to sit

 This could also be another reason why she likes to sit next to you. Though this is not something that happens all the time, she will sit next to you if she does not have any other place to sit. This happens to me at times.

I will be forced to sit next to someone I don’t really want to sit next to just because I am not able to find a place to sit. So when she sits next to you, do not always think that she has a thing for you or that she finds you attractive.

It could also be that she has not been able to find a good place to sit, and the only vacant seat is beside you.

She likes your scent

This is another reason why she likes to sit next to you. If you have a really good scent, people will naturally gravitate towards you. Not because they like you in person, but they just like your scent. Having a nice scent draws people towards you.

That could be the reason why she likes to sit next to you. She may not like you as a person, but she may just be attracted to how nice you smell.

If she has no place to sit and she notices you are there because she likes how you smell, she will prefer to sit next to you. Having a nice scent can make you make friends without even realizing it.

What do you do when she sits next to you?

When a lady sits next to you, what do you do? Especially if you notice that it happens too frequently. It will not make any sense to be in a hurry to conclude. Take a look at the various things you can do when she sits next to you:

  • Ask her the reason why.
  • Start a conversation.
  • smile, to make her feel comfortable.

Ask her the reason why

 It is important you do this.  If you notice that she likes to sit next to you too often, you should ask her why she does it. That is ideal. When you ask her why she does it, she will be ready to speak her mind, and you will hear from her own point of view.

This is better than just concluding when you do not know the facts. When you ask her and she tells you, if she says she has a thing for you, you will find it easy to make a move on her. But how will you know if you do not even ask? Now you see how important it is for you to ask questions.

Start a conversation

This is a simple thing that you can do. You must have noticed that she enjoys sitting next to you; the next time she does, start a conversation by asking her questions that will compel you both to talk for a while.

Maybe that’s what she’s been hoping you would do. You can ask her to tell you about her school or what course she is studying. She will definitely have a lot to say.

She put herself in your face by sitting next to you all the time, hoping that you will take the bull by the horns and start a conversation with her.

Smile to make her feel comfortable

Some guys are really bad at smiling. One good thing that smiling does is that it helps people feel comfortable around you.

If you notice that she likes to sit next to you, the next time she sits next to you, try smiling to make her feel comfortable and relaxed while she is around you.

If someone is having a bad day and you smile at them, the person will be forced to smile back. That smile may have been the thing that brightened her day and make them have a good mood too. 

How can you confirm her intentions of sitting next to you?

Guys, when a lady sits next to you, how do you confirm her intentions? It may be a bit difficult to know what her intentions are because some women tend to conceal things and make it a bit difficult to deduce what exactly she wants and what her intentions are.

Sometimes, they will only give a hint and leave it to you to deduce what their intentions are. You do not need to think too much; this segment of this article will put you through.

  • Check her body language 
  • Ask her directly.
  • Ask her close friends.

Check her body language

 A lot can be said by watching her body language when she is around you. Does she make funny movements towards you and try to maintain close body contact with you?

If this is what she does, then she likes you and she wants to get close to you. That is most likely the situation if she has suspicious body language around you. You should know this and also take note of it too. 

Ask her directly

This is another easy way to know what her intentions are. Even though she may not be able to comfortably state her intentions towards you, she will give you a hint when you ask. If she told you directly, you would understand what her exact intentions were.

You can ask her by simply saying, “What are your intentions towards me?”  Once she has stated her intentions towards you, it is left to you to decide if you want to make a move towards her or not. The only way to get answers is if you ask questions, if you do not ask, you cannot get answers. 

Ask her close friends

One way to get information about someone is to ask the person’s friends. Naturally, people share secrets with their close friends.

If you notice the girl sits next to you too frequently and you are not sure what her intentions are, try to sit her down to know exactly what her intentions are.

This is possible because she must have told her friends about you and she must have told her friends what she intends to do with you. There is every possibility that her friend knows what she plans to do with you and why she keeps sitting next to you.

Listen closely to what her close friend told you. She will most definitely tell the truth. What you need to do is listen and be able to decipher.


When you notice that a particular girl likes to sit next to you, either in class or in any gathering at all, know that there is a reason why she does that. Where it gets tricky is that you may not be able to know what her exact intentions are towards you.

Instead of guessing or jumping to a conclusion, what you should do is ask her what her intentions actually are. That way, you won’t be making rash decisions, and you will not be acting based on instinct. Another thing you can do is to watch her body language when she is around you.

How she behaves and how she carries herself when she is around you says a lot about her. If she is trying to get physical contact with you while she sits next to you, it is a sign that she wants to get closer to you and know you better.

You can also ask her close friends if you are finding it difficult to get the information from her directly. She must have told her friends about you too.

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