Funny Response To Tell Me A Secret 

When someone asks you to tell him a secret, you may not want to go directly to say the secret. You may need to sound funny as a way to maneuver, especially if you do not want to tell the secret sometimes too.

If finding a funny reply is a problem for you, you do not have to worry, in this article I have written 20 best responses you can give when someone says tell me a secret. 

20 Funny Responses To Tell Me A Secret

Funny Response To Tell Me A Secret 

  • I doubt if you will survive if I told you
  • But it won’t be a secret again if I told you
  • Wait, do you want me to tell you a secret about you, or about me?
  • Nothing I tell you is a secret, because you literally know a lot about me already
  • How do I tell it to you? Do I whisper or say it out loud?
  • Perhaps, something you know about me you thought was true was actually a lie
  • Funny enough, I can’t tell you a secret I know
  •  What if I have told you that secret already but you do not know? 
  • Think of something I’ve told you before that you probably don’t know is a secret
  • Well, brace up, because you won’t expect what you’re about to hear
  • Another person has asked me this before, I’m sure you want to know what happened to him?
  • You have a twin brother.
  • That vehicle I got for you is not totally yours. Don’t tell anyone.
  • What if I told you the people you’re living with are not your biological parents?
  • I used to have a crush on you.
  • I can’t even tell myself a secret.
  • Some things are better left unsaid.
  • Too late, I don’t have any secrets left with me.
  • The last person that asked never got an answer.
  • If I tell you this secret, who knows? We may no longer be friends.

I doubt if you will survive if I tell you 

Funny Response To Tell Me A Secret 

This is a funny reply, telling the person that if you told him the secret, he may not be able to take it because of how critical the secret is. That is why you say it in a funny way that he may not be able to survive it if you tell him the secret.

With a heads-up like this, he will prepare his mind for what he’s about to hear. If he is interested, he can wait behind to hear the secret.

But it won’t be a secret again if I tell you

Funny Response To Tell Me A Secret 

This is another way of saying that if you go ahead and tell him the secret, it will no longer be a secret since he is already aware. It may have been said in a funny way, but that is the actual truth.

Something that is kept to yourself is regarded as a secret. The moment you share it with someone else, it is no longer a secret.

Wait, do you want me to tell you a secret about you or about me? 

When he says you should tell him a secret, you are not really sure what secret he wants you to say. In a funny way, ask if it is his secret or your secret that he wants you to share with him.

There is every possibility that you have some of his secrets that he does not know about. That is one reason why you should inquire as to what he is referring to.

Nothing I tell you is a secret, because you literally know a lot about me already

This is a reply you give if the person that asked you to share the secret is something you know and are really close to.

The person may likely know a lot about you, so when he asks for a secret, you may have to remind him that he knows literally everything about you and anything you share as a secret may likely not be a secret to you.

How do I tell you about it? Do I whisper or say it out loud?

When you want to tell someone a secret, you obviously do not say it out loud. But this answer is more like a funny way to reply, even if you know that you are not supposed to say the secret out loud; instead, you whisper it.

Perhaps something you know about me that you thought was true was actually a lie

This is another funny reply that you can give if the person wants you to tell him a secret. You can give this response and see exactly what he says when you do.

Funny enough, I can’t tell you a secret I know!

You would not like it if you asked someone to tell you a secret and the person does not want to tell you. You definitely will not be happy.That is the same situation here. When you give this funny reply, the person will most likely not know what to reply.

What if I have told you that secret already but you do not know?

This funny reply will get the person to think deeply. Because he will even think about what secret he has that he does not know about, he will become more worried about what that secret could be.

This is why this funny reply will hit so hard and will even make him think twice before saying something.

Think of something I’ve told you before that you probably don’t know is a secret

There’s a good chance you have a friend with whom you’ve shared a lot of experiences, and in the process of sharing those experiences, you’ve probably shared one of your secrets without him knowing.

When he asks you to tell him a secret, ask him if he can think of something you have told him that he does not know is a secret. This is a funny reply that could be about buttressing your point.

Well, brace up, because you won’t expect what you’re about to hear

When you tell someone to brace up, the person will think you are about to say something very delicate or something surprising. That is actually the type of funny response you give to someone who asks you to tell him a secret.

The person may brace up, thinking you are about to say something really delicate, but that is not the case. You gave that funny reply just to raise his hopes high.

Another person has asked me this before, I’m sure you want to know what happened to him

The last time someone asked you to tell him a secret, nothing actually happened to the person.

But for the sake of a funny reply, you had to give this response to make the person who asked you the question think about it if he actually wanted you to tell him the secret.

This is actually a funny reply that makes him think again and probably makes him not interested in the secret anymore.

Top secret: You have a twin 

This is a funny reply, but it could be that the person is not actually a twin. You just had to give a funny reply to his question about telling you a secret. Who knows?

It may actually be that he is a twin. That could be the top secret that he asked for. But because you want to give a funny reply, you say that he has a twin. This can even get him wondering if he actually has a twin.

That vehicle I got for you is not totally yours. Don’t tell anyone 

A secret right? That is what the person wants to hear. That vehicle you got for him probably wasn’t totally his. I guess that is a secret he may want to know about. This is a fun reply that you can give to someone who is asking you for a secret.

It could be that the vehicle you got for him is a secret that he does not know about. That is why you need to let him know since he asked for a secret. Tell this to him and see his reaction.

What if I told you the people you’re living with are not your biological parents?

It could be that you were there when the person was born. If you were there when the person was born, then there is every possibility that the person does not know if his parents are his actual parents, but because you were there, you know who gave birth to the person.

This could be a secret that the person is not aware of. But will he know? Definitely not! You can give this as a funny response and see what his reaction is.

I used to have a crush on you

This is a top secret that many people keep, and it’s also a funny response to someone asking you to tell him a secret.One of the most well-kept secrets that people have is that they like to keep their crush a secret.

If someone has a crush on you, the person will most likely love to keep it a secret instead of telling you. If the person asks for a secret, this is another secret you can reveal in a humorous way.

I can’t even tell myself a secret

This is a funny reply. When you say you cannot tell yourself a secret, it means that you cannot even trust yourself enough to keep something secret.

Realistically, if you cannot trust yourself with a secret, you will not be able to trust someone else with a secret. That way, you will find it really difficult to tell the person a secret. This is a funny reply, but it still has meaning to it.

If someone asks you to tell him a secret

This is another way to respond.You do not want to say it plainly that you cannot reveal the secret to the person, but you want to be a bit funny, you  have to resort to giving a reply that some things are better left unsaid.

With this funny reply, you will end up not telling a secret, which was your aim in the first place.

Too late, I don’t have any secrets left with me

This is a funny reply that says that you have told a lot of people your secret and you do not have any more secrets left to tell.

When you reply in this way, the person will understand that you do not have secrets to reveal. It is a funny way to say you do not have any more secrets to reveal.

The last person that asked never got an answer

It is not all the time that someone asks you to tell a secret that you answer. There are times  you must keep your secrets hidden.

If someone asks you to tell a secret and you are not comfortable with the idea, you can simply  reply in a funny way, by saying that the last person that asked you to tell a secret never got an answer.

This way, you are revealing to him in a funny way that he is not going to get an answer either.

If I tell you this secret, who knows? We may no longer be friends

This is a funny reply you can use only if the secret you have is between you and the person who happens to be your friend, and you know full well that if he becomes aware of it, he could get upset at you and both of you may no longer be friends. Use this funny reply to make sure that you do not reveal a secret that could put your friendship with the person in jeopardy.


Obviously, not all secrets are revealed to people, even some of your friends. That is why you need to know about these funny replies in situations where you do not want to share these secrets and you need to devise a means to maneuver.

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