Romantic Words That Start With O

There are a lot of sweet words that are capable of spicing up our daily lives. It is important to put a smile on the faces of others. Note importantly, our partners must be happy.

Asides from actions and gifts, words do magic too. Check out some romantic words below and apply them today.

Romantic “O” Words

1. Obliging

Meaning: This refers to a person that is accommodating and willing to do favors for others.

Example: /You have been obliging to me/

Note: This is a commendable action of your partner. Not only are you saying a compliment on the act but also telling your partner that the act is recognized.

Your partner will be flattered to hear this and will also be encouraged to keep doing the right thing.

2. Open

Meaning: This refers to a person who is receptive to other people or ideas.

Example: /You are a nice and open person./

Note: This is a commendable action of your partner. While you are saying a compliment on the act and successfully getting your partner flattered, you will also be encouraging your partner to stay open to you or others.

3. On cloud nine

Meaning: This refers to a state of extreme happiness and elation.

Example: /Your perfect smile puts me on cloud nine/

Note: This mentions your excited reaction towards your partner. Your partner will be delighted to know you can find happiness in him/her.

4. One and only

Meaning: This refers to a person, a thing, or an idea that has no duplicate and cannot be compared with another. It is used as an endearment term to refer to one’s lifelong partner.

Example: /You are the one and only partner I will always desire/

Note: This is a reference to your partner which shows how you feel. By saying this compliment, you are telling your partner how much you care and how much you think about your relationship and the future.

Your partner will be happy to know that he/she is cared about.

5. Oneiric

Meaning: This refers to something or a situation that feels unreal and more like an image.

Example: /You have oneiric eyes. They stun me when I look/

Note: This is a compliment on the beauty of your partner. By using this comment on your partner, you are comparing your partner to an imagination.

Your partner will be flattered by the thought of being able to get you thrilled.

6. Open-hearted

Meaning: This refers to a kind, receptive, open-minded, and straightforward person.

Example: /You have always been open-hearted and perfect/

Note: This is a commendable disposition of your partner. By saying this compliment, you will be flattering your lover and also creating a challenge not to ever let you down in your Lover’s head.

7. Open-minded

Meaning: This refers to the willingness to hear and try out ideas suggested by other people.

Example: /I wanted an open-minded partner and I found you/

Note: This is a commendable choice of your partner. While you are saying a compliment on the act and getting your partner flattered, you will also be encouraging your partner to stay open to you or others.

8. Optimal

Meaning: This refers to the best of things with a maximum level of quality or productivity, usually restricted by a general law that keeps them from breaking the limit.

Example: /You have an optimal beauty, yet to be rivaled./

Note: This is an exaggeration, even with the limits associated with its literal meaning.

Your partner will be flattered to see your reaction and know what you think about him /her, even though the comment will be seen as an exaggeration.

9. Optimum

Meaning: This refers to the best of things with a maximum level of quality or productivity, usually restricted by a general law that keeps them from breaking the limit. Another way to use “Optimal”.

Example: /You have an optimum beauty, yet to be rivaled. Anything more than what I see in you is not human/

Note: This is an exaggeration, even with the limits associated with its literal meaning.

Your partner will be flattered to see your reaction and know what you think about him /her, even though the comment will be seen as an exaggeration.

10. Original

Meaning: This refers to the first and true copy of a particular object. It is usually the most legible and the best. The word is used metaphorically to commend a partner.

Example: /Your beauty is original and untainted/

Note: By using this word in a compliment for your partner, you are attributing your partner’s greatness and success to your partner alone while pointing out that nothing could have helped.

Your partner may consider this an exaggeration but will be flattered. It will also help with improving confidence.

11. Out of the ordinary

Meaning: This refers to a person, an object, or an idea that is beyond the usual things known. It tends to be exaggerated.

Example: /Your beauty is out of the ordinary. Anyone can tell at first sight/

Note: By using this phrase in a compliment for your partner, you are comparing your partner’s features or works to a divine or supernatural entity.

Your partner will be happy to know that you find his/her works or appearance commendable.

12. Out of sight

Meaning: This phrase refers to something that is considered excellent and superb. It also refers to something expensive.

Example: /Your smile is out of sight/

Note: This is a compliment on an obvious feature of your partner. You will be getting your partner flattered by saying this compliment and will also increase the confidence of your partner in the trait you are complimenting.

13. Outstanding

Meaning: This refers to something marvelous, amazing, and better than all others on a list.

Example: /You were outstanding on the dance floor. All eyes were on you/

Note: This is a compliment on your partner’s work or features. It may sound a bit exaggerated to your partner but he/she will be happy to hear the compliment.

You won’t only be giving your reaction to this but also saying others would react the same way.

14. Over the moon

Meaning: this refers to a feeling of excitement and thrill in a person.

Example: /Your beautiful smile gets me over the moon/

Note: By using this compliment, you are telling your partner how much thrill and elation you receive from him/her. Your partner will be delighted to know you can find happiness in him/her.

15. Overflowing

Meaning: This refers to continuous spillage of something due to an excessive level. It is hyperbolic in contexts like this.

Example: /You have an overflowing level of beauty/

Note: This is an exaggeration of an obvious part of your partner. By saying this, you will be giving your reaction and also addressing how other people should feel about it.

Your partner will be happy to know you think so and his/her confidence will also be increased.

16. Overjoyed

Meaning: This refers to a person that is filled with excessive and uncontained excitement. It is close in meaning to “On cloud nine.”

Example: /Having you talk to me gets me overjoyed all the time/

Note: This mentions your excited reaction towards your partner. Your partner will be delighted to know you can find happiness in him/her.

17. Organic

Meaning: This refers to a gradual and natural development of something from the bottom. In this context, it is similar to “Original” in meaning.

Example: /Your rise to the top was organic and deserving/

Note: By using this word in a compliment for your partner, you are attributing your partner’s greatness and success to your partner alone while pointing out that nothing could have helped.

Your partner may consider this an exaggeration but will be flattered. It will also help with improving confidence.

18. Over the top

Meaning: This refers to someone bold or something that is exaggerated beyond known limits. A synonym for “Outrageous”.

Example: /Your smile is over the top. It drives me crazy/

Note: This can be compared to “Overflowing.” While your partner will know you are exaggerating whatever you are saying a compliment on, he/she will be happy with the reaction.

Romantic “O” Names

19. Oracle

This refers to a deity that is usually worshipped and consulted for directions.

You can address your partner by this nickname if he/she is always giving the right advice that sets you free.

20. Omega

This is a sweet nickname for a female partner. A male partner will find “Alpha” a better option. If your female partner calls you “Alpha”, you can also address her as “Omega.”

21. Other Half

This is a nice nickname to refer to your partner whom you want to spend a lifetime with.

22. One and Only

This is another sweet nickname to use for your partner. It is an endearment term like “Other Half”. If you are planning to spend a lifetime with your partner, this is a nice option.

23. Oppa (Korean)

This is an endearment term in the Korean language. It refers to an older male who may be a brother or a friend.

24. Ouji

This is a Japanese word that means “Prince”. You can address your boyfriend with this nickname.

25. Oreo

This refers to a chocolate biscuit with white icing. It is a sweet nickname for a partner but it has a derogatory meaning too. It is advisable to avoid using this if your partner is colored.

26. Olympus

This is a Greek word that refers to Angels and gods.

27. Oh no

This is a funny nickname to call your partner. You could use it to mean anything but you will be putting a smile on your partner’s face first.

28. Oh God

This is another funny nickname to use. You can use this instead of “Oh No”.

29. Oldie

This is a cool nickname to address a partner that is older than you are. You can also address him/her by “Oldie but Goodie”.

30. Omelet

This is a dish made with eggs. It is a nice nickname to call your partner by if you like “Omelet.”


You have probably come across weird words on the list. Use them as suggested on the list and you will be getting the expected reaction. Our words matter.

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