Romantic Words That Start With X

Finding words that start with X can be very tasking. It may even seem impossible for some people considering how few the well-known “X” words are.

However, from the short list of words starting with X, there are nice words that express positivity and love. It is already known that the meanings of words matter in conversations.

Messages passed in conversations also matter. With the right words, you can pass the right messages. They may be mere arrangements of letters but they can make tiny important changes if used well.

Go through the words below and learn how to use them positively.

Romantic “X” Words

Romantic Words That Start With X


Meaning: This is another spelling of “Exceptional”. It refers to something unordinary, uncommon, rare, or hard to compare. It can sound quite exaggerated in a romantic context.

Example: /Your Xceptional beauty stirred up the crowd/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that expresses how you feel about your partner’s beauty or skill using exaggeration. Your partner may find it a bit hyperbolic but he/she will be flattered to hear your compliment.


Meaning: This is a written abbreviation, usually in letters or messages, meaning “Hugs and pecks” 

Example: /I love you, Andy. XOXO/

Note: This is a complimentary statement in written format. It is an abbreviation for “Hugs and pecks”. Your partner will be flattered to see this in a message. 


Meaning: This refers to a feature or a trait of something or someone that is considered noteworthy. It is also known as a “Wow Factor”.

Example: /That beautiful smile on you; that’s your X-Factor/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that mentions a special trait of your partner. It expresses your wowed reaction towards your partner while also stating how impressive your partner’s trait is.

You won’t only be making your partner smile with this comment but also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is hospitable and extremely friendly to strangers or foreigners.

Example: /You are so kind and xenial/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that mentions a commendable trait of your partner. It expresses your admiration for that quality.

Your partner will be glad. The comment will also be encouraging your partner to remain hospitable to everyone.


Meaning: This is quite similar in meaning to “Xenial” but is more obsessive and may sound like an insult. However, you just have to show admiration when referring to it. It refers to an obsessive fondness for strangers and foreigners or foreign cultures.

Example: /You accepted me so easily and it felt like Xenomania/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that refers to how open your partner is to people or yourself.

It will sound a bit like an exaggeration or even an insult but your partner will understand the message. He/she will be glad to see your admiration and will be encouraged to remain friendly to you.  


Meaning: This refers to something or someone that serves as a guide for someone else in terms of information or other kinds of assistance.

Example: /You’ve been like a xenagogue to me since the day we met/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that shows your appreciation to your partner for the support provided. Your partner will be glad to know you recognize his/her efforts and support. He/she will also be encouraged to keep providing support to you.


Meaning: this refers to something of yellowish color or something that shares properties of yellow. It is used metaphorically to refer to a bright and attractive complexion.

Example: /Your xanthic skin pulls the attention of all beholders/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that expresses your admiration of your partner’s beauty and complexion.

While your admiration is stated, you are being objective about how your partner’s complexion will be viewed by anyone. You will be making your partner smile and also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to the act of being friendly and receptive to strangers. It is similar in meaning to “Xenial” and less as obsessive as “Xenomania”.

Example: /I was awed by your xenodochy/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that mentions a commendable trait of your partner. It expresses your admiration for that quality.

Your partner will be glad. The comment will also be encouraging your partner to remain hospitable to everyone.


Meaning: This refers to the ability to easily converse in a language that a person has not learned before. It is metaphorical in contexts like this and may refer to a crazy reaction to someone or something.

Example: /Our first meeting at the park gave me Xenolalia. I could read every sign clearly/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that exaggerates your reaction toward your partner’s beauty or performance.

It expresses your easy socialization driven by your crazy desire for your partner. Your partner will be glad to know how you react towards him/her.


Meaning: This refers to the act of hating how much you enjoy something. It is quite an exaggerated way of showing the extent to which something is attractive or enjoyable.

Example: /I xaern moments with you but it’s too hard to let go/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that expresses the irresistibility of your partner. While it has a quite exaggerated meaning, it expresses your sincere feeling and your partner will be elated to know how much you desire him/her 


Meaning: This refers to someone energetic and extremely lively.

Example: /You are so xany and enjoyable/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that mentions a loved trait of your partner. It expresses your admiration for that quality. Your partner will be glad to know you appreciate his/her natural traits.


Meaning: This refers to an insanely brilliant idea or a person who has cooked up such an idea.

Example: /Your performance was xaroncharoo/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that reacts to a commendable performance of your partner. It expresses your reaction and an objective opinion. It will make your partner glad and also increase her confidence.


Meaning: this refers to a person good at virtually all things but not so smart with one.

Example: /It feels like I’m xanthoriatic with you/

Note: One of the sweetest ways to flatter your partner is by getting emotional and slightly belittling your impact.

It will flatter your partner to know that you can confide in him/her about how you feel. With this statement, your partner’s replies can show how he/she truly feels about your impact on the relationship.


Meaning: This refers to the ability to easily converse in a language that a person has not learned before. It is synonymous with “Xenolalia”.

Example: /Our first meeting at the park gave me Xenolalia. I could read every sign clearly/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that exaggerates your reaction toward your partner’s beauty or performance. It expresses your easy socialization driven by your crazy desire for your partner. Your partner will be glad to know how you react toward him/her.


Meaning: This refers to something as sharp as razor. It can be metaphorically used to refer to someone smart and quick-witted.

Example: /You are xyresic and strong/

Note: This is a complimentary statement that mentions a commendable trait of your partner. It expresses your admiration for that quality. Your partner will be glad to hear your compliments on his/her wits.

Romantic “X” Names

Romantic Words That Start With X


Meaning: This is an abbreviation for “Hugs and K*sses”, mostly used in writing a letter or a message to a lover.

Note: You can give this nickname to your partner, even when you’re not writing.


Meaning: This is a name derived from the popular TV series “X-Men”. It is also a name that was used to refer to “Wolverine” in solo movies.

Note: You can give this nickname to your wild and vigorous partner. It suits a male partner much better.


Meaning: This is the name of a fictional female character in an old popular TV show, “Xena, the warrior princess”.

Note: You can give this nice nickname to your female partner if she is courageous, bold, or a bit wild and charismatic.


Meaning: This refers to a Christian holiday that is celebrated as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus. The holiday is however attributed to being one of joy and excitement.

Note: You can give this nickname to your partner if he/she gives you the joy of the Christmas holiday.


Meaning: This is another way to spell “Crystal”. A crystal is a natural shiny rock that resembles glass or ice.

Note: You can address your partner with this name if you consider him/her to be precious. It suits a female partner much better.


Meaning: This is an abbreviation for “Extreme Programmer”

Note: You can call your partner by this nickname if he/she is a computer genius or a technology expert.


Maybe “X” doesn’t have too few words, after all. We just don’t know most of them and what they mean. However, it is not about which words start with X and which ones don’t. It’s not about how many words we can get that start with X either.

It is about the positive words we should use and how to use them in making our lives and relationships better. Go through the words above again and start making tiny important changes.

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