Why Does my Friend Always Compliment Me

Why Does my Friend Always Compliment Me

It might seem like a small thing, but compliments can have a big impact on our lives. They can make us feel happy, appreciated, and valued It’s impossible to avoid being flattered when a friend dishes out compliments, but is there a deeper reason why they do it? If you’ve ever wondered why your friend … Read more

What to Say When Someone Flips You Off?

What to Say When Someone Flips You Off

I’m sure you’re reading this post because you’ve encountered the hurtful gesture which left you speechless. And you wished you had the exact words or line to reply with. You so much wanted to do more than throw a clueless wave or smile at the person. If you’ve ever been flipped off by someone, and … Read more

How To Respond To Let’s Just Be Friends

How To Respond To Let's Just Be Friends

You can respond by saying, “Yes, we can be friends.” If and only if you are comfortable with being friends with that person. If someone asks you such a question and you have been watching the person for a while, you can be friends with the person if you are comfortable with it. But how … Read more