Why Do I Cry When My Boyfriend Is Nice To Me(ANSWERED)

It is tears of joy, you feel like it is a dream come true. Another reason why you cry when your boyfriend is nice to you is that you grew up without receiving so much love, care, and affection from the male figures in your life or you barely get any sort of love, care, and affection from a man growing up.

The moment you got a boyfriend and he started to show your love and affection, you started to cry because you felt so good for the first time in your whole life. 

There are other reasons why you cry when your boyfriend is nice to you, You should keep on reading this article to find out the reasons why you cry when your boyfriend is nice to you. 

6 Reasons Why You Cry When Your Boyfriend Is Nice To You

  1. You barely get shown love and affection
  2. You grew up without a father figure
  3. You feel unworthy of the moment
  4. You have waited so long to feel that way, you are overwhelmed
  5. Your hurt past self is happy to receive love
  6. It feels like a dream come true

You barely get shown love and affection

Why Do I Cry When My Boyfriend Is Nice To Me

This is one major reason why you cry when your boyfriend is nice to you. You barely get shown love and affection from those around you or those that you live with. 

This is quite different from growing up with a father figure in your life.  It is possible you have a father or a father figure in your life but you barely get shown love and attention from your father and other guys that are close to you. 

In situations like this, it could be that your father got so busy with work or something else, and he never understood the importance of showing love and attention to his daughter.

If you barely get shown love and affection, you are more prone to crying when your boyfriend is nice to you. You should understand that this is the reason why you cry. 

You grew up without a father figure

This is one common reason why you would cry when your boyfriend is nice to you. You did not grow up with a father figure in your life, this means that you did not have the opportunity to get so much love and care from a father figure. 

Most girls that did not grow up with a father figure are not used to getting love, care, and affection from a man close to them, once they get a boyfriend and their boyfriend starts to show them love and affection, it would seem so new and exciting to her. 

This could make her cry when her boyfriend is nice to her. If as a boyfriend you notice that your girlfriend cries when you are nice to her, ask her why and if she is unable to figure out why probe further and ask her if she grew up with a father figure.

If it happened that he grew up without a father figure, then it could be that she barely had a father figure to show her love and affection while growing up. 

You feel unworthy of the moment

This is another reason why you would cry when your boyfriend is nice to you. Your boyfriend could be someone that you hold in high esteem and that you respect so much.

The moment he starts to get nice to you, you start to cry because you feel unworthy of the moment. You feel like you have not done enough to deserve such kindness from him. 

Sometimes, when you actually deserve his kindness, but because you have low self-esteem you may think that you do not deserve his care or kindness.

If as a boyfriend you notice that your girlfriend cries when you are nice to her and you know that she fully deserves it, you should check her out and find out if she has some level of low self-esteem. 

You have waited so long to feel that way, you are overwhelmed

Have you ever been in a situation where you waited so long for something, then the moment it came, you had to cry to express your emotions?

The same is applicable to her, you must have dated your boyfriend for a while and you have been anticipating the moment he would be nice to you, or it could be that he just became so nice to you in a way he has never been, then you started to cry. 

Your tears show that you have waited so long to feel that way and then it finally happened, because you could not hold back the excitement, you started to shed some tears as a way of expressing how excited you are about the care and kindness your boyfriend showed you.

Your hurt past self is happy to receive love

Some ladies have been so hurt in the past and they never knew that they would be in a better relationship in the future. 

Sometimes, when ladies get hurt in a past relationship, they do give up on love and they do not always believe that they would be in a better relationship unless they have totally healed from the past hurt. 

The moment you get into a new relationship which happens to be better than your previous relationship and your new boyfriend starts being nice to you, you would feel like you never saw that coming and you never believed it would someday become your reality because of your past hurt in your previous relationship. 

Your past self is happy to receive new love, care, and kindness in your new relationship, that is why you would cry when your boyfriend is nice to you. 

It feels like a dream come true

Sometimes, when good things happen to you, you tend to cry because you feel it is too good to be true, or that it’s a dream come true.

You feel it is too good to be true because you have been through so much hurt in the past and you never knew that a time like this. 

If you are the boyfriend and you notice your girlfriend cries anytime you become so kind to her, you need to draw her attention to the fact that she deserves care and kindness, and also show her kindness often so that she would believe that it could happen to her as well.

Next time you show kindness to her, she would not have to cry anymore. 

6 Things To Do When Your Boyfriend Is Nice To You 

  1. Tell him how you feel
  2. Do not compare him with other men
  3. Pay him back by complimenting him
  4. Be nice to him back 
  5. Hug him tight 
  6. Buy him gifts that are meaningful

Tell him how you feel

This is one thing you can do when your boyfriend is nice to you. Tell him how you feel about the fact that he is nice to you. If it made you feel special, let him know as well.

The purpose of letting him know how you feel is that once he is aware that being nice to you will make you feel good, he would continue to do that as long as it makes you feel good. 

Anytime he notices that something is wrong, he would understand that the way to make you happy and feel ok is to be nice to you or to do something nice to you.

That way, he would understand fully that being nice to you makes you feel good, happy, and loved. Because he is aware of this, he will keep on doing it. 

Do not compare him with other men

If your boyfriend is being nice to you, do not make the mistake of trying to compare him with other men that you must have been in the past.

The moment you start to compare him or compare the nice thing he did to you with other men that you have been with in the past, he would begin to think that what he did was not enough or he would start to feel insecure about what nice thing he can do to you for you to feel happy. 

Instead of comparing him with other men that you have been with in the past, you should thank him for being nice to you and making you happy as well. This is a better way to respond to him. He will feel more confident and even be eager to make you happy or do better things to make you happy. 

Pay him back by complimenting him

Sometimes, all your boyfriend wants is nice words or compliments. This is a good way to pay him back when your boyfriend is nice to you. Tell him how happy you are about the nice thing he did to you.

Not only that, tell him that he is an amazing boyfriend and you appreciate the fact that he takes his time to do things that would make you happy. 

Complimenting him helps to boost his confidence when he is around you, this also makes him willing to do more nice things to you. This is a good approach and a nice way to pay him back when he does something nice to you.

It is also a good idea that you compliment him frequently and do not wait for him to do something nice to you before you choose to compliment him. This will also make him naturally do nice things to you even without you asking. 

Be nice to him back 

This is the commonest reply that you can give to your boyfriend when he is nice to you. Be nice to him back. You do not have to be nice to him back in the same way he was nice to you, you can be creative about it or even choose to get him a surprise gift to make him happy. 

When you are nice to him back, he will be more willing to do nice things to you later on. Simply be nice to him, but this time, try to do it in a better and more unique way. He will appreciate it better. 

Hug him tight 

When your boyfriend is nice to you you should show him how happy you are by hugging him tight and saying nice things to him. The moment you hug him tight, it shows intimacy and that you like the nice thing he did to you. 

Now that you have made it obvious that you like the nice thing he did to you, he would not hesitate to do it another time, this time, in a bigger and better way. 

Buy him gifts that are meaningful

If you notice that your boyfriend is someone that loves gifts a lot, when he becomes nice to you, make sure you pay him back by buying him gifts that he will so much appreciate.

The gifts do not necessarily need to be so expensive, but the fact that you were considerate enough to get him a gift shows that you appreciate him being nice to you. 

The more you buy him meaningful gifts, the more he wants to be nice to you because he believes that you love it and you always reciprocate. Buy him gifts and watch how he will be so nice to you in return. 

Final Words

If you cry when your boyfriend is nice to you, it means that you grew up not receiving so much love and care from the men in your life. It could be your dad, siblings, or men that you have been in a relationship with.

When you barely got any kindness from a man growing up, it will seem like it is a big deal when your boyfriend becomes nice to you. 

When your boyfriend becomes nice to you, show him how happy you are by being nice to him back or by buying him gifts as well. When you reciprocate the niceness, he would understand that you appreciate the fact that he is nice to you. 


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