20 Things to Say When Someone Says They Have A Lot Going On

You can simply tell the person that you understand his plight. This reply gives the person hope that someone out there understands what he is going through.

When you are going through tough times, you must have people around you who will be there to support you.

If you happen to meet someone who told you that he has a lot going on, you need to give a reply that will give the person hope that things will be ok.

Take a look at these replies that you can give if you have someone that told you he has a lot going on. It will help to have something good to say to the person to give hope or proffer a solution.

20 Responses When Someone Says They Have A Lot Going On

  1. I understand your plight
  2. Trust me, I have been there before
  3. I am empathetic toward you
  4. Please take it easy
  5. If it becomes overwhelming try to take some time off
  6. Do you want to talk about it?
  7. I trust you will get through this
  8. Is it that bad?
  9. Maybe you need to rest
  10. Try talking to a therapist
  11. I can see that, I will leave you to figure it out
  12. You can call me anytime
  13. Do I link you up with someone that can help?
  14. I can see you are going through a lot
  15. I will keep praying for you
  16. I hope you recover quickly
  17. I want to see you standing firm soon
  18. You are always on my mind
  19. I have no words to express my sympathy
  20. Tomorrow is a new day, have hope

I understand your plight

Things to Say When Someone Says They Have A Lot Going On

This is a way of telling the person that you fully understand what is going on and you want him to understand that you have been through a similar thing in the past and that is why you are able to understand what the person is going through.

This reply shows that you are concerned about the person and you want to ensure that he is able to find a solution.

Trust me, I have been there before

Things to Say When Someone Says They Have A Lot Going On

This is a way of telling the person that you have been in such a situation before and that you understand how he feels about what he is going through.

When he understands that someone can relate to what he is going through, he will be more relaxed and hopeful.

I am empathetic toward you

This shows you are able to put yourself in the person’s shoes. When you put yourself in the person’s shoes, it means that you can imagine what it would be like if you were the one going through it.

This is a good reply that you can give. It can help the person have a bit of hope.

Please take it easy

This reply means that you are telling the person to take it easy, even though he may be going through a lot, he should take it easy.

If he is able to take it easy, he will be calm enough to handle whatever he is going through. Being calm is a good way to handle whatever you may be going through.

If it becomes overwhelming try to take some time off

This reply communicates to the person that if what he is going through is becoming too overwhelming, he should try to take some time off.

Taking some time off helps to declutter and to take your mind off what you are going through can help you get a solution. Sometimes, what you need is just some time off to think for yourself.

Do you want to talk about it?

Even though you may not be able to solve the person’s problem, the best you may be able to do is to give the person listening ears.

When you ask if the person wants to talk about it, get his response. If the person accepts, make sure you pay attention to what the person is telling you.

It may not solve the problem, but just sharing what you are going through, can help you feel lighter.

I trust you will get through this

This is a way of assuring the person that you trust he is going to heal from what he is going through and that he trusts that he will be better.

When he sees that someone trusts that he will do better, he will believe that he will be able to get better too.

This reply will help the person as well.

Is it that bad?

In this reply, you want to know if what the person is going through is that bad. You will not be able to know if you do not ask.

That is why it is a good idea you ask the person if what he is going through is that bad. If it is as the person says it is, then you will know if you will be able to be of help or not.

Maybe you need to rest

This is a genuine suggestion. If the person says that he has a lot going on, suggest to him that he should rest.

That may just be what he needs. Sometimes, you do not need to think too much about what you are going through. You may just need to rest so that you can get yourself together.

Try talking to a therapist

There are some things you may not be able to solve, in situations like this, what you need is to seek professional help.

Professional help means that you should consult someone who is trained in that field and is qualified to help you get through the situation and solve the problem as well.

A therapist is trained and will be able to help him get through whatever he is facing.

I can see that, I will leave you to figure it out

Sometimes, someone can be going through something and it will be so obvious that the person is going through such because it has started to affect the person physically.

If that is the person’s situation and you may not be able to do too much to help the person, you should try leaving the person to figure it out himself.

You can call me anytime

This reply shows that you are offering your help to the person. You are also telling him that he is free to call upon you any time he needs your help.

This shows that you are a good friend and you will be willing to help the person anytime he calls on you.

Do I link you up with someone that can help?

This reply shows that you are willing to help by referring someone who can.

You may not be able to, but you are willing to refer someone you know that can help.

You are willing to go the extra mile to help your friend. This shows how well you support the person and are also willing to be there for him even if you may not be able to help directly, you chose to refer to someone who can.

I can see you are going through a lot

The person does not need to tell you before you know that he is going through something. It is written all over his face because he has allowed it to eat him up too much.

Let the person know that it is already all over him and it is not a good thing that he has let the fact that he has a lot going on affect him.

When he knows that it is already obvious, he will try his best to reduce how much he allows it to affect him physically.

I will keep praying for you

This shows you may not be able to do so much to help, the only thing you may be able to do at this point is to remember the person in your prayers.

If you are someone who believes in prayers, you will pray for the person because if he has a lot going on, he may not be able to handle it all by himself.

Sometimes, we may not be able to handle everything by ourselves. In situations like these, we may need to resort to prayers. Let the person know that you are praying for him.

When the person believes that you are praying for him, he has a feeling of relief that there is someone that cares,

I hope you recover quickly

This is a way of telling the person that you are wishing him a quick recovery and you are hoping that he gets back on his feet quickly.

When the person sees that you are wishing the best for him, he will even be more excited that someone out there cares for him and wishes for him to get better.

Let the person know that you wish nothing but the best for him. That way, he starts to feel good about himself and it even gives him hope that he will get better and recover soon enough. This is a good reply you can give that will help the person.

I want to see you standing firm soon

This reply shows that you are tired of seeing the person down and you cannot wait to see that person go from being sad or emotionally down, to back on his feet.

The fact that you tell him that you cannot wait to see him back on his feet means that you cannot wait to see him fully recovered and back to himself.

That way, he will try to do what he can and make sure that he gets back on his feet as soon as possible. When someone says that they cannot wait to see you back on your feet, it makes you want to do everything possible to get back on your feet.

You are always on my mind

This shows how much you care for the person. Usually, when you care for someone, you tend to think about the person more often.

Let the person know that you have been thinking about him all day because you care and you want him to get better as soon as possible.

When the person knows that you think of him, he will believe that you care about him and you want only the best for him. That could help him recover fast.

I have no words to express my sympathy

This shows that you feel so sad about what happened to the person that made him say that he has a lot going on. You have no words to express your sympathy because of how sad the situation is.

You feel sympathetic towards him, but you are short of words because of the shock after you got to know what he had going on in his life.

Tomorrow is a new day, have hope

This is a way of telling him that he should have hope that he will get better. Tell him that today may be a bad day, but there is hope for a better tomorrow as long as he keeps pushing and doing the right thing.

This will encourage him to believe that things will get better soon. Sometimes, the fact that you are having a bad day today does not mean that your tomorrow won’t be any better. You should have hope.

Final Words

When someone tells you that he has a lot going on, the person trusts you enough to tell you that he is going through a lot.

It is up to you to decide if you want to encourage the person or not. If any of your friends tell you that he has a lot going on, and you do not know what to tell the person, you can make use of any of these replies that I have explained in this article.

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