What Do Greek Guys Look For in a Girl?

Greek guys love girls that have good culinary skills, that is one of the things they look for in a girl. Greece has its own unique culture that differentiates it from every other culture out there.

If you are a lady living in Greece or you live outside Greece and you want to get yourself a Greek guy, there are some certain traits that Greek guys love in girls that you need to be aware of.

Before you start seeking that Greek man, ask yourself if you have any of these traits. If you do not, you may have to consider developing some of these traits as it gives you an edge over other girls when it comes to getting the attention of a Greek guy.

Take a look at 10 things that Greek guys look for in girls

  • Greek guys love girls that look good.
  • Greek guys love girls that are fit.
  • Greek guys love girls that can dance.
  • Girls that know the importance of well-being
  • Girls that love music
  • Girls that work hard
  • Girls that are caring
  • Girls that are outgoing and social
  • Girls who are creative and think outside the box
  • Girls that know how to cook good meals

Greek men adore girls that look good

Because Greek guys are attractive themselves, they will not settle for anything less.Greek guys naturally look good, so they would want their girls to also look good.

If you are trying to get the attention of a Greek guy or you want to get a Greek to fall in love with you, then you need to take your looks seriously.

When I mean looks, you need to wear good-looking clothes, smell nice, take care of your face and your hair. Greek guys would really like you if you did these.

Greek guys love girls that are fit

What do Greek Guys Look for in a Girl

As much as Greek guys love to work hard and make ends meet, they also value being fit. They believe that you should look fit and stay fit all the time.

As a girl trying to get the attention of Greek guys, you should endeavor to stay fit all the time. As much as you want to eat well and stay healthy, you should balance it with fitness training.

What I mean by fitness is not going to the gym to lift dumbbells or barbells. You can do some fitness training like jogging, running, etc. This will keep you fit while still giving you the liberty to eat well without adding too much weight.

In the past, Greeks were usually known to be fat, but things changed over the years and they started to pay attention to fitness. Because Greeks love to look good, they believe staying fit helps them look good too.

Greek guys love girls that can dance

What do Greek Guys Look for in a Girl

 Greeks believe that dancing is a medium they use to express how they feel. So, if you are a girl and you want to get the attention of a Greek guy, you need to know how to dance.

Greek guys love it when you are able to dance. Both of you could even dance together as a way of bonding and expressing yourself to each other. It is said that there is a trend which is going on among Greek people.

When they start to get to the age of 40, they start learning some of their traditional dances. This helps them rejuvenate and still stay healthy in the process. You have to be a girl that loves dancing to be able to move along with the Greek guys.

Girls that know the importance of well-being

What do Greek Guys Look for in a Girl

Greek guys are hard-working. They know how to balance work and other aspects of their life. No matter how hard they work, one thing they always consider is their well-being.

If you are a girl who puts her well-being into consideration no matter how hard you work, Greek guys will always be attracted to you. This is something you need to understand as a girl looking to get a Greek guy.

People that pay attention to their well-being know when they need to work, rest, and have fun, all for the purpose of good health. Your body needs rest to function well. You need to be a girl that understands that. You will see how Greek guys will flock around you.

Greek Girls That Love Music

Greek guys love music. In fact, music is a huge part of their tradition, which is one reason why they take it seriously. Greek guys are looking for girls that also love music.

This is because they see music as a way of expressing their emotions, either emotions of the present or of the past. You will need to relax or even have some fun when you guys want to have a nice time together.

You have to be a music lover for him to find you attractive. Music is one way that different people from Greece can come together to have fun and also meet.

If you are the type that loves music, Greek guys will find you attractive.

Girls who work hard

Greek men dislike girls who enjoy being burdens on their partners.They find girls who work hard really attractive. Girls who have a job of their own are really attractive, not just to Greek guys alone, but also to guys in general.

It shows you can own up to your personal responsibility, and then the guy can support you where necessary. No one likes a girl who does nothing and is not doing anything about it.

If you have something to do as a girl, Greek guys will see you as a support system if you two are in a relationship or you eventually get married.

Women that are caring

Women are generally known to be caring. However, if you have that trait as a girl, Greek guys will draw closer to you. Have you ever seen a situation whereby your friends visit you and your girlfriend is around?

Before you know it, you already see that your friends are being treated well with good food. Also, if she shows care towards you and towards your family members, that is a sign she cares.

If you are a girl and you have this kindness trait, Greek guys will find you really attractive. He watches how kind you are and how you treat other people. He may even use that to judge how you will treat him if you two eventually get married.

Not just that, he will use that to judge how you will treat the family that you will both start together.

Girls that are outgoing and social

What do Greek Guys Look for in a Girl

One thing that Greek guys know how to do is that they know how to have fun when they want to relax. If you want to win their love, you should also be able to match that same energy.

You also need to be social and outgoing so that when you guys go out to have fun, you will not look like a boring girl to him. That will be a huge turn off for him. You need to be able to match that energy at all times.

It is good that you work hard, but also, when it is time to rejuvenate, relax, and have fun, you should be lively enough so that you can both have fun together. If you are outgoing and social, you will attract the attention of Greek guys.

Girls that are inventive and can think outside the box

There is a saying that the Greeks invented a lot of things that we can almost not do without in today’s world. Greeks are known to be really smart people who can create things out of nowhere. Greek guys will love girls that can match that same creative and inventive energy.

As long as you can create and come up with ideas that would be so valuable, especially when you guys get married, your ideas will also help to grow the family in all aspects.

Girls that know how to cook good meals

What do Greek Guys Look for in a Girl

Greek guys do not joke about what they eat. If you are a girl seeking to get a guy to fall in love with you, do not take your culinary skills for granted. Culinary skills involve knowing how to prepare, serve, and If you are really good at this, Greek guys will flock around you. They will want to have you as a wife.


It is necessary enough to know those things that Greek guys like so that, as a girl, you can seek to possess those abilities.

It gives you an edge over other girls who do not know this. Other girls will even be wondering how you are able to get the Greek guys to fall in love with you.

They will begin to admire you. These points that I have shared will help you as a girl. It is important you take them seriously.

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