20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Baddie

Have you been recently called a baddie? This is one internet slang with several meanings, and if anyone calls you a baddie, you may be wondering what they mean.

You might even be confused about what to say in response. This slang is usually used to describe women. However, some people have used it to describe bad boys.

So, what do you say in response when someone calls you a baddie? To help you, I’ll be discussing 20 things you can say in reply when someone calls you a baddie.

First, however, you’d understand what it means when someone calls a baddie.

20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Baddie

When someone calls you a baddie, what you say in response will depend on what they mean.

Usually, baddie means a girl who’s confident and independent, and who doesn’t take nonsense from anyone.

Also, “baddie” is used to describe cute and very attractive ladies who have self-respect and know how to have all the fun.

In addition, a bad boy can be called a baddie. Here, bad means different things.

So, you can appreciate whoever calls you a baddie, flirt in response, compliment, or disagree with anyone who calls you a baddie.

Below are 20 things you can say in reply:

  1. Thanks, Cutie
  2. I appreciate that you think so
  3. Thank You
  4. I know, right?
  5. I try hard
  6. Yes, hottie
  7. You’re cute
  8. Is that what you think?
  9. Are you sure?
  10. That’s sweet coming from you
  11. Aww! I’m blushing
  12. You make me feel good
  13. I love the way you say it
  14. Nice attempt
  15. Now, I feel hot
  16. That keeps me uncomfortable
  17. You are a baddie, yourself
  18. Thanks, there’s more you should find out about me
  19. I want to hear more
  20. I don’t like you calling me that

Thanks, Cutie

One of the things you can say to someone who calls you a baddie is to appreciate them.

If they’re your friend or partner or someone you know, you can add any endearment to make it sweeter.

In this way, you show that you accept the compliment and at the same time call them cute. This is a cool way to respond to anyone close to you to show your care for them.

I Appreciate That You Think so

Another thing you can say to appreciate someone who calls you a baddie is, “I appreciate that you think so.”

This is a simple reply you can say to someone you don’t know too well or you don’t communicate with every day. It shows that you appreciate them, and it doesn’t add any emotion.

This reply can also work for a friend or someone that you think it’s flirting with you. You could say this and continue with what you’re doing to show that you’ve no interest.

You can smile to be polite if they make eye contact with you.

Thank You

When the person who calls you a baddie is a stranger or someone you don’t have an interest in, you can say a simple “thank you” and continue with whatever you were doing.

In this way, if the person was only flirting, they’d see your disinterest. Also, it’s a way to dismiss anyone who may have the intention of talking with you if you don’t want to talk.

I Know, Right?

When you’ve interest in continuing the conversation with someone who calls you a baddie, you can say, “I know, right?”

This response shows your confidence and value in yourself. It’s a cool response for someone you’re just meeting and wants to talk more with.

In addition, saying this with a smile will show you’re welcoming and will steer the conversation in the right direction. This is also a nice thing you can say to a friend to show your pride in yourself.

I Try Hard

Another way to show your acceptance of the compliment from someone who calls you a baddie is, “I try hard.”

This reply doesn’t only show your acceptance, but your pride that you know you’re a confident and cute woman.

It’s a reply you can use on a friend or an acquaintance you want to show yourself to.

Also, you can say this and continue as if nothing happened when you lack interest in the person speaking or in the conversation.

Yes, Hottie

When your crush calls you a baddie, you might need something to say that’ll let them know of your feelings. “Yes hottie,” is a phrase that can work.

Here this reply shows you’re okay with them calling you a baddie. Also,  calling them a hottie is a way to also compliment them and let them know that you find them hot.

With this reply, your crush can be more confident to express their feelings if they feel the same way.

Also, you can use this reply to tease your friend when they call you a baddie.

You’re Cute

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Baddie

Another way you can flirt with someone who calls you a baddie is by saying, “you’re cute. This is an adequate reply for a guy you’ve got eyes on.

When a guy calls you a baddie, calling them cute shows you appreciate the compliment. And if he’s someone who has eyes on you too, it can move him to ask you out.

Moreover, saying this with a smile will make it easier for this guy. In addition, you can say this to your friend that you’ve no romantic feelings for.

Here, they’d understand you’re only happy about the compliment.

Is That What You Think?

Another cool way you can flirt with a guy who calls you a baddie is by asking them if that’s what they think.

If you feel he’s flirting with you, this reply is adequate. You can make him say more and even tell you his intention by asking him if he really thinks you’re a baddie.

In addition, if you think the guy is only trying to flatter you, this response will work in knowing if he’s genuine. It makes him know that you need more convincing before you accept the compliment.

You can respond this way with a friend or someone you don’t know very well.

Are You Sure?

Another way you can reply to anyone who calls you a baddie is by asking if they’re sure. This is another way you can tease any guy to get more words from him.

With your body language, you can show your interest in him if you’ve any, which will move him to express his.

Also, this question is a way of knowing if he’s giving a sincere compliment or only trying to flatter you.

That’s Sweet Coming from You

One of the cool things to say to someone who calls you a baddie is, “that’s sweet coming from you.”

This is a cool expression you can use on your friend or significant other to let them know you’re happy about what they think about you.

Also, you can say this reply to your first date to move things faster or to your crush to let him in on your feelings.

You should accompany this reply with your body language and with a smile to make things easier for your crush and express your feelings better.

Aww! I’m Blushing

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Baddie

“Aww! I’m blushing” is another cool response for someone who calls you a baddie. This is a smooth way of flirting with anyone.

It’s a cool way to get to anyone you’ve feelings for. You can tease your friends with this reply; be it your male friends or female friends

In addition, it shows that you like the compliment; you should definitely accompany it with a blush or a smile.

You Make Me Feel Good

Another way you can respond to someone who calls you a baddie is by saying, “you make me feel good.” This is a proper response for someone you love or someone you intend to start something with.

Giving this reply to your partner will assure them of your love and the fact that you value their thoughts about you. In addition, it shows that you love the compliment.

Also, when you say this to a guy you’ve feelings for, if he feels the same way, he’ll get the message well and should make his intentions known.

I Love the Way You Say It

One of the cool things to say to someone who calls you a baddie is, “I love the way you say it.”

When your partner calls you a baddie, tell them you love the way they say it to make them feel good too. Also, use this reply on someone you’re crushing on.

Nice Attempt

When you want to sound playful to someone who calls you a baddie, you can reply with, “nice attempt.”

This is a playful way to reply to them to let them know that you’re aware of them trying to flatter you or flirt with you.

It’s a reply that’s meant to get a laugh from you both. It’s lighthearted and shouldn’t make the guy feel bad or discourage him from trying to flatter you some other time.

Also, it’s a cool response for your friend or even a stranger to lighten the conversation. However, you should sound playful when saying this so as not to sound dismissive.

Now, I Feel Hot

“Now, I feel hot” is another thing you can say to someone who calls you a baddie. This is a bold and daring response that can work with someone you’ve got romantic feelings for.

If it’s a crush and you wish to let them know you’re open to being intimate, you can try this response. They’ll get the message adequately.

In addition, ensure you accompany this reply with flirty body language to pass the message well.

I Want to Hear More

When you want to sound proud and create some fun, you can tell the complimenter that you wish to hear more.

This is a nice way to show your acceptance for calling you a baddie and it’s a playful way to respond to your friend or a stranger.

You Are a Baddie, Yourself

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Baddie

Another adequate response for someone who calls you a baddie is, “you’re a baddie yourself.” This reply can work on your fellow girls to also compliment them.

It’ll be adequate to keep the conversation going, especially if she’s a stranger who’s commenting on something you just did.

For instance, if she saw you standing up for yourself against a guy trying to bully you, she could call you a baddie.

Then you can return the compliment to let her know you appreciate that she likes your confidence.

Thanks, There’s More You Should Find Out About Me

Another adequate response for someone who calls you a baddie is to appreciate them and tell them there’s more to you.

Maybe someone just witnessed you stand up for yourself and is amazed and calls you a baddie, let them know there’s more they should watch out for.

This is a cool way of appreciating the compliment and also expressing your confidence in yourself. It’s an adequate thing to say to a stranger or someone who’s not very close to you.

I Don’t Like You Calling Me That

If you don’t like the word baddie, you can tell anyone who calls you that that you don’t like the word.

Probably they’re describing your personality in a bad light or only joking with you, you can tell them how you feel about it.

Whether they’re your friends or a stranger, don’t hesitate to tell them you don’t like it when they call you that.

That Keeps Me Uncomfortable

Another way you can tell anyone who calls you a baddie that you’re not okay with the word is by telling them that it keeps you uncomfortable.

With this reply, they’d understand that you don’t like it and should stop.


When someone calls you a baddie, they’re either complimenting you on your confidence, cuteness, and self-worth. In addition, a guy can call you a baddie to flirt with you.

So your response should show that you accept the compliment. You can also flirt with any guy you have interest in.

In addition, if you don’t like the term, you can tell anyone who calls you a baddie that you’re not comfortable with the word.

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