What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves?

Many men love curvy women. Seeing the flesh in the right places is one of the things that gets a man excited about a woman’s body.

However, some women like to think having curves is all about being fat. But that’s not all that it’s about. So, when a man says he likes a woman’s curves, it may leave her wondering if he’s insinuating she’s fat.

Moreover, men can say anything just to get a woman’s attention. So it’s natural to wonder what it means when a guy says he likes your curves.

To help you, in this blog post, I’ll be discussing what it means when a guy says he likes your curves. In addition, you’ll know what to say in response and see the benefits of being curvy.

Finally, you’ll know the body types men prefer. Stay tuned.

4 Things It Means When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

When a guy says he likes your curves, it could mean several things. First, being curvy is one of the attributes men appreciate in ladies.

However, since guys can sometimes say what they don’t mean, it could mean a different thing when a guy says he likes your curves.

It could be that he’s complimenting you, he finds you attractive or he’s hitting on you. In addition, a guy can say he likes your curves just to make you feel good or to tease you.

He Is Complimenting You

Guys give compliments a lot to ladies. Most of the time they say it to appreciate what they see or like or just to get her attention. After all, compliments make one feel good.

So, one of the principal reasons a guy would tell you he likes your curves is because he loves them and wishes to let you know.

Here, he’s complimenting you because of what he sees in you and likes. It’s the same as telling you you’ve got a nice figure.

In this case, there are usually no feelings attached. You could be a stranger or someone he knows. So if it’s the case that he wishes to compliment you, then he says he likes your curves, because he does.

He Finds You Attractive

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

As I’ve earlier established, having a shapely figure is attractive; whether you’re fat or slim. Even ladies can say they like your curves if you’re the curvy type.

So, a guy can tell you he likes your curves if he finds you attractive. Many men don’t hesitate to tell a lady they find attractive when they do so.

Moreover, this is one of the methods to get her attention and let her know how they feel. So, if a guy is attracted to you and wants to start something with you, he can start by complimenting your figure.

He’s Hitting on You

A guy can tell you he likes you to flirt with you. When a guy is hitting on a lady, he would say things that can get to her.

If it’s the case that he’s hitting on you when he says he likes your curves, you’d see it in his body language.

When a guy is flirting with you, he’ll keep his eyes on you and tend to close the distance between you.

In addition, if he tells you he likes your curves in a public place; maybe in front of a group of people, or at a party, then he’s likely hitting on you.

And also if he’s someone you’re not very familiar with, he could say so to flirt with you.

However, that doesn’t mean a friend can’t tease you by telling you they like your curves in private or public.

He Wants to Make You Feel Good

Another reason a guy would tell you he likes your curves is to make you feel good.

In this case, it’s probably because you don’t feel good about your body or feel insecure. If such is the case, he could tell you he likes your curves to boost your self-confidence.

This is usually the case with many fat women who may feel insecure about their size. So a guy can tell such a woman he likes her curves to encourage her to like herself better.

What to Say When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

There are different things you can say to someone who says he likes your curves.

Depending on who they are, and where they make the statement, you can appreciate them or flirt with them. In addition, you can also compliment them in response.

Below are things to say when a guy says he likes your curves.

3 Things to Say When the One Who Likes Your Curves Is Your Partner

If your partner says they like your curve, it shows they pay attention to you. So you should be appreciative of the compliment.

If you’re the type who is insecure about your body, they’re probably making you feel good. So, you should appreciate their efforts.

Below are ways you can say your thanks to your partner:

Thanks, Babe, I’m Glad You Noticed

One of the things you can say to your partner is to thank them for paying attention to your body. For one, ladies love their partners to comment on their looks.

So, if your partner tells you he likes your curves, you can let him know you’re glad he noticed.

Probably you’ve been working on your shape, it’s nice if your partner noticed it, and so you should thank them when they compliment the outcome.

Thanks, Baby, It’s All for You

Another thing you can say to your partner when they say they like your curve is, “thanks baby, it’s all for you.”

In this case, your response doesn’t only show you appreciate their comment, but it’s also a way of flirting or teasing your loved one. Telling them the curve and body is all for them should get them excited.

It’s Nice to Hear This from You, Babe

If you know your partner is trying to make you feel good about your body, you could let them know it’s nice to hear it from them.

This statement shows that what they think about your body means a lot to you. In this way, they’d know that you feel a lot better.

4 Things to Say When the One Who Likes Your Curves Is Your Crush

When the person in question who tells you they like your curve is your crush, with what you say, you can give them a hint that you’re into them.

In this case, your response should be teasing and suggestive, and even daring. Your goal is to push them for more.

You can achieve this with the following replies:

Thanks, You Look Great Yourself

You can return the compliment to a crush when they say they like your curve after thanking them.

A reply like, “thanks, you look great yourself” will work in letting them know, you appreciate their body too. In this way, it can move them to take a step further if they share a liking for you.

I Was Wondering if You Wouldn’t See This

Another thing you can say to a crush is, “I was wondering if you wouldn’t see this.” This is a flirty statement you should accompany with your body language.

You should shoot out the curve more when you say this, allowing them to have a good look at your body. In this way, they may know you’ve got a thing for them.

Thanks, I Like You too

Another thing you can say to someone you fancy when they say they like your curves are, “thanks, I like you too.” Now, this is a straightforward reply that tells them about your feelings.

With this response, they should be able to take it further than flirting if they like you too.

Would You Like to Check It Out?

When someone you’ve got an eye on tells you they like your curve, you could ask them if they would like to check it out. “This is a daring question you leave open to them.

If they’re interested in getting intimate or getting to know you more, they should take the bait.

3 Things to Say When the One Who Likes Your Curves Is a Friend

When it’s a friend who comments on your figure, it may seem alright, but at the same time, you may wonder if they are checking you out.

Also, it’s possible, your friend may have a thing for you, so you can appreciate them if you feel it’s a natural statement.

In addition, you can stylishly ask them what they mean if you think they’ve got a thing for you.

Thanks, I Try My Best

One of the things you can say to a friend who says they like your curve is to thank them.

Perhaps your friend is aware of how you work to be in shape, so you can reply to them with, “thanks, I try my best.”

This reply is appropriate when you know they’re appreciating your effort to get that shape.

Do You Say That to Other Girls?

If you aren’t sure why your friend would suddenly comment on your figure, you can ask them if they say it to other girls.

In this way, you’d know if they’re only teasing you if they’ve got a thing for you, or if it’s just complimenting your beautiful figure eight.

Is That You Flirting?

Another thing you can ask your friend if you think they’re flirting with you is to directly ask them if they’re flirting with you.

Here, you’d catch them unawares with this reply, which would help you know if they’re only being friendly or trying to flirt.

Are There Any Benefits to Being Curvy?

There are several benefits to being curvy. Apart from the fact that it’s a very attractive body shape, it also looks healthy and gives a sign of fertility.

In addition, this is the body shape many men are after.

It’s Attractive

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

One of the major benefits of being curvy is that it’s attractive. The internet is filled with many women who’d do anything to achieve a curvy figure.

From employing several workout strategies to going on diet and even going for surgeries; many women would Obliterate for the curves.

So, having a curvy figure brings the appeal that men are after and other women are jealous.

It’s a Sign of Fertility

According to research, scientists indicate that women with low waist-to-hip ratios (WHRs) have better reproductive tendencies.

This is evident in the reproductive hormones and pregnancy hormones more sufficient in these women.

So, over the years men have preferred women with wider hips, associating them with having a higher pregnancy rate.

And even now, men see curvy women – having low WHRs and large fronts aligning with the hips as more fertile, which is biologically justifiable.

It Builds Confidence

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

Research has it that many women are not confident in their bodies, and those who are overweight wish to lose weight.

So, many women want an hourglass figure, which makes overweight women try to lose weight and skinny ones try to get curves.

Therefore, this implies that being curvy brings more confidence to a woman.

What Body Type Do Men Prefer?

There are different figure types associated with women: the hourglass, cup, pear, and apple shape, and men generally have their preference across these figures.

However, what a man prefers is narrowed down to his taste and preference.

Also, how a woman dresses, with her confidence in her body can influence a man’s choice.

That being said, here are the body types men love from statistics:


Men love women with curves: whether they’re slim or fat, having curves at the hips is very attractive to men.

They love the round backside and wide hips, with a slimmer waist; basically, the hourglass shape.

Small Fronts

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Likes Your Curves

While many women tend to have a liking for large fronts, is that what men really like and want?

Although they’re men who love large fronts in a lady, many men want small bodies that would fit into their hands. So, generally, men love small to average-sized bodies in women.

Final Thoughts

When a guy says he likes your curves, he’s either complimenting your figure, hitting on you, or letting you know he’s attracted to you.

Also, when your friend or partner wants to make you feel good about yourself, they can tell you to like your figure.

You can appreciate them, flirt with them or ask them about it in response, depending on who tells you they like your curve.

Moreover, being curvy is very attractive, it builds your confidence and is a sign of fertility. In addition, many men prefer curvy women.

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