What Does It Mean When She Gave Me Her Number But She Has A Boyfriend (FIND OUT)

It means that she still wants to communicate with you despite the fact that she already has a boyfriend.

Most times, some girls already have boyfriends, but the moment you ask for their contact they will not hesitate to give it to you because they see you as someone they would like to be friends with or someone they would like to do business with. 

In this article, I will show you seven more meanings when a girl gives you her number but she has a boyfriend, keep reading. 

7 Possible Meanings  Why She Gave You Her Number When She Has a Boyfriend

  1. She wants to be friends with you
  2. She wants to do business with you
  3. She was an old friend of yours
  4. She looks up to you and respects you a lot
  5. She finds it hard to say no
  6. You flattered her
  7. She wants a favor

She wants to be friends with you

What Does It Mean When She Gave Me Her Number But She Has A Boyfriend

It is not a bad thing if a girl that has a boyfriend wants to be friends with you.

If it happened that you met her at a gathering or at the mall, and you asked her for her contact information, and she gave it to you despite the fact that she has a boyfriend, it means that she just wants to be friends with you. 

She may see you as someone that is worthy enough to be her friend. If that is the case, then you should not overthink that she still gave you her number despite her having a boyfriend.

If she wants to be friends with you then there is no problem with that. If you see her as someone you would like to be friends with, then you should keep talking to her. 

She wants to do business with you

Even if she has a boyfriend, she still has other people that she does business.

If you approached her as someone that you would like to do business with and you both exchanged contacts, do not think that she is interested in you or she wants something deep to do with you, it is none of that, she most likely wants to do business with you. 

This is something you should understand, if she sees you as a potential business partner, she will give you her number and your relationship will be strictly business. It is not as deep as you think, it is just business. 

She was an old friend of yours

If you had friends back in high school or in college that you once lost contact with, if you stumble upon a friend in the future you both will most likely exchange contacts just to keep in touch.

If you exchange contact with her and she has a boyfriend you should understand by now that she only gave you her number because you both have been friends and you lost contact along the line. 

Do not think that she wants to have anything to do with you or that she is interested in you, none of that is applicable. It is not a bad idea to keep in touch with an old friend of yours.

The best way to keep in touch is to exchange numbers so that you all would keep texting or even talking on the phone on some occasions.   

She looks up to you and respects you a lot

It is possible for a lady to have a boyfriend and still have someone she looks up to. If you happen to be a guy she looks up to and she is lucky enough to meet you, she would definitely give you her number, not minding the fact that she already has a boyfriend. 

She would not mind at all, her having a boyfriend does not mean that she would not give a guy her number. If you are someone she looks up to, then you should not be surprised when she gives you her number even in the presence of her boyfriend. 

She finds it hard to say no

This has got to be a huge problem when a girl finds it difficult to say no, especially in a situation where she gets a lot of requests from guys. If you approach a girl and ask her for her number if she finds it difficult to say no, she will give you her number even if her boyfriend is present.

Because she finds it difficult to say no she will end up giving her number to almost every guy that approaches her, if that is the case, then you should know by now that she only gave you her contact because she found it difficult saying no. 

You flattered her

When you flatter a girl, she is most likely to succumb to whatever you tell her. If a guy flatters a girl and asks for her number, she would most likely succumb to it because she just got flattered by the guy and it made her do what the guy asked, which was asking for her number. 

If you noticed that she has a boyfriend but she still has her number, it is because you flattered her. Someone who easily gets flattered will succumb to people who purposely try to flatter you just to get what they want.

When someone wants to get what he wants from a girl, he would  most likely start by flattering her just to get what he wants. 

She wants a favor

If a girl wants a favor from you and she already has a boyfriend, she will not mind giving you her number.

When you ask for the number of a girl and she gives you her number, check to see why she gave you her number, it would be that she wants a favor from you and she will not mind keeping your number till she gets the favor she wants from you. 

Even after getting the favor from you, you both could keep talking depending on how the friendship was built. Some may not talk to you after getting the favor, but some would. 

6 Things To Do When She Gives You Her Number But She Has A Boyfriend 

  1. Ask her why she did that
  2. Tell her you to mean business
  3. Ask her if she is interested in you
  4. Tell her you only want to be friends with her
  5. Tell her you do not plan to disrespect her boyfriend
  6. Ask her if she wants something else

Ask her why she did that

The moment she gave you her number despite the fact that he has a boyfriend, you need to ask her why she did that. But do not ask this immediately, what you should do is text her and ask her why she gave you her number in the presence of her boyfriend. 

If there is a reason or if she does not see anything wrong with it she will let you know. This is the ideal thing to do. By asking her why she did that, you show concern and respect for her boyfriend. 

Tell her you to mean business

After she has given you her number despite the fact that she has a boyfriend, you can text her on a messaging platform like WhatsApp, iMessage, or any other texting platform that you make use of. 

Tell her what you want, that you mean business and you want your relationship to be strictly business. This way, you have already passed a message to her that you do not need anything from her apart from business deals. 

With a message like this, she would not go past her boundaries, it is good you set boundaries like this, especially when you are aware that she has a boyfriend. You have set healthy boundaries already.  It will help keep your conversations strictly business. 

Ask her if she is interested in you

Despite the fact that she has a boyfriend, she may still be interested in you if she is a flirt and she likes talking to different guys at once. If you perceive that is what she is trying to do, then you should ask her directly if she is interested in you. 

That way, you will have a clear understanding of what he wants from you, and there will be no need for you to be wavering or undecided in mind. If she is interested in you, you will have to question it, she already has a boyfriend, then why does she want to flirt with you? 

That way, she would understand that you are not interested in such a relationship, you respect that she is in a relationship already and you do not want to have anything to do with her current boyfriend.  

Tell her you only want to be friends with her

It is not a bad idea to want to be friends with a girl that already has a boyfriend. You both may not have anything going on between you, but you just remain friends and talk to each other via calls or texts. 

When you want to tell her that you only want to be friends with her, you can do that via text, that way, she will understand that you do not want anything other than friendship. This will help control the kind of things you both talk about and it will help to set healthy boundaries between you both. 

When you both know that you are only friends, you will know the kind of things you talk about while texting, bearing in mind that she has a boyfriend already, you will not want to disrespect her boyfriend and go beyond your boundaries. 

Tell her you do not plan to disrespect her boyfriend

Tell her the reason why you asked for her number, if she gave you the number, the next thing you are to do is to tell her why you did that and also let her know that you do not plan to disrespect her boyfriend in any way. 

When you tell this to her, she will understand that you respect the fact that she has a boyfriend already and you will not try to push him aside and try to get to her. This shows that you are responsible and that you are a man of your word. 

You are also considerate because someday, you would have a girlfriend too and you would not like it when another guy tries to get too close to her with intentions of distracting her or taking her from you. 

Give yourself that respect and do not disrespect her boyfriend. That way, she will even respect you better because you chose to respect the fact that she already has a boyfriend. 

Ask her if she wants something else

The moment she gave you her number even after she was fully aware that she has a boyfriend, she had a reason why she did that. That is more reason why you need to ask her why she did that. 

It is not enough for you to assume, assumptions will not give you the exact answer that you need, it is best you hear from her directly. When you ask her if she wants any other thing from you after giving you her number, she will tell you exactly what she wants. 

Final Words

If she gave you her number despite the fact that she has a boyfriend already, it means that she still wants to keep you as a friend and stay in touch with you. It could also mean that she sees you as a potential business partner. 

If she sees you as a business partner, she would like to keep your number so that when she needs your product or service, she will be able to reach out to you.

Not every girl gives you her number because she wants to have something to do with you, you may just have flattered her while talking to her and she had no option but to give you her number. 

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