Romantic Words That Start With S

Words are necessary to express how we feel. When you’re angry, you use words. When you’re sad, you use words. When you’re dead… oh, that’s not a feeling. You only feel when you’re alive.

 It is important to live and love while we can. Maintain a clean and beautiful relationship with your partner. In doing this, positive words matter.

 Are you wondering which romantic words to say to your partner today? Check out some below.

Romantic “S” Words

Romantic Words That Start With S


Meaning: This refers to warmness in temper and cheerfulness.

Example: /You are the most open and sanguine partner I’ve ever had/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out a likable trait in your partner. While putting a smile on your partner’s face, you will also be encouraging him/her to remain sanguine.


Meaning: This refers to a person that is lively and vigorous. It also refers to a person who can be sensually provocative.

Example: /Your movements were sassy. I could hardly keep control/

Note: This is a flattering remark on an observable trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you find him/her attractive.


Meaning: This refers to something that looks glossy or shiny 

Example: /You have beautiful and satiny skin/

Note: This is a flattering remark about your partner’s beauty. You will not only be putting a smile on your partner’s face but also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: this refers to a feeling of satisfaction in a person.

Example: /I feel so satisfied with you around/

Note: This is a flattering remark that expresses your satisfaction with your partner. Your partner will be glad to know you are satisfied with him/her.


Meaning: This refers to someone or action that is considered disrespectfully bold. It also refers to someone or action that arouses sensual interests.

Example: /I found that pose a bit saucy/

Note: This is a flattering remark that mentions the sensual appeal of your partner. Your partner will be sincerely happy to know you admire him/her


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that has a pleasant smell.

Example: /Your scented hair distracts me/

Note: This is a flattering remark that mentions the attractive smell of your partner. Your partner will be sincerely happy to hear your compliment.


Meaning: This refers to something that is considered impressive and breathtaking to watch.

Example: /Your performance was scintillating/

Note: This is a flattering remark that mentions how enjoyable your partner’s performance is. It goes beyond your reaction only and your partner will be happy to hear it.


Meaning:  This refers to delicious food. It is used metaphorically here.

Example: /Your face is so scrumptious/

Note: This is a flattering remark about your partner’s attractiveness. You will not only be putting a smile on your partner’s face but also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to a skill to perceive things.

Example: /You were so sensate and cautious out there/

Note: This is a flattering remark on an observable trait in your partner. You will successfully put a smile on your partner’s face with this.


Meaning: This refers to the tendency to get upset or hurt easily, usually considered cute, and may be annoying to some people.

Example: /You are so cute when you get sensitive/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out a likable trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you consider the trait admirable.


Meaning: This refers to something that arouses intense emotions or someone tending to be sentimental.

Example: /You are so cute when you get sensational/

Note: This is synonymous with “sensitive”. It is a flattering remark that points out the sensitivity of your partner.


Meaning: This is a synonym for “Sensational” and “Sensitive”.

Example: /You are so cute when you get sentimental/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out the sensitivity of your partner. You will be putting a smile on your partner’s face with this.


Meaning: This refers to something that has a nice and attractive shape.

Example: /You have a shapely backside/

Note: This is a flattering remark on your partner’s body. You won’t only be putting a smile on your partner’s face but also improving her confidence in her body.


Meaning: This refers to something that glows brightly and attractively. 

Example: /Everyone had eyes on your shimmering skin/

Note: This is a flattering remark about your partner’s attractiveness. You will not only be putting a smile on your partner’s face but also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to something true or someone honest.

Example: /I appreciate your sincere smile/

Note: This is a flattering remark on a likable trait of your partner. While you are putting a smile on your partner’s face, you will be making her comfortable to be sincere with you.


Meaning: This refers to the supple or flexible movement of something or someone.

Example: /Your sinuous dance probably aroused everyone/

Note: This is a flattering remark that praises your partner’s movement. It goes beyond your reaction only and your partner will be happy to hear how you think everyone would feel about it.


Meaning: This refers to something sleek and sheeny.

Example: /Your sleek skin fascinates me/

Note: This is a flattering remark about your partner’s attractiveness. You will not only be putting a smile on your partner’s face but also improving his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to an action or someone quick and witty.

Example: /You are the smart partner I always wanted/

Note: This is a flattering remark on an observable trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you find him/her smart.


Meaning: This refers to someone with special skills or abilities.

Example:  /I have never seen one so skilled and intelligent/

Note: This is a flattering remark on what your partner can do. Your partner will be happy to know you appreciate his/her skills.


Meaning: This refers to something impressive and mind-blowing.

Example: /Your comeback was smashing/

Note: This is a flattering remark on your partner’s performance. It sounds a bit exaggerated but your partner will be glad.


Meaning: This refers to something close and tight. In this context, it refers to close cuddling.

Example: /I like it when you nestle snugly in my arms/

Note: This is a way of pointing out an action of your partner that you like. While many may find the act annoying, your partner will be glad that you tolerate and even love it.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is always looking elegant and fashionable.

Example: /You are beautiful and snazzy/

Note: This is a flattering remark on the fashion sense of your partner. You will flatter your partner and also help his/her confidence in appearances.


Meaning: This refers to someone too deep in love to hide his/her feelings.

Example: /Your beauty got me smitten/

Note: This is a flattering remark on how you feel about your lover. Your partner will be happy to hear how passionate you feel about him/her.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is refined and educated.

Example: /You are so sophisticated and intelligent/

Note: This is a flattering remark on the decency of your partner. Your partner will be happy to hear you say the compliment.


Meaning: This refers to something amazing and exceptional.

Example: /Your performance was spectacular/

Note: This is a flattering remark on your partner’s performance or appearance. Your partner will be happy to know how you feel about him/her.


Meaning: This refers to a performance that is thrilling and breathtaking.

Example: /Your final moves were spellbinding/

Note: This is a flattering remark on your partner’s performance. Your partner will be happy to know how you feel about it.


Meaning: This is a synonym for “saucy”.

Example: /I found that pose a bit spicy/

Note: This is a flattering remark that mentions the sensual appeal of your partner. Your partner will be sincerely happy to know you admire him/her.


Meaning: This refers to something beyond the ordinary; something that cannot be explained with understood laws of reality.

Example: /Your body is magnetic and supernatural/

Note: This is a flattering remark for your partner. Your partner will know it’s an exaggeration but will appreciate the remark.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is naturally helpful and kind. 

Example: /You have always been sweet and nice to me/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out a likable trait in your partner. While putting a smile on your partner’s face, you will also be encouraging him/her to remain sweet.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that provides the necessary support.

Example: /You have been encouraging and supportive to me/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out a likable trait in your partner. While putting a smile on your partner’s face, you will also be encouraging him/her to remain supportive.


Meaning: This refers to someone flexible in decisions and opinions.

Example: /You are so calm and supple/

Note: This is a flattering remark that points out an observable trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you admire a natural trait in him/her.


Meaning: This refers to a person or something fashionable.

Example: /You were too classy and stylish for someone like me/

Note: This is a flattering remark on an observable trait of your partner. You will be putting a smile on your partner’s face while helping your partner’s confidence in his/her fashion sense.


Meaning: This refers to a compassionate person.

Example: /Your sympathetic and kind nature leaves me in awe/

Note: This is a flattering remark on your partner’s level of compassion. This will flatter your partner while encouraging him/her to remain considerate of others.

Romantic “S” Names

Romantic Words That Start With S


This is an awesome pet name to give your female partner. This symbolizes “Dawn” or “Light” which is also a nice pet name for a partner.


This is an English word that meanscuddling”. It is an awesome pet name for your partner who is fond of hugging and cuddling.


This is slang that refers to someone who is extremely smart and intelligent. You can address your male or female partner with this awesome pet name.


This is an awesome pet name to call your female partner by. It is a kind of beautiful flower so you can give this to your girlfriend if you consider her beautiful and precious.


This is an awesome pet name for your partner. While many may prefer to use “Gold”, Silver is a nice and common pet name too. If your partner already calls you “Gold”, you can also address your partner with this name.


This is an awesome and “sweet” name for your partner if you are tired of “Honey”.


This is an awesome pet name to call your partner. It’s usually more suitable for female partners.


This is an English word that refers to something expensive and refined. You can address your partner with this if he/she is educated and formal.

Sweet cake

This is a weird but awesome name to call your partner with. You can use “Cake”. You can also add “Sweet” to it if it suits you better.

Soul Mate

This is an awesome pet name to address your partner with whom you want to spend a lifetime.


This is an awesome pet name for your girlfriend or wife. It was derived from “Superman” who saves the day.


This is an awesome pet name to give your partner who has a great smile.


This is an awesome name to give your partner. In its English meaning, it refers to a kind of candy. As long as “Candy” can be a pet name, this is much better.

Sweet Heart

This is an awesome and common pet name to give a partner you want to spend a lifetime with.


S” has a lot of sweet names for lovers to implement in day-to-day conversations. It is important to get used to these words and use them naturally. 

 Express how you feel about your partner and watch your relationship grow stronger.

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