Romantic Words That Start With T

There is a myriad of romantic words in and out of the English dictionary. More words are developed virtually every day. Despite how many romantic words we have, it’s quite a shame how less often they are used rightly.

 Words can break things but they can mend too. It is up to you to pick the right ones and use them right. Check out the list of positive words below.

Romantic “T” Words

Romantic Words That Start With T


Meaning: This refers to the perceived or experienced flavor of something. In statements like this, it can have an intimate meaning or refer to simple experiences with a person.

Example: /You are nothing like I have tasted/

Note: This is a sweet remark to address your partner with. It compares your partner to something unique and new. Your partner will be flattered by the uniqueness you make him/her feel.


Meaning: This refers to something tempting, usually out of one’s reach. In statements like this, the compliment may sound exaggerated.

Example: /Your faceoff dance was tantalizing/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s appeal. It refers to your partner’s attractiveness. Your partner will be flattered to know you find him/her appealing.


Meaning: This refers to something tempting, usually out of one’s reach. It is similar in meaning to “Tantalizing”.

Example: /Your dance was teasing/

Note: This is a sweet remark about your partner’s appeal. You will be flattering your partner by letting him/her know how sensually attractive you find him/her to be.


Meaning: This refers to something that has a special taste or a special flavor attached. Statements like this tend to be metaphorical. It refers to someone very attractive.

Example: /You looked tasty out there/

Note: This is a sweet remark about your partner’s beauty. You will be putting a smile on your partner’s face by showing your blunt reaction to his/her attractiveness. 


Meaning: This refers to someone who has special innate skills 

Example: /You are talented and beautiful/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s performance. This word is usually associated with perfection and may be considered an exaggeration.

However, you will be indirectly saying anyone else will be wowed to see what your partner has just done. Your partner will be easily flattered.


Meaning: This refers to something on a moderate level and not excessive. It also refers to a person who is patient and calm.

Example: /You are admirably temperate and confident/

Note: This is a sweet remark on a commendable trait of your partner. You will be getting your partner smiling with this comment while encouraging your partner to remain temperate.


Meaning: This is synonymous with “Teasing” and “Tantalizing”.

Example: /Your performance was tempting/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s appeal. It refers to your partner’s attractiveness. Your partner will be flattered to know you find him/her appealing.


Meaning: This refers to something fragile. It also refers to a person who is very sensitive; easy to upset or hurt.

Example: /You are so cute when you get tender/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s admirable trait. It addressed your admiration for that part of your partner and you will be putting a smile on his/her face.


Meaning: This refers to someone who considers others when making decisions.

Example: /You are always so thoughtful and kind/

Note: This is a sweet remark on a commendable trait of your partner. You will be getting your partner smiling with this comment while encouraging your partner to remain considerate of others.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is excited by something being watched or heated.

Example: /I was thrilled by your final moves/

Note: This is a sweet remark that mentions your reaction to your partner. You will be leaving a smile on your partner’s face even if he/she finds your reaction exaggerated.

You will be making your partner happy to know you are excited about him/her.


Meaning: This refers to something extremely astonishing to a terrifying level

Example: /Your final moves were terrific/

Note: This is a sweet remark that combines your reaction and a judgment of your partner’s performance.

You won’t just be flattering your partner with your reaction but also assuring him/her that anyone else would be impressed. That will help with confidence.


Meaning: This refers to something interesting and breathtaking.

Example: /Your part in the song was thrilling/

Note: This is a sweet remark that combines your reaction and a judgment of your partner’s performance.

You won’t just be flattering your partner with your reaction but also assuring him/her that anyone else would be thrilled. That will help with confidence.


Meaning: this refers to a heavy heartbeat, resulting from fear or excitement. It also refers to a rhythmic pulsing motion from sensual pleasure.

Example: /Intimate moments with you get me throbbing/

Note: This is a sweet remark that mentions your sensual satisfaction with your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you can derive satisfaction with him/her.


Meaning: this refers to someone sensitive. It is similar in meaning to “Tender”.

Example: /You are cute when you get ticklish/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s admirable trait. It addressed your admiration for that part of your partner and you will be putting a smile on his/her face.


Meaning: this refers to something that instills the feeling of a mild prickling. It can be compared to “Goosebumps”.

Example: /Your performance was tingling/

Note: This is a sweet remark that combines your reaction and how you believe others should react to your partner’s performance.

Your partner will be extremely flattered to know you get goosebumps from watching him/her.


Meaning: this refers to someone who can be very sensitive. It is similar in meaning to “Ticklish”.

Example: /You are so cute when you get touchy/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s admirable trait. It addressed your admiration for that part of your partner and you will be putting a smile on his/her face.


Meaning: this refers to something excellent and beyond normal known levels. This remark is usually considered exaggerated.

Example: /Your beauty is transcendent/

Note: This is a sweet remark that exaggerates a trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to hear the compliment.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something considered to be reliable and capable of being trusted.

Example: /You have always been friendly and trustworthy/

Note: This is a sweet remark that mentions a commendable trait of your partner. By saying this compliment, you will be making your partner smile genuinely while also encouraging your partner to remain worthy of your trust.

An automatic goal will be set in your partner’s mind to never let you down.


Meaning: This refers to something valued and considered to be of great worth 

Example: /Never thought I would be having a treasured partner like you/

Note: This is a sweet remark that addresses how much you value your partner and the relationship you share. Your partner will be happy to know you care for him /her and consider him/her to be of great worth.


Meaning: this refers to something extremely large and awe-inspiring. It has the same meaning as Terrific.

Example: /Your final move was tremendously beautiful/

Note: This is a sweet remark that exaggerates your partner’s performance. While it may not be exaggerated, it will always sound hyperbolic. It combines your reaction and judgment of your partner’s performance.

You won’t just be flattering your partner with your reaction but also assuring him/her that anyone else would be impressed. That will help with confidence.

Romantic “T” Names

Romantic Words That Start With T


This is a good nickname for a female partner of a petite size. It doesn’t suit male partners well so you may want to use this for your girlfriend only.


This is a good nickname for your female partner who has gleaming skin. You can address her as “Twinkle Star” or just “Twinkle”. It sounds a bit weird but it’s very cute.


This is a good nickname for your male or female partner. If you are tired of calling your partner “Dear” or “Darling”, this is a similar word. It means “Darling” in Italian.


This is a good and sweet nickname to address your partner. It sounds more suitable for female partners than male partners. People use “Coffee” as pet names so “Teacup” isn’t the weirdest.


This is a good nickname for your male partner who appears strong and confident.


If you truly treasure your partner, it won’t be strange to call him/her by this name.


This is a good endearment term you can address your partner with. It also means “Babe” or “Sweetie”.

Teddy bear

This is a good nickname for a male partner who is big and cuddly.

Tough guy.

This is a good nickname for a male partner who appears to be truly tough.


This is another good nickname for your tough male partner. This is the name of a fictional adventurous character from a popular story. This will fit your male partner if he is strong and daredevil.


Have you been able to pick a word? It is time to make use of a positive word again. Walk to your partner and flatter him/her with a romantic compliment. We only have one life to live.


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