39 Romantic Words That Start With N

Are you wondering which romantic words to use for your partner today? There are a whole lot and you can’t find them all here.

However, below is a list of romantic words that start with “N” and they never fail to flatter.

Romantic “N” Words

Romantic Words That Start With N

1. Narcotic

Meaning: This refers to something capable of inducing sleep. In statements like this, it tends to be hyperbole.

Example: /Your slightest touch was the narcotic I needed/

Note: By saying this, you refer to the comfort you get from your partner. Your partner will be happy to know that you can derive comfort and happiness from him/her.

2. Natty

Meaning: This refers to a thing or person that is smart and Fashionable.

Example: /You look natty in anything. It’s just you/

Note: This is a lovable feature in your partner. By pointing this out, you won’t only be getting a flattering reaction in your partner but also planting a sense of confidence in his/her head.

3. Naughty

Meaning: This refers to a person or action that is considered silly, usually mischievously or sensually.

Example: /Your naughty poses make me shiver/

Note: This is mostly used in a sensual context. Your partner will be happy to know you are sensually attracted to him or her and you will successfully get a flattering reaction.

4. Needed

Meaning: This refers to something necessary to a particular person or for a particular purpose at a particular time.

Example: /You are the lover I have always needed to be happy/

Note: This is a comment that implies necessity and can be considered exaggerated.

However, your partner will be flattered. This goes beyond mere desires as you will be attributing your happiness or even your source of life to your lover.

5. Natural

Meaning: This refers to something innate or created by nature.

Example: /You have a natural beauty. A make-up kit can’t do as much as this/

Note: This is a lovable and noticeable feature in your partner. By using this compliment, you are attributing your partner’s success to your partner alone.

You won’t only be receiving a flattering reaction but also be making your partner truly happy and confident.

6. Near to my heart

Meaning: This refers to a person’s loved ones or something that one is always considering in all decisions.

Example: /You have always been near to my heart/

Note: This refers to how much you love your partner. Your partner will be happy to know that you truly care and that your love for him/her still lingers in your heart.

With this, you will be getting a flattering reaction successfully.

7. Never-failing

Meaning: This refers to something accurate and impossible to fail. Statements like this are usually hyperbolic.

Example: /Your never-failing smile motivated me/

Note: This is an exaggeration of a feature of your partner or an action performed by your partner.

Your partner will figure out the exaggerated expression but will be happy that you consider his/her as amazing as ever.

8. Nice

Meaning: this refers to kindness or goodness in a person or action. It is also an adjective used for an impressive action or thing.

Example: /You have always been nice to me/ /You have a very nice smile/

Note: This can be used to mean “kindness”. You will be referring to a lovable trait in your partner and asides from getting your partner flattered, you will be encouraging your partner to stay nice.

This can also be used to qualify your partner’s actions or appearance. It sounds less as impressive as words like “beautiful” so it is advisable to use a superlative adjective to make it sound more flattering.

9. Nifty

Meaning: This refers to a stylish object or person. It can also refer to an idea that is smart and useful.

Example: /You were always nifty, right from the start/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. By using this compliment, you will not only be getting him/her flattered but also planting a sense of confidence in your partner.

10. Nimble

Meaning: This refers to the smartness, alertness, and quickness of a person.

Example: /You have always been nimble and sharp/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. You will be getting your partner flattered with this reaction by showing him/her that you admire the particular trait you are talking about.

11. Nonpareil

Meaning: This refers to something that cannot be matched. Statements like this are most likely exaggerated.

Example: /Your beauty is nonpareil if I’ll be honest with you/

Note: This is an exaggerated compliment on your partner’s appearance or action. You will be getting your partner flattered by this reaction.

12. Nourishing

Meaning: This refers to something healthy and nutritious. It is metaphorical in this context and used to refer to something refreshing and arousing joy

Example: /Your dance moves are nourishing/

Note: This is your reaction to your partner’s appearance or actions. By saying this, you are putting your partner as the reason for your happiness.

Your partner will be delighted to hear that you find joy in him/her and will want to do more.

13. Nubile

Meaning: This refers to sensual attractiveness in a woman.

Example: /You were nubile and mouthwatering. Everyone could see beauty/

Note: This is a lovable feature in your partner’s appearance. By using this compliment, you are telling your partner you are still attracted to her and you will be getting her flattered with this.

14. Neighborly

Meaning: this refers to friendliness and helpfulness shown by a person to another person

Example: /You have been more than neighborly to me/

Note: This is a reference to the relationship shared with your partner. By saying this, you are referring to your partner’s friendliness.

You will be getting him/her flattered and simultaneously encouraging your partner to continue in that way.

15. Noetic

Meaning: This refers to high intelligence in a person or an idea.

Example: /You have always been noetic and smart/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. By saying this, you are admiring your partner’s intelligence.

You will be getting your partner flattered while building your partner’s confidence in his/her confidence.

16. Nurturing

Meaning: This refers to the act of providing tender care to a person.

Example: /You have been nurturing me like a father/

Note: This is a compliment on the efforts of your partner over you. By saying this, you are appreciating your partner for being there for you.

Your partner will be flattered and encouraged to continue in the good act.

17. Number one

Meaning: This refers to a person at the top and yet to be matched or surpassed.

Example: /You will always be number one in my heart/

Note: This is a comment on how you feel about your partner. By saying this, you are telling your partner how much you care and reminding him/her of your love.

You will be getting a flattering reaction successfully.

18. Nuts over

Meaning: This refers to a crazy reaction towards something. In this context, it is very exaggerated.

Example: /I have been nuts over you since we met at the mall/

Note: This is a comment on how you feel about your partner. By saying this, you are telling your partner how crazy you feel for the sake of Love.

You will be getting a flattering reaction successfully.

19. Notable

Meaning: This refers to remarkable features in a person, object, or idea. It also refers to important things or people.

Example: /You have a notable smile. It never fails to amaze me/

Note: This is a lovable feature in your partner. By saying this compliment to your partner, you are giving your reaction while addressing how everyone else should feel about a certain feature in your partner. This will get your partner flattered successfully.

20. Nutty about

Meaning: This refers to a crazy reaction towards something or someone. It is exaggerated in contexts like this.

Example: /I have been nutty about you since we met at the mall/

Note: This is a synonym for “Nuts over.” You can choose to use this phrase instead and you will be getting your partner equally flattered.

21. Nasty

Meaning: This refers to silliness or dirtiness but usually in a sensual way. It is synonymous with “Naughty” but maybe dirtier. It can also be used to mean more negative things.

Example: /I won’t be getting nasty with anyone else/

Note: This passes a sensual message to your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you are sensually attracted to him or her and you will successfully get a flattering reaction.

22. Noble

Meaning: This refers to a respectable and responsible person.

Example: /I have never met one as noble as you/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. By using this compliment, you will be telling your partner how much you admire that trait while encouraging your partner to continue in the act.

23. Nestle

Meaning: This refers to the act of pressing one’s body snugly against another person’s body.

Example: /I’m flattered when you nestle into my arms/

Note: This is a comment on an admirable action of your partner. By saying a compliment on how your partner nestles on your body, you will be flattering your partner and encouraging the act.

24. Non-conformist

Meaning: This refers to the refusal to conform to the rules of a gathering; choosing to move freely. This can sound negative in a compliment so your tone must be minded.

Example: /I love your non-conformist disposition)

Note: This is a comment on your partner’s choice. Saying a compliment on it will show admiration and support. Your partner will be feeling flattered and encouraged.

25. Nectarous

Meaning: This refers to something similar to nectar produced by flowers. It is metaphorical in this context and refers to something sweet or exciting.

Example: /Your voice is nectarous/

Note: This is a compliment on a lovable feature in your partner. It is metaphorical and may sound slightly exaggerated.

However, your partner will be happy to see your reaction and hear your positive comments.

26. Nimble-witted

Meaning: This is a word you can use instead of “Nimble”. It refers to smartness, quickness, and alertness.

Example: /You have always been sharp and nimble-witted/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. You will be getting your partner flattered with this reaction by showing him/her that you admire the particular trait you are talking about.

27. Nervy

Meaning: This refers to boldness in a person.

Example: /I have always known you to be nervy and strong/

Note: This is a lovable trait in your partner. You will be getting him/her flattered while encouraging your partner to continue in that trait.

28. Novel

Meaning: This refers to something new and original.

Example: /Your eyes look more novel than clouds of dawn/

Note: Comparing your partner to new things is very cute. It can be used to qualify the beauty or expertise of your partner.

Your partner will be flattered by your comment while appreciating your admiration

29. Noteworthy

Meaning: This refers to remarkable features in a person, object, or idea. It is a synonym for “Notable” so you can use the words interchangeably.

Example: /You have a noteworthy smile. It never fails to impress me/

Note: This is a lovable feature in your partner. By saying this compliment to your partner, you are giving your reaction while addressing how everyone else should feel about a certain feature in your partner. This will get your partner flattered successfully.

Romantic “N” Names

30. Nutty

This is a cute nickname to address your lover by. It doesn’t have a romantic English name but is used as an endearment term for your crazy partner.

31. Naughty

This is an English word but it’s perfect as a nickname too. Call your naughty partner with this name.

32. Num-num

Num-num is a childish word that means “tasty food”. You can choose this name for your partner if you consider him/her tasty.

33. Nightlight

This is a superb nickname to call your partner who stays up late with you at night.

34. Ninja

This is a nice nickname for your flexible partner. If your partner is a hyperactive person, this name will suit him/her better.

35. Netflix

You can also give your partner this popular name if he/she is so dramatic that you find fun watching.

36. Neptune

This is another way to say your partner is out of this world. If you are looking for a planet name to give your partner, this is the right one.

37. Nutter butter

This is another rhyming nickname to call your partner with. It doesn’t have a literal name but it sounds cute and flattering enough.

38. Nachos

This is a kind of food. If you find your partner beautiful and tasty, this is the right name.

39. Nymph

This is a perfect nickname for a beautiful female partner. If you admire her curves, then this may be the right name.


Words are not just words when it comes to people. Words can cause wars to happen.

Mere words can also cause wars to end. Mere words can break and mere words can mend.

The best mending words are listed above. Make your pick and have fun.

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