What Do You Reply When Someone Says Welcome To The Team

You can simply reply by saying “Thank you. I’ve always wanted to join this amazing team.” This is a reply that shows how enthusiastic you are about joining the team and also shows that you are ready to give it your best shot.

Not just for your own benefit, but also for the growth of the company. There are other things that you can say when someone welcomes you to the team. Take a look at the other replies that you can give.

The 20 best replies when someone says welcome to the team

What Do You Reply When Someone Says Welcome To The Team

  • Thank you. I’ve always wanted to join this amazing team.
  • I’m delighted; it’s an honor to be a part of this team.
  • I can’t wait for the amazing things we will achieve together.
  • Thank you, team. This means a lot to me.
  • This is one of my dreams coming true
  • Thank you. I never imagined myself in this amazing team.
  • It was thoughtful of you to welcome me in this manner.
  • Thank you for your warm welcome. I will give it my best shot.
  • Thank you for deeming me fit to join this team.
  • Thank you for trusting my ability.
  • I will make you all proud.
  • Thank you for this opportunity to work with this team.
  • Thank you for your warm welcome. I feel relaxed joining this team.
  • I will be an asset to this team.
  • You will have no regrets about adding me to your team.
  • This team will grow as a result of my influence.
  • Thank you for accepting me. My hard work paid off.
  • I feel so pumped to start working with this team.
  • This is a rare opportunity to work with such great minds.
  • Working with this team will help me grow in my career.

Thank you, I’ve always wanted to join this amazing team

This shows that you are enthusiastic about joining the team and you also love the fact that you were accepted to join such an amazing team.

It means a lot when you have always wanted to join a team of great minds, and you eventually get the opportunity to join the team.

When you say thank you, it shows gratitude and they understand that you are truly grateful that you joined the team.

I am glad; it is a privilege to be among this team

There are some teams you only get to join unless you are privileged enough. If you are privileged to be in such a team, simply reply by saying so.

With a reply like this, whoever employed you or added you to such a team will understand that you know it is a privilege to be in such a team.

I can’t wait for the amazing things we will achieve together

This reply shows that you have the company at heart. And you are not there just because you want to work and earn.

You also want to develop and achieve great things with the team at large. When you are put on an amazing team like this, you will even be motivated to achieve more and work together as a team.

Thank you team, this means a lot to me

 It is actually of great value for you to join a team of smart people, and you probably did not believe you would be accepted into that team.

When you reply by saying it means a lot to you, that shows how much you value the opportunity and you do not take it for granted either. Something that means a lot to you should not be taken for granted at all.

This is one of my dreams coming true

What Do You Reply When Someone Says Welcome To The Team

There are times you have dreamt of working with such a team. You never believed that some day you would be working with that team. This is a dream come true.

You can reply in this way. It shows you really worked really hard to get to such a position. You had a dream and you worked towards it and finally got it.

Thank you. I never imagined myself in this amazing team

What Do You Reply When Someone Says Welcome To The Team

You must have applied to work with several big companies, only to be rejected to join their team. Then you applied for this one and never expected to get accepted, only to get accepted surprisingly.

Obviously, you never imagined that you would be accepted into the team and that is why you are unhappy about it. If you reply in such a manner, it shows how grateful you are to be part of the team.

It was thoughtful of you to welcome me in this manner

Some team members do not really care too much about you when you join. There are some teams you can join as a newbie and it will be like you are not even recognized.

If your team welcomes you in such a warm way, it is so thoughtful of them. If your team welcomes you, you should appreciate it because you do not always get such treatment in other places.

Thank you for your warm welcome. I will give it my best shot

When you reply by saying that you will give it your best shot, it shows that you are willing to give your all for the growth of the company and the team as well.

Some people do not even care about the company; they just want to work and earn money. Then you assure them that you will give it your best shot. It shows that you are here to stay and grow.

Thank you for deeming me fit to join this team

 There is no doubt that many other people applied for that same position, and they were not accepted for certain reasons. The fact that you were accepted to join the team shows you really had what it takes and you were fit to join.

Others may have had good qualifications, but some other things must have disqualified them. If the company has deemed you fit to join the team, then it is a big deal. You should be happy about it.

Thank you for trusting my ability

 It is one thing to be qualified for a particular position, and it is another thing for the company to trust you. Some are qualified but do not have the trust of the company.

If a company trusts you and your abilities, they will definitely hire you as long as you have good qualifications. It is a good thing to have the trust of a company. Appreciate them for trusting your ability.

I will make you all proud

 This is a reply that shows that you will make the company proud of having you as an employee. Some employees have really done a great job of making the company proud and also winning awards for the company.

If you assure the company that you will make them proud, they will even have trust in you and believe in what you can offer.

Thank you for this opportunity to work with this team

 It is an opportunity to work with a great team. Not only can you make and keep good friends by being a part of that team.That is an opportunity on its own to grow your network of friends.

Aside from having people to work with in your team, it is also good when you have quality people as friends. You can make quality friends with a good team at work.

Thank you for your warm welcome. 

Sometimes, people tend to feel nervous and tense when they join a new team. If your new team welcomes you and also makes you feel comfortable and relaxed while working with them, you will be able to flow easily with them.

You will even like them for the fact that they are welcoming and also make you feel like you are actually among the family. This is a good thing because not many people out there have the privilege of being among a welcoming team.

I will be an asset to this team

Yes, you can either be an asset or a liability to a team. When you have a lot to offer, go help the team grow, and you are not just in it for your own selfish interest; you are an asset to the team. You should add this in your reply.

Let them know that you are an asset and that you are willing to give it your best shot. Then, they will even trust you better.

You will have no regrets about adding me to your team

Some team leads usually feel regret when they add someone to their team. It is probably because the person is not performing up to task or the person has dropped the ball a lot.

Team leads may feel regret that someone among the team is drawing them backwards. In your reply, assure them that they will not regret adding you to the team. With this, they would expect more from you as long as you deliver well.

This team will grow as a result of my influence

 This is a reply that communicates to the team that you are really a person of value and that you will impact the team in a positive way.

When you have what it takes to impact the team in a positive way, the team will definitely do exploits and will achieve more.

This is a good way to reply. The team will be ready to accept you and also what you have to offer.

Thank you for accepting me. My hard work paid off

This is a reply that shows that you really worked hard to get to that position. You must have applied to other places and it did not go through, only for you to apply to work with this team, and then it worked.

When you reply by saying that you really worked hard, it shows that you are a hard worker and you work for what you want. It shows you are a go-getter.

I feel so pumped to start working with this team

 This shows how eager you are to start working with the team and also start working with the brand. Employees who are usually eager to work tend to do a really good job when they begin work.

As a team lead, you also need to pay attention to those in your team who are eager to begin work, and when the work begins, they also perform at their best.

This is a rare opportunity to work with such great minds

Of course, it is a rare opportunity to work with great minds in a particular team. When you have such an opportunity, you should not misuse it.

As someone who has recently joined a team, you should express your gratitude for the opportunity to work in such a team.

Working with this team will help me grow in my career

This reply shows that you are really enthusiastic about your career growth and also the growth of the company.

When you have people in your team that show how enthusiastic they are about career growth, it shows that they are not in the team only for what they can gain, but also for their personal growth and team growth.


When a team welcomes you, you need to be happy and enthusiastic about it. Not everyone out there has the opportunity to join a team where the team members are welcoming and accommodating.

If you are in such a team, you should be happy about it. In some other teams, newcomers usually get nervous and tense when they first join the team.

In this type of team, a newbie will not be able to perform at his best because he does not feel like he is part of the team.

Appreciate the team for welcoming you in such a warm way. Also make sure that they understand that you are there to work and grow the team. It is your career as well.

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