How To Respond To Someone Calling You Psycho

When someone calls you psycho, you will feel bad about it, especially if you never saw it coming. But it will not do so much harm if you have a good reply.

Have you ever been in a situation whereby you needed a good reply to a situation like this and you were not able to find one?

Well, this article will show you the 20 best replies you can give when someone calls you psycho. After reading this article, you will no longer be at a loss for words if someone calls you a psyco.

20 best responses to being called a psycho

How To Respond To Someone Calling You Psycho

  • You may think that I’m psycho, but you may even be the one who’s psycho.
  • Make your findings before you conclude
  • Do something meaningful with your wide mouth
  • You can see that nothing is wrong with me. Where did this idea that I am psycho come from?
  • No time to waste replying you.
  • Talking to you is a waste of time, really.
  • When you have something meaningful to say, just let me know.
  • You seem to have a lot of hurt in you. Are you sure you don’t need therapy?
  • When was the last time something good came out of your mouth?
  • I stopped paying attention to people who had nothing good to say to me.
  • If you chose to do something better with this time, you would have become someone better.
  • If you know what that means, you won’t call me psycho.
  • Are you aware of what you are saying?
  • I bet you are not half as smart as I am.
  • You should learn to speak to people with respect.
  • I doubt if your parents taught you what manners mean.
  • Being polite can take you far in life. Learn to be polite. Calling someone psycho is not something polite to do.
  • You’re too dumb to recognize someone who’s dumb 
  • What do you think people would say about you too?
  • Please step away from me. I do not like the energy you bring.

You may think that I’m psycho, but you may even be the one who’s psycho

The person may actually be someone who is psychotic. That is a good response you can give to someone who is calling you psycho.

When you reply by telling the person that he may likely be psycho, it makes him even have a second thought about if what he is doing is good or not. This is a good response you can give.

Make your findings before you conclude

How To Respond To Someone Calling You Psycho

People are often in a hurry to judge you when they do not even know you. Why call someone psycho when you do not even know anything about the person?

When you give this reply to someone who called you psycho, he starts to understand why he needs to not be in a hurry to judge you or to call you psycho.

Do something meaningful with your wide mouth

How To Respond To Someone Calling You Psycho

 It is often seen as rude to call someone a psycho. Someone who does that probably has a wide mouth.

When you reply in this manner, the person starts to think that he could have actually said something better that would be of help to you instead of calling someone psycho. That would bring the person down.

Nothing is wrong with me. Where did this idea that I am psycho come from?

This communicates to the person who called you psycho that there is nothing wrong with you actually. Where exactly did the person get the idea that you were psycho?

You would be sending a signal to the person that you are obviously okay and nothing is wrong with you, so what exactly did he see that made him say that you were psycho?

No time to waste replying you

How To Respond To Someone Calling You Psycho

You are someone that is busy with one of two important things, and you do not have the time to reply to someone who all’s you psycho, when you know full well that you are not psycho.

This reply shows that you do not want to waste your time on things that are not benefiting you. Someone who calls you psycho is not worth your time in any way, and you should not waste your time with such people.

Talking to you is a waste of time, really

 Taking to someone or even replying to a person who called you psycho. You should spend your time doing something better, like improving yourself.

This is a good reply that communicates to the person that you would rather spend your time doing something good than spend time replying to him.

When he understands this, he will not even think of calling you psycho again because he already understands that you will not have the time to reply to him.

When you have something meaningful to say, just let me know

This communicates to the person who called you a psycho that he said something that is not really meaningful to you.

When you reply in this way, you indirectly tell him to learn to say meaningful things, and if he does not have anything meaningful to tell you, he should not even talk to you at all.

This reply helps to filter out people who do not have something meaningful to say to you.

You seem to have a lot of hurt in you

Are you sure you don’t need therapy? Someone who calls you a psycho is obviously not in a good place.

That person could have been hurt in some way and, as a result of that hurt, the person starts to transfer the aggression onto you by calling you psycho.

Ask if the person is hurt and if he needs therapy. This shows you care for him and you are not totally upset about him calling you psycho. You actually want him to be a better person, so you advise him to see a therapist.

When was the last time something good came out of your mouth?

This reply is more like a question. When last did he actually say something good? When someone calls you a psycho, it just sends a message that the person rarely says anything positive to people.

If you draw his attention to this, it helps him to even make a change or repent from calling someone a psycho.

I stopped paying attention to people who had nothing good to say to me

You just have had a lot of experiences with people who have said nasty things to you and you do not want to tolerate that anymore.

If someone calls you a psycho, it is not a good thing to say, so let the person know that you do not have any time for those who do not have anything good to say to you.

With this, you let the person know that you are intentional about the kind of people you allow into your life.

If you chose to do something better with this time, you would have become someone better

Calling someone psycho is one of the dumbest ways to make use of your time. Actually, there are better things you could have used that time for that would help you become a better person in life.

Why use that time to call someone psycho If you could actually use that same time to do something better with your life, This type of reply helps the person rethink and probably stop calling people psycho.

If you know what that means, you won’t call me psycho

This reply helps him understand that there are some things that you do not know the gravity of until someone draws your attention towards them.

If you knew what it actually meant to call someone psycho, you definitely would not have done that.

But because you are not aware of what a psycho actually is, you go on to call someone psycho. You should make use of this reply; it works really well.

Are you aware of what you are saying?

He really needs to be aware of what he is saying. This makes him understand that he should not be calling someone psycho in the first place.

Reply in this manner and see how he reacts. He obviously is not fully aware of what he is saying and that is why he is calling you psycho.

I bet you are not half as smart as I am

This automatically counters what he says to you. If he calls you psycho, reply by telling him that he is not as smart as you are.

This indirectly tells him that you are smart and, given that you are smart, you cannot be a psycho. So, he is automatically wrong when he calls you a psycho. You are too smart to be called that. He should look for something better to do.

You should learn to speak to people with respect

This reply lets him know that calling someone psycho is totally disrespectful. When you talk to someone, you should not disrespect the person in any way.

If you do not know anything about someone and you go ahead and call the person psycho without doing your research, that is so disrespectful. Draw his attention to the fact that calling you psycho was really disrespectful and

I doubt if your parents taught you what manners mean

If his parents taught him about manners, he would definitely know that it is not a good thing to call someone psycho.

If you draw his attention to this, he will most likely take note of it and adjust if he sees the need to. If he does not want to adjust, you should most likely ignore him.

Being polite can take you far in life. Learn to be polite

Calling someone psycho is not something polite to do. It is very insulting and can really bring someone down.

What you need to do is reply to him in this manner and explain to him that calling someone psycho is not polite and he should repent from doing so.

If he did it out of ignorance, then it can be forgiven. But if he called you Psycho intentionally, then he is not a polite person at all. Reply to him and let him know this so that there can be a change.

You’re too dumb to recognize someone who’s psycho

 This is a way of indirectly telling him that he is dumb for calling you psycho. Ideally, someone who is mentally OK will be wise enough to tell when someone is psycho.

When you tell him that he is too dumb to even recognize someone who is psycho, it is more of a comeback and it lets him know that he is not doing a good thing by calling someone psycho. He should desist from such an act.

What do you think people would say about you too?

Someone may call you a psycho because of what they think about you. But has he thought about what other people think about him too? This is something you need to draw his attention to and let him see that there is truth in this.

You may think it is so easy to call someone psycho because you can say or think anything about the person, but put yourself in the person’s shoes and ask yourself what others will say about you too. Would they also think you are psycho?

Please step away from me. I do not like the energy you bring

 Someone who calls you Psycho definitely has nothing good to tell you. And such a person does not bring good energy when he is around you.

You can simply reply by telling him to step away because you do not like the energy he brings. You should be in control of the kind of people you have around you.

If the people you have around you do not have good energy, you should stay away from them.


After reading his article, you will find it easy to respond when someone calls you psycho.

Each of these replies that I have explained has their own unique effects, and they also work in their own unique way.

You should go through any of the replies and make use of anyone you want.


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