How Do Spanish Men Flirt? (10 Ways We Know!)

Spanish guys flirt by giving you that coy gaze. A coy gaze is a shy type of gaze in which the Spanish guy allows her eyes to get in contact with his, then he breaks eye contact after a few seconds.

This is one way Spanish guys flirt. If you are a girl interested in getting any of these Spanish guys to date you, you need to understand the way they flirt so that you will be able to fit yourself in.

Spanish guys want to flirt with the ladies. Obviously, the girls need to understand how they flirt so as to play along.

It would not make any sense if you wanted to flirt with a Spanish guy and you have no knowledge of how they play their game.

If you want to know how Spanish guys flirt, stick around till the end of this article and you will learn their method!

10 Ways Spanish Guys Flirt

  1. Spanish guys use the coy gaze.
  2. Spanish guys will smile a little.
  3. When they’re around you, Spanish guys get nervous.
  4. He compliments you over text, even when you just met.
  5. He tries too much to impress you.
  6. He will make a joke about your boyfriend to see if you actually have a boyfriend.
  7. You catch him staring at you.
  8. He touches you softly.
  9. He tries to make you laugh at any given opportunity.
  10. He would laugh at your jokes, even if they are not funny.

Spanish guys use the coy gaze

How Do Spanish Men Flirt?

That coy gaze is the type of gaze that Spanish guys give you when they want to flirt with you. What he will do is that he will maintain eye contact with you as long as you are not looking at him.

Then he waits for you to notice him. The moment you guys’ eyes meet, he immediately breaks eye contact in a shy way, making you feel like he wants you to notice him. This is one way that Spanish guys flirt.

If you are a girl and you notice any Spanish guy doing this, probably at a social gathering or at a party, then that is a hint that he is trying to flirt with you. Then it is totally up to you to decide if you want to have anything to do with him or not.

Spanish guys will smile a little

How Do Spanish Men Flirt?

Have you ever gone on a date and noticed a Spanish guy smiling at you even though you don’t know who he is?Yes, that is him trying to flirt with you.

Once he sees you are someone he would like to flirt with, you will notice this little smile on his face directly at you. He may likely not mean any harm by showing you a little smile; he just wants to flirt with you.

I mean, it is a common thing for a guy you know to smile at you, but when you see a guy you have never met before showing you a little smile, then he most likely wants to flirt with you.

When they’re around you, Spanish guys get nervous

Have you ever been close to a Spanish guy? Do you watch his body language when he is around you?

If you notice that he starts to get nervous or he starts to fidget while he is around you, that Spanish dude has a thing for you and wants to flirt with you.

If you keep an eye for signs of this, you’ll be able to tell whether or not that Spanish guy wants to flirt with you.

He compliments you over text, even when you just met

When you’ve known a guy for a while and you’re text buddies, he’ll definitely compliment you on things he like about you based on what he has seen so far.

If you guys just met and started chatting, he will start complimenting you over text when you both barely know each other.

That is a tell that he has a thing for you and he just wants to flirt with you. This sign makes it so easy to figure out how Spanish guys flirt.

He tries too much to impress you

Usually, guys love to show that they are the man, but a Spanish guy who wants to flirt with you will go all the way to impress you to show you what he can do.

This is a sign that this Spanish guy just wants to flirt with you. Someone who you just met will not be trying too hard to impress you.

If he does that, he just wants to have a good time and flirt with you. This will give you a heads up on what these Spanish guys do just because they want to flirt with you.

He will make a joke about your boyfriend to see if you actually have a boyfriend

 I am sure that you must have heard a guy say something like, “Hey, I hope your boyfriend will not come at me.” That is just a trick to know if you have a boyfriend.

Obviously, he knows that there is a possibility that you do not have a boyfriend for you to give him that level of attention.

Then he tries to joke about an imaginary boyfriend that he knows full well that you do not have one.

His goal is to get you to say it clearly that you do not have a boyfriend, and then that will serve as a go-ahead for him to flirt with you. Since you have already made it clear that you do not have a boyfriend,

You catch him staring at you

How Do Spanish Men Flirt?

This one is for the confident Spanish guys who do not care if you catch him staring at you. In fact, he wants you to catch him staring at you for you to get the hint that he has a thing for you.

What he will do is that he will keep on staring at you when he notices that you are not looking at him. He will continue to stare at you until you catch him staring at you.

Even after you catch him staring at you, he will not break eye contact immediately. He will keep staring, waiting for you to break eye contact. This is one way Spanish guys flirt.

He touches you softly

How Do Spanish Men Flirt?

A guy you just met will not want to get close to you for no reason.

However, if he has a thing for you and he wants to flirt with you, he will break that touch barrier by touching you softly in areas like around your waist or even by holding your hands.

If you meet with a Spanish guy and you guys spend some time together, the moment you realize that he is always looking for excuses to touch you, then that is a sign that he is trying to flirt with you.

This is one thing that Spanish guys will do when they find you attractive and they want to flirt with you.

He tries to make you laugh at any given opportunity

 When a Spanish guy meets you or when you guys get talking, he will most likely make you laugh at every given opportunity if he has intentions of flirting with you.

This is one way that Spanish guys flirt. Even if the situation does not call for jokes or anything of the sort, he tries to make you laugh.

He is trying to make you laugh so that you can feel comfortable around him. Spanish guys believe that when you feel comfortable around him, it gives him an edge to flirt with you.

Because on a normal day, you will not flirt with someone you are not comfortable around. That is why his first attempt will be to make you feel comfortable around him by trying to make you laugh at any given opportunity. If he does this, then he is most likely trying to flirt with you.

He would laugh at your jokes even if they are not funny

You may think that it is only ladies that do this. When you hang out with a Spanish guy and you find out that every little thing you say sounds funny to him and makes him laugh.

He is most likely trying to gain your trust and make you feel like he finds you amusing. This used to be mostly done by women, but now men do it as well.


There are various things that Spanish guys do when they want to flirt. I’ve discussed many of them in this article.

If you have a Spanish guy who has been following you around for a while and you want to know what he is up to, look out for any of these signs.

if he begins to exhibit any of these signs towards you, that should give you a hint that he is flirting with you or wants to flirt with you.

It is up to you to determine how you want to respond to him.

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