Possible Meanings When You Call Someone on Whatsapp and It Says on Another Call?

Whatsapp; the now famous end-to-end encrypted messaging social media app is a cool medium for interaction between individuals, corporations, and lots more.

This app features the placement of calls across to people using cellular data. However, there have been a lot of complaints from people concerning what seems to be a glitch when they try to place a call.

You might’ve experienced this and you’re wondering what it means, its cause, and obviously how to go about resolving the issue.

In this post, I will be doing all that and also offering answers to the question; what does it mean when you call someone on Whatsapp and it says on another call? Happy reading!

What Does It Mean When You Call Someone on Whatsapp and It Says on Another Call?

The developers of Whatsapp boast of tight encrypted security formula in the social media app.

Although this issue is not security related, you could read a lot of meanings to it when you call someone on WhatsApp and it says on another call. However, there is a key reason why this can only happen on Whatsapp.

On that note, I went in search of reasons and I was able to come up with what it means when you call someone on Whatsapp and it says on another call. This section also handles some reasons why this happens on WhatsApp.

  • It means the person you’re calling is on another call on or off Whatsapp 
  • It could also mean that there’s a technical issue within the developing tiers of the app

It Means the Person you’re calling is on another Call on or off Whatsapp 

This right here is the commonest and most notable meaning as to why you’ll see a pop-up notification that reads “on another call” when you try to call someone on Whatsapp. This suggests that the person you’re calling is on another call. 

The notification is a way of letting you know that the person in question is having a conversation with someone on the end-to-end encrypted app.

In some cases, people complain that they get the notification even when the person they’re calling is not online. Concerning this, it could be the person is on another call off Whatsapp.

Due to the high sensitivity of phone calls through service providers, most incoming Whatsapp calls are usually bounced back or muted by the app. When this happens, it is either you get the notification that the person is ‘on another call’ or the call doesn’t even go through.

It Could Also Mean That There’s a Technical Issue within the Developing Tiers of the App

Possible Meanings When You Call Someone on Whatsapp and It Says on Another Call?

While we consider the fact that the person you called might be on another call, there’s more to it if the person is actually ‘not on another call’. If this were to be the case, what then is the problem?

The answer to this question is unclear and has remained unresolved for so long, almost making it into a mystery for most Whatsapp users who experience the problem.

To this end, the reason for the disturbing notification is a result of a technical glitch that pauses the call you put through to the person.

When this fault occurs, it sends you the message that the person is on another call, when they are not! 

I understand that this has caused a lot of problems for most users and many attempts to get it resolved by contacting the developers haven’t yielded any notable fruits.

However, this point speaks volumes about why periodic updating of the app is important.

What to Do When You Call Someone on Whatsapp and It Says on Another Call?

It is so disturbing to call someone on Whatsapp and get the notification that reads ‘on another call’.

It hurts most when it is an emergency, and even worse when the person is not actually on another call, but you received the notification for some reasons unknown to you. 

Amid the bewilderment, you might still be looking out for lasting solutions to this problem and I’m here to help you with that. Here are a few tips.

  • You can end the call and refresh your app
  • You should clear up the app cache
  • You can try restarting your device
  • You can delete and install a newer version of the app or just update the existing one 

You Can End the Call and Refresh Your App

One of the things you can do when you realize that you’re getting the ‘on another call’ notification is to end the call and refresh the app. By doing so, you try to settle any hinge that could’ve happened due to excessive use of the app.

Without attacking any brand, my experience with smartphones has proven that some apps tend to run slow on Android than on IOS phones.

Even if you’re using either of them, you can try to fix the problem by logging out of your Whatsapp and refreshing the app by minimizing and clearing the app history.

You should clear up the App Cache

You can also fix the problem by clearing the cache. A cache is the accumulation of residual data in each app on your phone. If you notice your Whatsapp runs slower, you can clear your cache to see any change.

To clear your cache, you should tap and hold your app icon for a few seconds. After that, you’ll see a pop-up option with “app info” inclusive. Click on it and you’ll be directed to another page. Click on “storage and cache”. You’ll be taken to a fresh page. 

Here, you’ll notice the icon to “clear cache” on the bottom right corner of your screen. Click on it and you’ll see the data given in the cache bar go from its previous number to zero. After you’re done, you can then refresh your app and try the call again.

You Can Try Restarting Your Device

Possible Meanings When You Call Someone on Whatsapp and It Says on Another Call?

If the problem persists after applying the first and second tips, you can try restarting your phone. Once you do, you can open the app and try placing the call again.

You Can Delete and Install a Newer Version of the App or Just Update the Existing One

Lastly, you can try fixing the problem by deleting Whatsapp and reinstalling it. Otherwise, you should download a newer version of the app to fix the problem.

The latter solution works better than the former because it resolves the problem more if it sprung from a technical malfunction on the side of the developers. 


It is quite annoying and suspicious when you notice your Whatsapp keeps saying ‘on another call’ when you try to call someone through it.

However, I have provided you with ample reasons and meanings for the brother in this article. This helps to reduce confusion.

Likewise, this post also availed you of some tips on how to fix the problem. I’m hopeful that the information contained herein will be helpful to you. In case you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below.


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