30 Of The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

The best help you can give a guy who asks you what you see in him is to be sincere and not necessarily tell him what he wants to hear or what will make him feel good.

Have it in mind that so long as the guy didn’t ask you about his positive or negative side, tell him what you know based on your knowledge or observation of him.

You can tell him that you see someone who has empathy and is super intelligent, especially if you admire that quality in him.

In the same way, you can tell him that he needs to be more disciplined and attentive to his teeth if you have observed that he is lagging in that regard. This article provides you with 30 of the best responses when a guy asks what you see in him.

Table of Contents

30 Best Responses

You can tell a guy that you see in him someone who is honest and reliable when he asks you what you see in him. You can as we say he is smart, intelligent and reasonable.

  1. ‘I see someone who is warm-hearted, kind, and caring.’
  2. ‘I see someone who is smart, intelligent, and reasonable.’
  3. ‘I see in you someone who makes me feel confident and comfortable.’
  4. ‘I see someone who is boring, listens a lot, and is easy to talk to.’
  5. ‘I see in you someone who challenges me and enables me to maximise my potential.’
  6. ‘I see someone who has vision and is purpose-driven.’
  7. ‘I see in you someone who is honest, has integrity, and is reliable.’
  8. ‘I see someone who is full of vigour about the positive side of life, their interests, and their goals.’
  9. ‘I see someone who is respectful and considerate.’
  10. ‘I see in you someone who has a great sense of humour and loves making people around you excited.’
  11. ‘I see someone who is supportive and always loves to encourage me.’
  12. ‘I see someone who is adventurous but needs a little more composure and discipline.’
  13. ‘I see someone who is patient and understanding.’
  14. ‘I see someone who has empathy and shows compassion toward people they come across.’
  15. ‘I see in you someone who is optimistic about life, not minding the tough situations it has thrown at you time and time again.’
  16. ‘I see someone who is generous with their smiles and beautiful voice.’
  17. ‘I see someone who values communication excellently and wants to get involved in the right relationships only.’
  18. ‘I see someone who is open-minded, friendly, respectful, and committed to helping others.’
  19. ‘I see someone who is independent and does not bug people.’
  20. ‘I see in you someone who has a mind of their own and whose self-worth is placed on a healthy scale.’
  21. ‘I see in you a guy who is super talented, creative, and full of hopes for the days to come.’
  22. ‘I see someone who has a proper family orientation and values their relationships.’
  23. ‘I see someone who is faithful and committed to your principles and what you believe in.’
  24. ‘I see someone who is blessed and self-motivated.’
  25. ‘I see in you someone who is responsible and one of the first persons I can call to deliver a task in your field.’
  26. ‘I see in you someone who is exceedingly knowledgeable about things and full of innovative ideas.’
  27. ‘I see someone who is not selfish but attends to the needs of others like it is their personal project.’
  28. ‘I see you as someone who is unpredictable, not stable, but has potential to become an excellent fellow.’
  29. ‘I see someone who is truthful, genuine, and full of bliss to distribute to your world.’
  30. ‘I see in you someone who is self-aware, keen on principles, and emotionally intelligent.’

1. ‘I See Someone Who Is Warm-hearted, Kind, And Caring.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

If a guy has a kind heart and has been so good to you, you can tell him that you see in him a warm-hearted and caring guy who has a kind heart that is rare.

2. ‘I See Someone Who Is Smart, Intelligent, And Reasonable.’

It is possible that you have never told a guy that he is smart or that you have always admired his intelligence and strong sense of reasoning, but you always feel shy to praise him. So, when he asks what you see in him, it’s a great chance to tell him so.

3. ‘I See In You Someone Who Makes Me Feel Confident And Comfortable.’

When a guy asks you what you see in him, you should not forget times when he was good to you and reminded you of who you are in uncomfortable situations. You can simply say that he is someone who makes you confident and comfortable in yourself.

4. ‘I See Someone Who Is Boring, Listens A Lot, And It Is Easy To Talk To.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

Sometimes, it’s a great idea to criticise people as constructively as you praise them. If a guy asks you what you see in him, you can tell him that he is boring but a great listener who does not act difficult to approach.

5. ‘I See In You Someone Who Challenges Me And Enables Me To Maximise My Potential.’

There are certain people who never fail to push others to become the best they can be, wherever they are placed.

If you have met someone who has pushed you by sharing personal stories or exposing you to knowledge that will enable you to maximise your potential, you can tell him what you see in him when he asks you what you see in him.

6. ‘I See Someone Who Has Vision And Is Purpose-driven.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

Having purpose-driven people around you is a blessing. Watching them plan out their vision and take steps to achieve it is simply beautiful and attractive if you have plans to pursue purpose as well.

Same way, you may admire a guy who has kept his focus straight because he has a vision and is putting in efforts day in and day out to ensure that he fulfils his purpose.

When he asks you what you see in him, you shouldn’t fail to acknowledge the deliberateness he has channelled into fulfilling his purpose.

7. ‘I See In You Someone Who Is Honest, Has Integrity, And Is Reliable.’

People of integrity are scarce. So, when you see one, you ought to look for opportunities to acknowledge how honest he is.

You can as well recall an instance in which you relied on him, and he helped you through the whole process and saw it through for you. So, when he asks you what you see in him, that could be the best time to express how he has been a reliable source of help to you.

8. ‘I See Someone Who Is Full Of Vigour About The Positive Side Of Life, Their Interests, And Their Goals.’

Someone’s vigour and positivity towards life’s situations may not only be admirable but rewarding.

Everyone desires to have one thing or another, but in the long run, only a few people accomplish what they should because they do not set goals and pursue them until they are accomplished.

If you meet a guy who is a goal setter and a goal getter, then he deserves some accolades. So, when he asks you what you see in him, you can tell him about this rare quality that he possesses.

9. ‘I See Someone Who Is Respectful And Considerate.’

You might have met someone who is so respectful to everyone they come across, including people older or younger than them.

Their disposition towards others will clearly show you that they are not selfish but considerate, and they have it in mind that just as they yearn for respect, everyone else deserves it.

10. ‘I See In You Someone Who Has A Great Sense Of Humour And Loves Making People Around You Excited.’

It’s not enough to receive the humour someone throws, but it is most important to appreciate their sense of humour. So, when a guy asks you what you see in him, do not fail to acknowledge how his efforts to make people happy are a blessing and have blessed you.

11. ‘I See Someone Who Is Supportive And Always Loves To Encourage Me.’

When a guy asks what you see in him, you ought to remember the results of your relationships in the past.

And at the point when you remember times where you wouldn’t have gone so far to accomplish certain things but his input and encouragement pushed you, you can relate the story and tell him that you see someone who is supportive and encouraging.

12. ‘I See Someone Who Is Adventurous But Needs A Little More Composure And Discipline.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

You must not always want to say good things to people all the time and push aside areas where they can improve if they are well-informed. To this effect, you can tell a guy who asks you what you see in him that you love the fact that he is adventurous.

However, there are still certain qualities about himself that he needs to work on, including his composition. If you have noticed that he can be much better if he only works on becoming more disciplined, then you can relate this to him as well. However, your criticism should be constructive.

13. ‘I See Someone Who Is Patient And Understanding.’

Someone who has empathy will be aware that people around them are different, and they will always be conscious of the fact that they need to understand people with different opinions and not necessarily impose their own views on others.

This makes them patient and loving toward people, even when they deserve punishment for their deeds. If you have met a guy like that and he asks you what you see in yourself, you can tell him that you see someone who is patient and understanding.

14. ‘I See Someone Who Has Empathy And Shows Compassion Toward People They Come Across.’

One of the human qualities that the world will hardly recover from if compassion is put in place When people are compassionate, they tend to rally around people, whether they are enemies or friends, so long as they raise an alarm for help.

If you have met a guy who displays compassion from his heart, then you need to tell him when he asks you what you see in him that you see empathy and concern for people. You can also add that his compassionate quality is second to none.

15. ‘I See In You Someone Who Is Optimistic About Life, Not Minding The Tough Situations It Has Thrown At You Time And Time Again.’

It is so beautiful as to how someone can put up. a tough skin, living through hard situations that life throws at them. However, you may admire their optimism and restraint, and during your conversation, you can simply make that known to them, especially when they ask you what you see in them.

16. ‘I See Someone Who Is Generous With Their Smiles And Beautiful Voice.’

This response is most suitable for a guy who sings beautifully and smiles generously. Beyond money, there are times when people simply need a hug, words of encouragement, or even a smile.

In that case, you might have noticed that a guy never hides his beautiful smile, and he sings not for show but to make everyone comfortable and appreciate his gift. If such a guy asks you what you see in him, you should tell him how gracious and beautiful he is.

17. ‘I See Someone Who Values Communication Excellently And Wants To Get Involved In The Right Relationships Only.’

Not everyone is skilled at communicating; this is why people get into issues or misunderstand one another. However, when a guy asks you what you see in him, you admire his quality of excellent communication and how he chooses the people he relates with.

18. ‘I See Someone Who Is Deliberate, Friendly, Respectful, And Devoted To Helping Others.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

Anyone who is open-minded has a long way to go in the sense that they are always receptive to ideas and do not carry the burdens of others as their own, anytime, anywhere. When a guy asks you what you see in him, you can tell him about his open-mindedness and commitment towards others.

19. ‘I See Someone Who Is Independent And Does Not Bug People.’

It’s so uncomfortable to have someone who is constantly bugging you around you all the time.

A lot of guys do this, especially when they ask a lady to go on a date with them or when they need a reply from a lady urgently, so they’ll keep on appearing before her face every now and then.

However, if you get to meet with a guy who has proven to be distinct, you should not fail to let him know that when he asks you what you see in him.

20. ‘I See In You Someone Who Has A Mind Of Their Own And Whose Self-worth Is Placed On A Healthy Scale.’

The way a guy carries himself can inspire you to carry yourself with so much dignity. Obviously, he has taken out time to uncover who he truly is and he has been following up deliberately.  

From observing him, you must have placed his self-worth on a healthy scale. When he asks, you should tell him that, unlike many others, he has a mind of his own and that his self-worth is top-notch.

21. ‘I See In You A Guy Who Is Super Talented, Creative, And Full Of Hope For The Days To Come.’

A super talented guy needs to be praised because he has not pushed aside his gifts but has displayed them freely so that the world and everyone around him can see them and benefit from them.

You must not stop at telling him how creative he is when he asks you what you see in him; you can go further and say that you also love the fact that he has hopes that will allow him to stand tall in the days to come.

22. ‘I See Someone Who Has A Proper Family Orientation And Values Their Relationships.’

When you acknowledge how beautiful and admirable someone’s character is as a result of their family philosophy, you may be digging a deeper foundation for the continuity of such a proper family orientation.

If you also tell him that you love the way he carries himself and values his relationships, your words might sound so encouraging to him that you shouldn’t hide them from him.

23. ‘I See Someone Who Is Faithful And Committed To Your Principles And What You Believe In.’

Principled people are one of the rarest kinds of people. You might have gotten the opportunity to meet with a guy who is committed to what he does; you might have also noticed that their faithfulness in whatever they did left a touch of faithfulness.  Any chance you get, you should tell him about these things you have observed.

24. ‘I See Someone Who Is Blessed And Self-motivated.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

It’s beautiful to get motivated as often as possible. But when you see a guy who is self-motivated and never gets worn down easily, whether circumstances warrant it or not, if you have a sense that a lot of things around him are divine, then you should let him know how blessed he is.

25. ‘I See In You Someone Who Is Responsible And One Of The First People I Can Call To Deliver A Task In Your Field.’

Taking responsibility is much more important than usually explained. When a guy asks you what you see in him, it could be the right time to tell him the reason why you always bring clients who need his help to him, and this is as a result of his high sense of responsibility, his efficiency in performance, and how excellently he delivers his job.

26. ‘I See In You Someone Who Is Exceedingly Knowledgeable About Things And Full Of Innovative Ideas.’

Not everyone can bring about innovation and fruitful ideas with ease. When you meet a guy who is super knowledgeable, you shouldn’t fail to let him know that his ideas are superb and rare. 

27. ‘I See Someone Who Is All Out To Assist Others And Attend To Their Needs Like It Is Their Personal Project.’

Self-centred people are scattered everywhere, but when you meet with a guy who is distinct, it becomes obvious that he has intentionally decided to build a space to accommodate people he meets, whether they favour him or not. Don’t forget to acknowledge that when he asks you what you see in him.

28. ‘I See You As Someone Who Is Unpredictable, Not Stable, But Has The Potential To Become An Excellent Fellow.’

As much as you would crack your head trying to figure out a beautiful trait of someone when he asks you what you see in him, a pressing thought in your mind may be to tell him how unpredictable and unstable he is, although he has the potential to become excellent if he becomes more stable and consistent on the right path.

29. ‘I See Someone Who Is Truthful, Genuine, And Full Of Bliss To Distribute To Your World.’

A guy who distributes good tidings to everyone around him should be told to his face and acknowledged. 

30. ‘I See In You Someone Who Is Self-aware, Keen On Principles, And Emotionally Intelligent.’

The Best Responses When A Guy Asks What You See In Him

You can tell a guy who asks you to tell him about himself that you love the fact that he is aware of himself.

Also, you need to praise his emotional intelligence and ensure that you say it to him in a way that he discerns that you really acknowledge his intelligence emotionally.


You must not always say something pleasing to a guy when he asks what you see in him. However, what you must do is be diligent.

At the point where a guy asks you what you see in him, it could be an opportunity to tell him about a beautiful quality he possesses that you admire, or on the other hand, you can constructively criticise him and, if possible, give him tips on how he could get better at the trait you see in him.

You shouldn’t be surprised at what his response may be. Your sincerity may help him to know himself better or get him to improve in certain aspects of his life. Learned something new? Let’s know in the comment section.

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