10 Reasons Why My Ex Looks At Me When I’m Not Looking(UNRAVELLED)

Your ex still likes you. That is one of the reasons, you might also think your ex is weird and your ex wants to kill you but that is not true.

When your ex looks at you while you are not looking it may seem that your ex has not gotten over you and in most cases, it is a good thing.

You should not be bothered when your ex looks at you when you are not looking because you know you are an attractive person that your ex can not get over so easily. I get it that you feel very uncomfortable with the eyes all over you and you want it to stop badly.

In most scenarios it does not necessarily mean your ex looks at you because they can not get over you.

It can be because they are really surprised to see you at the moment or it has been a very long time since your ex last saw you and he/she keeps looking at you because they are seeing a lot of changes on your physical appearance and they do not know how to stop staring.

In this article, I will give you 10 reasons why your ex keeps looking at you when you are not looking and what you should do or how to make it less awkward for the both of you.

10 reasons why my ex looks at me when I’m not looking

  1. Your ex still likes you
  2. Your ex wants to talk to you but doesn’t know how
  3. Your ex regrets you are not together
  4. You look good and attractive 
  5. You caught her attention 
  6. You look familiar and she wants to confirm 
  7. Your ex likes your outfit
  8. Your ex misses you
  9. Your ex wants to get your attention 
  10. You looked at your ex first

Your ex still likes you

reasons why my ex looks at me when I'm not looking 

When you meet someone who likes you at first, they tend to always look at you. Your ex keeps looking at you when you are not looking and that is a clear sign that your ex still likes you and your ex does not know what to do when he/she sees you except to stare.

Your ex still has feelings or is emotionally still attracted and seems to haven’t gotten over you and your ex really still likes you till the point your ex keeps looking at you when you are not looking

This is because they admire you and imagine a lot of moments with you or your ex reminisce about the past and remembers old times together, so your ex looks at you to keep the memory fresh and the image of you bright.

All you can do at this point is to either ignore the eyes fixed on you or you can walk up to your ex and say hi for old-time sake and the thing would be less embarrassing for you if you felt it was.

Your ex wants to talk to you but doesn’t know how

When your ex keeps looking at you, it may be that your ex wants to talk to you but your ex does not know how to go about it. You may not have ended your relationship on a good note and your ex does not know how to approach you and start up a conversation with you. 

When your ex keeps looking at you without saying anything it is because your ex has a lot to say but your ex is speechless and cannot figure out how to begin a conversation with you.

At this point, your ex may think you are angry at them and so they do not know how to begin simple conversations to engage you so your ex keeps looking at you and trying to think of a way to approach you and talk with you. 

Your ex feels starting a little talk with you is going to be weird and one-sided and it makes them not know how to go about talking with you. It may also be that your ex is indecisive about whether to talk to you or not and it makes him/her look at you so much.

At this point you can also walk up to your ex whether you want to or not but if you didn’t get talking at all and you are just wanting to know, there is no harm done in any way, your ex did not know how to start a conversation with you so she/he kept looking when you were not. 

Your ex regrets you are not together 

Your ex can be so pained and regretful when they see you because you are not together with them. When you and your ex are not together anymore it makes them less accessible to you and they picture moments with you which makes them stare at you.

In an instance where you are with your new significant other and you both are having fun and your ex walks in and you notice your ex so much because your ex keeps looking at you and your new partner with regrets.

Your ex wishes you both are together and your ex regrets that you are not, it is a painful thought that can make them keep looking at you especially when you are doing something that should have been for both of you.

It might have been your decision or your ex’s decision to end what you had but it hurts each person either way and the pain of regrets from not trying to make things better could affect anyone of you.

All you have to do at this point is to ignore your ex because you are with somebody else and would not want to ruin your moment with that person. When your ex looks at you for this reason, it is a clear sign that your ex has not gotten over you even after your break up with her/him.

You look good and attractive 

As the top-notch, good-looking, and attractive person that you are, it is not a surprising thing that your ex looks at you. Your ex and everyone around you are supposed to admire your good looks and by all means, look at you when you don’t notice. 

Your ex’s eyes can stay off you because of how pretty, handsome, beautiful, dazzling, or attractive you look and they know you always made them smile or happy from your dress sense or you always caught their attention with your outfits, style, and look.

You are the center of attraction to your ex and to others around you because of how mouth-watering you present yourself to be and that is why your ex keeps looking at you when you are not looking because they can not get their eyes off you.

You are always good-looking and attractive and it is something that has made your ex keep looking at you because your ex finds it very sexy to them.

You caught your ex’s attention 

Your ex does not expect to see you at a familiar place but you catch your ex’s attention when you step in. Your ex tends to keep looking at you because she/ he never expected to see you at that time and place. 

It is more of a surprise to them and you have caught their attention so they keep looking at you while you are not looking.

They never expected to see you or never thought they would see you and they do. At this point, there is a whole lot that would make your ex keep looking at you.

Your ex could keep looking at you to figure out whether you have improved in some aspect, your ex would check out your outfit and accessories, your ex could be trying to know why you are where they are and so many things could be in your ex’s mind that you have so captured his/her attention that they only keep wondering while looking at you.

You look familiar and she wants to confirm 

The both of you have not met in years since after you got split up and your ex sees you somewhere, maybe at an event and you did not see them.

Your ex keeps looking and trying not to make eye contact because your ex does not want to make things awkward but also recognizes your face but cannot figure out where she/he knows you from and your ex wants to find out and confirm. 

Your ex may just be seeing your side face from a distance and wants to confirm it is you after recognizing your face and it can make your ex keep looking at you when you are not looking because they are not sure if it is you or someone who looks like you.

At this kind of moment, you can reach out to them and say hi and it would prove to them that it is you because you know them and they are sure that they know you.

Your ex likes your outfit 

Your ex saw you for a long while and is so surprised at how good-looking you are and how great your outfit is. Your ex may have a new partner they might want to get that type of your outfit for because your ex likes it.

Your ex keeps looking at you because they don’t want to talk to you but they like your outfit and want to keep the memory of your outfit in their head so they can get the same thing.

This reason is only because of what you are putting on and they only want to have the same thing. Your outfit is a catch and it is bliss to the eyes so your ex keeps looking at you because they fancy what you are wearing. 

Your ex misses you

When you miss someone and see them after a long while, you will always keep looking at them because there will be changes in their physical appearance either major differences or minor differences compared to the last time you saw them. If your ex sees you after a long while this could be a perfect reason why she is looking at you. 

Your ex misses you and can’t seem to get their eyes off you because they see how much you have grown or how much you have changed or how good-looking you are and they just want to keep looking at you because they miss you and seeing you at that point is so joyous for them.

They may not also want to talk with you or catch up with you but they are okay to see that you are doing fine and they are glad to have seen you after such a long period.

Your ex wants to get your attention 

You can walk up to your ex and catch up with your ex to say hi and get to know why they are looking at you so much. When your ex keeps looking at you over and over again and they know that you noticed that they are looking at you, you can walk up to your ex to get to know why.

Your ex may be wanting your attention so bad, your ex wants you to notice them or they want to talk to you without being the one to start up the conversation.

When your ex wants to get your attention it means that your ex misses you or your ex wants you to see that they are happier without you or your ex just wants to talk with you.

 In cases like this, it is best most times if you do not give your ex the attention they crave because they may want to spite you or make you jealous.

Getting your attention is a big deal for your ex so your ex keeps looking at you and trying to get your attention by getting you roughed up with their eyes.

You looked at your ex first

If you looked at your ex first, intentionally or not and they get to make eye contact with you and you look away without saying anything, there is every probability that your ex would keep looking at you maybe because they are glad to see you, they miss you, they want to get your attention back or because you look good. 

This reason for your ex to look at you started from you and it may be very weird for you because you do not know how to go about the whole situation but you know that you looked at them first and it has made your ex keep looking at you non-stop.

If you looked at your ex first it means you saw them first or you had to look at your ex because you wanted to look at him/her but they started looking back at you continually at intervals and you do not know what to do about it.


Your ex is not a weird person or an insane person for looking at you even when you are not looking. Your ex has a reason that may be fitting for him/her and they never wanted you to notice their soft stare at you.

This article has given you 10 good reasons why your ex could be looking at you and what you could do at such a point.

When you notice your ex looking at you, you can reach out to your ex to either catch up or tell them to stop looking at you or you can leave them alone till you exist wherever may have brought you both together.

There is totally nothing wrong when your ex looks at you when you are not looking instead you should feel more attractive even though you feel a bit uncomfortable about it.

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