Why Does She Stand In Front Of Me?

When she stands in front of you, it means that you are probably in her way and she wants you to move. This is quite easy to understand, especially if she stands in front of you without even saying a word.

It is important you know that could not be the only reason why a lady will stand in front of you. There are other reasons why she would stand in front of you. Take a look at other reasons why she would stand in front of you, this will help you have a better sense of judgment.

6 reasons why she would stand in front of you

Why Does She Stand In Front Of Me?

  • She wanted you to move away from her way.
  • She wants to get your attention.
  • She wants you to see her looking good.
  • She may be asking for a hug.
  • She likes being around you.
  • She is interested and wants you to make a move.

She wanted you to move away from her way

 This is something that guys do as well. When someone is standing in your way and you do not want to tell the person to move, you will simply just stand in front of the person, hoping the person gets the message.

That is the same situation here. If you are in her way, she will most likely stand in front of you, hoping you will get the message that you are actually standing in her way.

If she just stands in front of you, it could be that she does not want to tell you that you are in the way. She will just stand in front of you, hoping you will get the message and move.

She wants to get your attention because

Why Does She Stand In Front Of Me?

Ladies are usually known to be attention seekers. When a lady wants to get your attention as a man, she will do everything in her power to make sure that she is able to get your attention.

When she sees you standing in a specific location and notices you are alone, she will approach you and stand in front of you, hoping you will notice her.

She may not be bold enough to start a conversation, so she will throw herself in your face to make sure that you notice her by all means so that you can start the conversation yourself.

She wants you to see her looking good

When she likes you and she puts on her best looking clothes, she will try her best to make sure that you see her in those clothes. She was probably trying to impress you by showing you how lovely she looked in her lovely gown.

The moment she puts on that dress and she notices you in a public place, because she has that dress on, she will go ahead and stand in front of you so that you can see her in her beautiful dress.

Lots of women do this consciously or unconsciously. If you are a guy and you notice a beautiful lady in a really nice dress standing in front of you, just know that she probably wanted you to notice her in that beautiful dress.

She may be asking for a hug

Why Does She Stand In Front Of Me?

If this girl likes you and has tried to hug you several times and failed, the next time you see her standing in front of you in an unusual manner without saying anything, know that she is most likely asking for a hug.

As long as this lady likes you, she will try her best to maintain physical contact with you, either by touching you or hugging you.

If you feel connected to her, you may try hugging her. If she hugs you back without restraining, then she was really asking for that hug and she is probably happy she got what she was asking for.

She likes being around you

This is also true. If she likes being around you, she will try various means just to get to you and be with you.

If you notice that you were on your own, probably doing something else, and she came all the way to stand in front of you without having anything to do there, just know that she probably just wants to be around you because she likes it.

In a situation like this, you may not be able to do much. You may just let her be. If she likes being around you,you may not be able to stop that. The more you try to stop her, the more she looks for other ways to be around you. The safe thing to do is to just let her be.

She is interested and wants you to make a move

This is another reason why she stands in front of you. She must be really interested in you, but because she has not got the opportunity to have a conversation with you, she tries any means possible to make sure that she gets in your face.

You may just be doing something innocently, only for you to see her coming to stand in the front just because she is interested in you. She actually wants you to make a move towards her.

Ladies that do this are usually the shy ones. They find it difficult to say a word to you, but they will always do anything just to be around you or be in your face so that you can see her signs that she is interested, then you make a move.

As a man, if you notice that this lady is trying her best to get noticed by you, try saying a word to her. That could just be the breakthrough she needs, especially if she has made the signs so glaring. Just go for it.

What to do when she stands in front of you

Some men don’t really know what exactly they are to do when a lady is standing in front of them. Do you tell her to move away? Or do you tell her to question her, to know exactly why she is standing in front of you?

Here are the various things you can do if she stands in front of you

  • Ask her why she is standing in front of you.
  • Move to see if you are actually in her way.
  • Start a conversation
  • “How may I help you?”

Ask her why she is standing in front of you

This is a reasonable thing to do. The right thing you need to do is to ask her why she is standing in front. It may not be a good idea to just assume why she is standing in front. Ask her to hear from her to know exactly why she did that.

Once you know why she did that, you will know how to react to it. If you go ahead and react without having the slightest idea why she did that, you may just react in the wrong way, which may not be a good thing.

This is true not only in these situations, but in all situations; it is better to ask questions rather than jump to conclusions.When you ask questions, you get a better idea of what must have gone wrong in such a situation.

You will also have a better sense of judgement when you ask questions instead of making rash decisions.

Move to see if you are actually in her way

If she stands in front of you and you feel you are actually standing in her way, the right thing to do is to move away a bit, moving in such a way that you are not standing in her way at all.

This way, you will be sure that you are not standing in her way. If after you move away, she keeps on moving without even looking towards you, then it is obvious you were actually standing in her way and all she did was stand in front of you so that you would get the idea that something is actually wrong and she wants you to move.

She obviously would have said that you were standing in her way, but she chose not to say a word. She just stood in your front so that you could get the message. Good enough, you were able to get the message that she actually wants you to move.

Start a conversation

 Ladies do this a lot. They want to talk to you, but they will not always be the ones to initiate a conversation.

What she will do instead is move close to you and just stand in front of you, hoping to get your attention so that you can actually say something or even start a conversation with her.

Ladies like these are not always confident enough to start a conversation with a guy they like. What she will do instead is position herself in such a way that you will notice her.

That is exactly what she hopes to achieve by going up in front of you just to notice her so that you take the lead and start a conversation with her. Begin a conversation with her and ask her a few questions that will keep her talking for a long time.

When you initiate the conversation, she will not want it to end. She will most likely keep talking because that is all she has been seeking.

“How may I help you?”

If she is standing in front, she definitely needs something from you. Because of her feminine nature, she may not want to say what she wants right away; instead, she may simply stand in front of you, hoping you notice her.

What she hopes to achieve by doing that is that she wants to wait for you to make the first move by asking her “how may I help you?”  If what she requests is something you can do, go ahead and do it for her.

If it is something you know you cannot do, simply tell her in a kind way that you may not be able to do exactly what she requires. That way, she will be able to understand and adjust accordingly.

This is the best way that you can get answers. Actually, if you ask questions, you get answers. Instead of staring at her while she stands in front of you, just ask the question to know how she needs your assistance. When she is talking, listen and provide the assistance if it is within your power.


When she stands in front of you, check to see if you are standing in her way. She may not be able to directly tell you that you are standing in her way; she may just stand in front of you, hoping you get the message and move out of her way so she can pass.

Most of the time, that is the reason why she stands in front of you. Aside from this, there are other reasons why she stands in front of you. Sometimes, it could also be that she just finds you attractive and she is trying her best to be around you for a while.

She may be trying to get your attention because she likes you. She may also be trying to make you see how good she looks in the new dress that she put on.

If it is a lady that likes you, standing in front of you could mean that she is just trying to get a hug from you. When a woman likes you, she tries her best to get physical contact with you, either through handshakes or through hugs.

If you see her trying to get into physical contact with you too frequently, just know she has a thing for you.

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