Why Do Correctional Officers Cheat 

Correctional officers and those who are in law enforcement are more prone to cheating on their partners than others.

The main reason is because they usually spend more hours at work with their colleagues than with their spouses or partners.

When you spend more hours with your coworkers, especially those of the opposite gender, and you all spend the night together, there is a high possibility that you may cheat, because it gets even more difficult to stay away from such temptation.

15 Reasons Why Correctional Officers Cheat

Why Do Correctional Officers Cheat 

  • They spend long hours with colleagues at work rather than with spouses.
  • They spend late nights with colleagues at work.
  • The long hours spent at work forming too many bonds among colleagues
  • The job gives them a protective nature.
  • The job means more responsibility, especially when it comes to responsibility towards the opposite gender.
  • Correctional officers get access to the inmates and get to take care of them.
  • Correctional officers get too much access to the opposite gender, even at night time.
  • Correctional officers are not easily suspected when there is an affair among inmates 
  • The work can make correctional officers have protective feelings towards their co-workers.
  • They can get bored of being at work for too long, and they turn to their colleagues for pleasure.
  • They give lots of attention to their co-workers.
  • It is a job that requires physical contact.
  • There is an unhealthy competition among co-workers.
  • The job is stressful, and sometimes they need someone to help them cool off the stress.
  • The job makes them spend less time with their spouse.

They spend longer hours with colleagues at work than with spouses

Why Do Correctional Officers Cheat 


This is one of the most common reasons why correctional officers cheat on their partners. When you spend unusually long hours with your co-workers, especially at night, there is a high possibility that you may likely cheat on your partner.

Usually, when you spend longer hours with other people than you do with your spouse, a bond is usually created and you are likely to get involved in something intimate.

When you spend so much time with your co-workers, you are more likely to create a bond with them because your spouse is not available at that moment.

They spend late nights with colleagues at work

Why Do Correctional Officers Cheat 

 Correctional officers tend to work late at night. Remember that working late at night gives you access to both male and female inmates at any time.

And because you have access to them late at night, you could be tempted to get intimate with them at night.

Nighttime is usually more tempting because hormones are more active and temptation is most likely at its peak at that time.With your spouse absent, it will be difficult to stay off.

The long hours spent during work create too much bond between colleagues at work

When you spend so much time with someone or a group of people, you unconsciously create a bond that makes you guys so close. This also happens at the place of work.

A moderate period of time is a bit acceptable, but the moment you spend long hours creating a bond between the co-workers or inmates, you become prone to cheating. When it gets to the level of cheating, the bond has become so strong that it is almost irresistible.

The job gives them a protective nature

When you become too protective towards someone, you tend to develop an emotional connection towards them. The more you become protective of people, the more you become attached to them emotionally.

Your job as a correctional officer is primarily to protect inmates and ensure that things are in order. It is a bit difficult to do a job like this without being overly protective of your co-workers and inmates.

It is even applicable to your close friends. You will notice that the more they become protective towards them, the more your emotional connection with them grows.

The job means more responsibility, especially when it comes to responsibility towards the opposite gender

When you are a correctional officer, you will have so much responsibility towards other staff and also inmates. You have to ensure that they are safe and protected at all times.

Because of the frequency of this job, you get this feeling of responsibility towards co-workers and inmates. Because as adults, our hormones are so active that, because of the absence of your spouse, there is likely to be infidelity.

Correctional officers get unlimited access to the inmates and get to take care of them

 One thing about being a correctional officer is that you have unlimited access to the inmates at any given point in time.

If you have access to the inmates even at night, you are both most likely to get intimate when hormones start to act on you, especially when there is no supervision.

This also happens because the correctional officers have unlimited access to the inmates, and it is also their responsibility to take care of them and ensure that they are protected and safe.

Even at night, correctional officers have free access to the opposite gender

Just like I have mentioned, nighttime is usually the time when hormones are most active.

If at that time you get free and frequent access to the opposite gender while your spouse is not around, you will be prone to cheating or getting intimate with that person, be it a co-worker or an inmate.

This is why you need to limit your access to the opposite gender when you are working as a correctional officer. The more you get closer to them at night, the more you will be drawn to them emotionally.

If you are a correctional officer that is married and you do not want to cheat on your spouse, it would be best if you limited your access to the opposite gender while at work. This is good for your own safety.

Correctional officers are not easily suspected when there is an affair among inmates

When there is an affair or any suspicious relationship between inmates and staff, the correctional officers are not the first set of people to get suspected.

You will not even suspect that they are the ones involved because of their office. However, they are often the culprits, and cheating is common among them. This is one reason why it is easy for correctional officers to cheat.

They know full well that they may not be the prime suspects. They think they will always go scot free, but that is not always the situation. This is a loophole that needs to be fixed.

The work can make correctional officers have a protective feeling towards their co-workers 

 As a correctional officer, your job is to ensure that your staff and inmates are safe and protected.

When you do jobs like this too frequently, it makes you have a protective feeling towards those of the opposite gender, especially if you have become overprotective towards the person.

When you get too close, you may start to develop feelings that would escalate into something more intense and a strong bond.

With the absence of your spouse for long hours, you may be forced to cheat if you get too intimate with the opposite gender during your working hours.

They can get bored of being at work for too long, and they turn to their colleagues for pleasure.

Working in a place for too long can get boring. Even those who do regular jobs tend to get bored of the job too. Think more of a correctional officer who works day in and day out with just a few days off.

With time, you will begin to get bored, and you will need some sort of pleasure to feel good. Because you have been far away from your spouse for too long, you will be forced to take that pleasure from your co-worker or an inmate.

This happens, and it is not a new thing at all. It is a good thing that this is being raised so that a solution to this issue can be found.

They give lots of attention to their co-workers

 Because of your job, you will give lots of attention to your co-workers and also inmates. Your job is to protect them.

By protecting them, they are also giving them too much attention. When you give someone so much attention, you unconsciously draw closer to that person and also develop a bond with them.

Because of this, you will be forced to cheat when you get too intimate with the person and you are not able to get pleasure from your spouse. This is one of the major reasons when

It is a job that requires physical contact

When you work as a correctional officer, part of your job requires physical contact. Sometimes, you will be required to handle some of the inmates.

You could even search for the opposite gender, so know where your hands could be when you are searching for the opposite gender. In the process of thoroughly searching for the opposite gender, you may have to feel some of their private parts, which is not a good thing.

Sometimes, the touch can be a bit stimulating and seducing if it is done for too long and if it is done in the wrong way.

Because your job requires physical contact, there will always be physical contact between you and the inmates, especially during searching, where you will need to search thoroughly.

There is unhealthy competition among co-workers

This is something that is common in a wide variety of fields of work. It does not happen only in the correctional officer field.

Even in the media, there is unhealthy competition in such a way that one person wants to become bigger than the other person by all means.

Because of the desperate need to become better than others, people will go all the way to have intimacy with those who are in charge. Most of the time, this is done because the other person wants to get a favor from those in charge.

Sometimes it could be a raise in salary or even a promotion. These are issues that can cause one to cheat as a correctional officer.

Those who cheat on their partners with their bosses just because they want a raise in salary or promotion are the ones who love to keep unhealthy competition in the workplace.

The job is stressful, and sometimes they need someone to help them cool off the stress

When you work hard, you also need to rest. Your body needs the rest. Correctional officers spend a lot of their time at work. And even when these correctional officers rest, they do not rest in their homes.

They frequently get to rest at their workplace. When they need rest or someone to ease their stress, they may have to resort to someone close to them who is of the opposite gender to help them ease the stress. This is another reason why correctional officers cheat on their spouses.

The job makes them spend less time with their spouse

When you spend a lot of time at work, you automatically spend less time with your spouse at home.

It is really difficult if your spouse is not good at maintaining a long distance relationship. When you are too far apart from your spouse and your spouse is not always there when you need to feel pleasure, you may be forced to cheat.


These are the only reasons why correctional officers cheat. It is in no way an excuse for correctional officers to cheat. Of course, as humans, we can all adjust and become better.

But there is no excuse for doing something bad. We can only give reasons why these things happen; we cannot always give excuses. I have explained the various reasons why correctional officers cheat in this article.


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