Why Does My Boyfriend Have Scratches on His Back?

Your boyfriend has scratches on his back because he could have been leaning on something and it happened to scratch his back, leaving scratch marks on his back.

This could have been the situation that made your boyfriend have scratches on his back. Do not be too quick to conclude that he has scratches on his back because he had physical intimacy with another woman aside from you.

That is why you must communicate with him and ask questions before reaching a conclusion about what happened to him.

Just like I have mentioned earlier in this article, when you see scratches on your boyfriend’s back, do not be too quick to conclude that he is cheating on you.

It is best to ask questions to know how those scratches got there. Those scratches could be the result of him scratching while sleeping, a condition known as parasomnia, or they could be the result of you scratching him without realizing it.

Take a look at ten reasons why your boyfriend has scratches on his back

  1. He scratched it himself while his back was itching.
  2. He was leaning on something and it scratched his back.
  3. Someone scratched his back in a casual way because he enjoys his back being scratched.
  4. You made the mark and you did not know it.
  5. He was intimate with another person.
  6. He got it as a result of his work.
  7. His cat must have made the mark
  8. He could have rashes.
  9. It could be a result of sleepwalking-related activities.
  10. It could be parasomnia.

He scratched it himself while his back was itching

Why Does My Boyfriend Have Scratches on His Back

Sometimes, having a scratch on your back as a man could be as a result of an itching back.

When you have not taken a bath throughout the day and you happen to do a really tough job that day that caused you to sweat all over, some parts of your body will start to itch you.

Your back will also itch you, and as a result of the constant itching, you will be forced to scratch your body, especially those parts that are itching you.

If your back is also itching, you will scratch your back until it stops itching. If it happens that you have long nails, in the process of scratching your back, your nails may likely leave some marks on your back.

Of course, those marks will not last for too long before they disappear.

He leaned on something, and it scratched his back

Why Does My Boyfriend Have Scratches on His Back

One reason why your boyfriend’s back has scratches is that he must have leaned on something with a bareback which happened to scratch his back.

It could be that he was fixing something at home with a bare back and he decided to lean on the wall, only for the wall to scratch his back, causing those marks that you see on his back.

Sometimes, he may not even know that those scratches are there until you draw his attention to them.

Someone scratched his back in a non-intimate way

It is also possible that someone else scratched his back for him, or he may have even told the person to scratch his back for him in a casual way because he enjoys his back being scratched.

It does not have to be a female that will scratch his back for him, it could be his younger ones or even friends where he lives.

That is why I stated that it is done in a casual manner, with no strings attached. If the person has long nails, it is very possible that the nails will leave marks on their back, making it so obvious that someone scratched their back.

If he explained it to you this way, then you should understand that someone actually scratched his back or he even told the person to scratch his back for him in a casual way because he enjoys it when his back is scratched.

You made the mark and you did not know

Did you scuff him? If you did, it is very likely that those scratches were made by you while the two of you were intimate, and you may not have noticed it because you did not look at his back at the time, only to notice the marks after a few days.

So, think back before you conclude that he is cheating on you with another woman. You may have made those marks without knowing it. Also, check to see if those marks are made by actual fingers.

If it is noticeable, then it may just be your hand. If the marks are still fresh, then it was most likely done by you.

If at all you accused him of being intimate with another woman before you actually realized that you were the one who made the mark yourself, you should apologize to him because it does not speak well if, in the end, you were the one that made those marks after accusing him.

He was intimate with another person

It is also possible that he received those marks while being intimate with another lady. If you checked your nails and you saw that you do not have long nails, then those marks must have been done by another lady.

If you ask him and he fidgets or is unable to defend himself that he was not intimate with another lady, it is possible that it is true.

If he happens to tell you the truth, which is very rare, he will tell you that he was intimate with another lady and that was how he got those marks. Those marks will come as a result of being deep in intercourse.

He got it as a result of his work

Why Does My Boyfriend Have Scratches on His Back

It is very possible that he got those scratches on his back as a result of the kind of job he does.

If he is someone that works as a mechanic and he has to go under vehicles to fix them on a daily basis, then it is possible that those scratches he has on his back are from constant working under a vehicle.

When you work under a vehicle, your back will definitely scratch the floor, or your back will scratch whatever surface you are lying on.

That scratch must have extended from just the cloth he was putting on to the skin on his back, and because he has his back on the floor most of the time, the marks will become visible on his back.

His cat must have made the mark

Why Does My Boyfriend Have Scratches on His Back

It is true that pets can be responsible for scratches on your back. Especially if it is a cat you own at home.

Cats often walk on the backs of their owners, especially if they are sleeping and the cat is looking for a comfy spot to lie on or to just lay down a bit.

The cat can find his back comfortable, and in the process of trying to lay on his back, the cat can scratch him, leaving scars on his back. When you see this scar, you may not be able to tell that it was a scar from his cat.

That is why it is important you ask him to be sure where he got those marks from. If he tells you it came from his cat, then you can believe him as long as you are sure he has a cat at home.

He could be having rashes

Rashes can occur as a result of infections or even heat. Most of the time, heat rash is usually the reason why your boyfriend has an itchy back. When the rashes become so intense, it itches him more.

When something itches, you will be tempted to scratch it as a reflex. If he is constantly scratching his back and he has long nails, it is possible that his nails will leave marks on his back.

If you look at your boyfriend’s body and you see rashes there, then it is possible he got those marks on his back as a result of continuous scratching of his back.

It could be as a result of sleepwalking

Yes, some people sleepwalk. Sleepwalking is when you get up and perform activities even while sleeping. Some people walk around the house or even go to the bathroom while sleeping.

Because they are not in full consciousness, they may fall, and as a result of the fall, they may bruise their back. This is also one of the reasons why your boyfriend has scratches on his back.

Those marks could be because something scratched him when he fell. It is most likely that he fell on his back and that was how he got those marks.

If you see that the marks are deep, then you should know that those marks are the result of a fall he must have had.

It could be a sign of parasomnia

Does your boyfriend scratch his body excessively while sleeping? If you notice that this is what happens, then you know that it is parasomnia.

You should always be on the lookout for this and ensure that your boyfriend treats it as soon as possible so that it does not escalate into something else.

If he does not know that he actually scratches his back excessively while sleeping, you can simply draw his attention to it or even help him out while sleeping. You should also help him find a cure for parasomnia.

How long do back scratches last?

If it is a light scratch that is not so deep, it will take three to seven days for the marks to clear completely. If you notice light marks on your boyfriend’s back, you should not panic.

Just hold on a bit longer for about three days and you will see that the mark has cleared. However, if it is a deep scratch, it takes up to two weeks for it to go completely away.

When you are aware of this, you will know what to expect when you see a deep scratch on your boyfriend’s back. Lighter scratches are not as serious as you think.

It takes only a few days for them to clear. If it does not clear after about seven days, then you should go see a specialist to be sure what caused those scratches.

Do guys like scratches on their backs?

Some guys like scratches on their backs. Not all guys do. Those who enjoy it enjoy pain to some extent, believing that when their partner scratches them on the back, it is a way of expressing how passionate they are, especially when they are physically intimate.

Those guys that like it always prefer it when it is done mildly without aggression. If you try this once on your boyfriend and you see that he does not like it, then you should stop.

However, if your boyfriend likes it, do it mildly and ensure that you do not injure or pierce his skin in the process.


A lot of ladies out there will be in a hurry to conclude that their boyfriend is cheating when they see scratches on his back. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the scratches.

Ask him how they got there, and he will explain to you. The funny thing is that some guys do not even know that they have scratches on their back until you draw their attention to it.

So, do not be in a haste to say that he is cheating. I have explained to you other reasons why your boyfriend has scratches on his back. Check to see which one is applicable to that of your boyfriend.

If he is cheating, you have to be sure of that before you make it public. Because it would not be a good thing for you to say your boyfriend is cheating when he is actually not.

Always try to verify it before concluding.

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