What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures?

When your ex-girlfriend sends you pictures, what it means is that she is trying to win you back so that you can both continue in the relationship from where you stopped.

Most of the time, it’s usually a trap to get you to talk and probably start a conversation that is aimed at moving on in the relationship.

You should be wary of mind games like these that some exes can play on you. You should not fall for such things.

There are other meanings that you need to be aware of apart from the fact that your ex-girlfriend might be trying to win you back.

Most of the time, this is especially because your ex-girlfriend could send you a different type of picture other than her actual picture.

I’ll explain why your ex-girlfriend sends you photos. You need to be aware of these meanings because this will help you know the next step you need to take if you happen to be in such a situation.

Here are ten reasons why your girlfriend sends you pictures

  1. She is attempting to win you back.
  2. She is asking for your opinion on something depending on the picture.
  3. She is trying to show off.
  4. She is trying to make you jealous.
  5. Your ex is missing you.
  6. She is trying to make you feel bad for breaking up with her.
  7. She is trying to get your attention.
  8. She is trying to ruin your new relationship.
  9. She wants to start a love triangle.
  10. She may just be bored and trying to have fun.

She is attempting to win you back

What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures

Yes, this is the most common reason.

If your ex-girlfriend is sending you pictures of the past when you guys were together, or even pictures of the memories that you guys spent together, just know that she is trying to communicate to you that she has found it difficult to find love.

Or, to get into a new relationship and she is trying her luck to win you back. She is also directly trying to see if she can make you remember the last time you guys spent some time together.

I would suggest that if you have moved on with a new relationship, you should not succumb to the pictures that your ex is sending to you to entice you to get back to her.

I would advise you to forge ahead with your new relationship and not let your ex-girlfriend get in the way of it.

Some ex-lovers can actually be tricky, and all they want is to get you back by all means, not minding who will get hurt in the process.

Some ex-lovers can be so desperate to the core. If you notice your ex is this type of person, you need to stay away and give her a long rope.

She is asking for your opinion, depending on the picture

It is possible that you and your ex-girlfriend are no longer together, but you have still talked to an extent.

Perhaps she sent you a picture of nature or something she wants to post on her Instagram page and she is asking for your honest opinion on which one to go for.

This could be a harmless favor she is asking of you. It may not be that she wants anything from you.

She could be someone who is into catering and she has two different pictures of the food she makes and she is confused about which one to go for or the ones to post on Instagram.

Because you both have spent ample time together, she knows that you have a way of helping her make a good decision, so she still wants you to make a decision for her on which one to post, so she had to send you the picture to help her make a choice.

She could also be a fashion designer and she wants you to help her make a decision on which of her clothes are best to post on her Instagram business page.

She is attempting to brag

This occurs when she is overjoyed that she previously broke up with you and has noticed that you have already moved on with a new lady in your new relationship and have been posting pictures of you together.

If she still has access to you, she will also want to show off her new boyfriend because she feels intimidated by your new relationship.

She would go ahead and send you pictures of her new boyfriend and the pictures that both of them took together, probably when they were sharing a special moment together or when they were having fun.

All this is to show off and probably make you feel like you are missing out because you guys are no longer playing.

She is trying to make you jealous

What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures

Yes, this is common among ladies who are also jealous individuals.

If your ex-girlfriend was a jealous person and you both separated, if she gets into a relationship with a new person, she will most likely want to make you feel jealous as well by sending you pictures of her and her new boyfriend.

That is why I usually recommend blocking your ex-girlfriend if she isn’t doing you any good or if you and she don’t have anything meaningful to talk about anymore.

Jealous people always like to revenge by trying to make others feel jealous. If you have moved on in your relationship, you should not fall for such games that your ex-girlfriend might be playing on you by making you feel jealous of her new boyfriend.

If you are not comfortable with things like this, simply block her.

Your ex is missing you

What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures

Your ex-girlfriend may be sad because you and she broke up. Sometimes, ladies leave a relationship and find it difficult to see a better guy to have a relationship with.

It’s possible that none of the new guys she’s met are as good as you. This could be the reason why your ex-girlfriend is missing you so much.

She is missing the times you spent together, the secrets shared, the fights, and the beautiful moments shared together.

Your ex-girlfriend will then send you pictures that you took together, pictures of your beautiful moments spent together, and so on, just to remind you and also because she is missing you so badly.

She is missing you but she will not let you know it. She will keep it away from you but still show indirect signs. I would not recommend you go back to her. Just move on with your new relationship.

She is trying to make you feel bad for breaking up with her

It could be that the moment you guys broke up, things started to go well for her and she changed for good.

Then she starts to send you her new pictures of where she is taking a vacation on a yacht or even going on a shopping spree.

She is trying to make you think that you are missing a lot because you guys are no longer together.

She may be trying to indirectly show you that things are already going well for her and you should see it as an opportunity to go back to her.

Do not succumb. She just wants to make you feel bad for breaking up with her. Do not feel bad, look on the brighter side and move on with your life.

It does not mean that you cannot have a new and even better girlfriend. You always can.

She is trying to get your attention

What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures

My dear, she just wants to get your attention. She must have been sending you messages for a while, but you ignored them.

Then she saw that the only way to get your attention was to send you pictures, which she actually did. Do not fall for this.

A lot of ex-lovers do this when they are not getting as much attention as they used to get when they were with you.

She might not be getting as much attention from her new boyfriend, so she had to send you her personal pictures so that you could continue to give her that level of attention she used to get from you.

Do not let her get that attention from you each time she tries to do it.

She is trying to ruin your new relationship

It is very possible that your ex-girlfriend is a narcissist and she enjoys making people sad.

She probably could have found out that since you guys broke up, your new relationship has been thriving and she has been looking for ways to ruin your relationship.

Then she had to send you revealing pictures of herself to your phone so that if your new girlfriend sees it, it will cause issues in your relationship.

Exes like these can go to any extent just to make sure that your new relationship gets ruined.

You should not have such people on your contact list. Stay away from such people if you want your new relationship to thrive.

She wants to start a lot of love triangles

What Does It Mean When Your Ex-girlfriend Sends You Pictures

A love triangle is when one person is in love with two people at the same time. These three people in love make it a love triangle.

This is what your ex-girlfriend may be trying to do. When she sends you revealing pictures of herself on your phone, she may be trying to lure you to fall in love with her again.

When you fall in love with your ex while you are in a new relationship with another lady, what you are creating is a love triangle. Love triangles are usually dangerous and can cause serious issues. You should avoid this by all means.

The first step to avoiding this love triangle is to warn your ex seriously to stop sending you revealing pictures of herself, which she is obviously doing because she wants you to fall in love with her again.

Delete all the pictures she sent to you because it will not be a pleasant thing for your new girlfriend to see. Block your ex-girlfriend if she fails to stop sending you those pictures.

She may just be bored and trying to have fun

Your ex-girlfriend may just be bored while scrolling through Instagram or scrolling through her gallery. Then she saw a picture that you guys took long ago when you were both together.

She decided to share the picture with you out of boredom. It is possible that she did not have anything in mind while sending you the picture.

She probably just sent it to you so that you could share your opinion or even share memories with her. But I do not advise you to keep having long conversations with your ex-girlfriend.

You do not want to rekindle that intimacy that both of you had in the past. Try to give your ex a long rope and limit how you guys chat.


Your ex is only trying her best to win you back. You should be aware of this at this point in time. It could also be that she is trying to make you feel jealous by sending you pictures of her new boyfriend.

Exes that do these are actually jealous people themselves. Another thing is that she may not have anything bad in mind for you and may simply send you pictures to help her decide which one to post on social media.

After breaking up with your ex, I will not advise that you keep communicating as though you were in a relationship.

Make it obvious that you have already moved on to a new relationship and she should give you space and stop trying to poke her nose into your affairs.

If, after letting her know this, she does not listen, you can go ahead and block her for your own sanity so that your new relationship can thrive. Do not let your ex-girlfriend get in the way of your new relationship.

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