What To Say When Someone Calls You A Bot

Have you ever been called a bot and you wonder what it means? Bot or Robot can be used to mean a lot of things. It can be used as a compliment to refer to a person who has great accuracy at what he does.

It can refer to a person who is extremely determined and shows no emotions. It can refer to a person who is very energetic and never gets tired.

 It can also be used to insult a person. It can refer to an annoyingly hyperactive person. It can refer to someone who doesn’t care about others. It can also refer to a person who lets himself or herself be controlled by someone else.

What To Say When Someone Calls You A Bot

What To Say When Someone Calls You A Bot

  • What does that even mean?
  • I’m not a bot
  • I get tired a lot.
  • Don’t call me that.
  • I thought so 
  • Can you focus on yourself?
  • How does that affect you?
  • What makes you believe you are better than me?
  • I wish I were.
  • You just got to know?
  • Why would you say that?
  • Thank you. You too.
  • Come on. Don’t flatter me 
  • I have a mind of my own.
  • Tell me more.
  • That is not my name.
  • How am I?
  • Then what are you?
  • I don’t think so.
  • You have no idea.

What To Say When Someone Calls You A Bot

What does that even mean?

instead of giving an immediate reply, You may have to ask this question first so you don’t answer wrongly. This is because the word can be used to mean a compliment and an insult. You have to be careful to deduce the meaning before knowing how to reply perfectly.

 A person can choose to say this jokingly and it would still have a negative meaning. It can also be said in a serious tone and it would have a negative meaning.

However, it has a lot of positive meanings so you should know if you are being complimented or not before you think of replying.

 At times, you can already tell the meaning of the word from the situation around you so you won’t have to ask this question. Check other perfect responses on the list.

I’m not a bot

In this case, you don’t have to know what the word means. Some people know when they are called bot as a mere compliment but they don’t like the word. You can simply say you’re not a robot.

 When you say you’re not a bot, in any case, your response can’t be argued. When bot is used as a compliment, it is always an exaggeration.

That is because no person is as tireless or focused as a robot. Exaggerated compliments are often rejected by some people so you can reject this too.

 When bot is used as an insult, it is an insult. No one allows himself or herself to be insulted so you can simply reject this.

 Whichever way it is used, you can simply say you are not a bot without knowing what it means.

I get tired a lot

You have to know what the word has been used to mean before you respond with this clause. If you are responding wrongly, you might end up looking stupid in front of a lot of people.

 When the word has been used as a compliment to refer to your energetic performance, you can tell the person you are not a bot by expressing how tired you get at times.

 While the word has been used as a compliment, responding with this will make you look modest to the person. You can express your flattery for a few seconds but it is best to have a modest response since the compliment was an exaggeration anyway.

Don’t call me that

You don’t have to know what the word means before you reject it. Some people can tell when they are called bot as a mere compliment but they just don’t like the word. You can simply tell the person you are not a robot.

 This works even better if bot has been used to replace your name. While some people use complimentary remarks, some other people can call you with complimentary words instead.

Not everyone likes to be called special words and it may be because they already have a special nickname.

 If a person calls you bot as a nickname, you can simply tell the person to stop calling you by that name.

I thought so

This is a funny way to respond when someone compliments you. You are seemingly admitting that you are a bot and stylishly boasting about it. It may sound like a proud statement but it is rather funny.

However, you must be sure the word is being used as a compliment so you don’t seem stupid. If the word is being used to insult you, you don’t want to admit it or boast about it so this would be a bad idea.

When you say this, anyone will know you are kidding. After joking about your comment for a short moment, the conversation will probably end or change.

Can you focus on yourself?

You can respond with this question when you believe the person was insulting you with the word. However, if it is a compliment, this question would be a bad idea.

 Responding to a compliment with this will make you look rude. You will be shutting off a person who has only tried to flatter you.

However, if it is an insult, this should shut the person up.

How does that affect you?

This is similar to the option above. You may respond to an insult with this question but not to a compliment.

Responding to a compliment with this question will make you look impolite so you should choose a better option, even if you don’t want to be called by the name.

 If a person has insulted you with this word, you can ask this question. The person may be unable to answer and would rather keep shut.

What makes you believe you are better than me?

 There are times we do wrong things without realizing it. Sometimes, we judge certain acts but we do it without realizing we are doing the same thing. This is why a person should always assess himself or herself with the comments of others.

 If a person has undoubtedly insulted you by calling you a bot, you can ask this question. There is a chance the person has insulted you for a selfish reason. There is also a chance the person’s reason for calling you a bot is a genuine one.

When you ask this question, the person will probably explain why you seem like a bot and you will get to know what you have done wrong and whether you deserve the insult or not.

I wish I were

This is not a good response if the word has been used to insult you. You should go for any other option on this list. However, you can simply say this if you are sure the person is saying a compliment.

 Some compliments are very clear. When you have performed a feat or you have displayed an immense amount of energy and a person calls you a bot, it is very obvious that you are being complimented.

 By responding with this, you are appreciating the compliment. Asides from that, you are saying you are not a bot. However, if you want the person to stop calling you a bot, this won’t stop the person, even though you have stylishly said you are not a bot.

 In addition to that, this will make you look modest.

You just got to know?

This is another fun way to respond when someone compliments you with this word. You are simultaneously admitting that you are a bot and boasting about it. It may sound like a proud statement but it will be found funny.

When you say this, anyone will know you are kidding. After joking about your comment for a short moment, the conversation will probably end or change.

However, you must be sure the word is being used as a compliment so you don’t look stupid. If the word is being used to insult you, you won’t want to boast about that so this would be a bad idea.

Why would you say that?

This is a question you can ask if you don’t know what the word means or why the word was said to you. Since the word can be used to mean a compliment and an insult, you have to be careful to deduce the meaning before knowing how to reply perfectly.

This doesn’t only let you know if it is an insult or a compliment but it helps you to know how it applies to the moment.

  At times, you can already tell the meaning of the word from the situation around you so you won’t have to ask this question. Check other perfect responses on the list.

Thank you. You too

This sounds a bit robotic and you may just be proving the insult or compliment that has been said to you. You can say this if you don’t know what the word has been used to mean but it is not the best response.

 While some people may find it funny, some people won’t. When the word has been used as a compliment, saying this may be found funny. You won’t be reacting like you are flattered and some people may not like that.

However, if it has been used as an insult, saying this can shut the person up. It will make you appear rude and you will be proving that your emotions are numb just as you have been accused.

Come on. Don’t flatter me

  This is a modest response to give when you have been complimented with the word. Replying to an insult with this will not make sense. That is obvious so you can check other options if that is the case.

 When a person says a compliment to you, he/she is probably being honest and wants to see you flattered. This response will show your acknowledgment and you will be just fine.

I have a mind of my own

 This is simply an argument against the accusation but it doesn’t work in all cases. When it has been used as a compliment, this response will be meaningless. If it is used as an insult, you have to know what the insult means before replying.

 It is usually obvious what the insult means when you look around. Bot can be used to refer to a person who is being controlled so you can simply argue against that when you are called a bot.

 By saying this, you are telling the person you are not being Influenced or controlled by anyone.

Tell me more

 This is a way of shunning a person. If a compliment has been said to you, you can say this but not everyone will appreciate it. It can make you sound a bit proud.

 If you have been insulted, however, this will make you look rude and carefree. It will also prove that the accusation is true. You have to assess the situation before responding to this.

That is not my name

You don’t have to know what the word means before you reject it. You can tell when it is used as a mere compliment but if you don’t like the word, you can simply tell the person it is not your name.

If a person calls you bot instead of your name or nickname, you can tell the person to stop calling you by that name.

How am I?

This is a response that asks for the person’s opinion. It is a perfect response if you don’t know what the word has been used to mean.

 It is also great to respond with this whether it is a compliment or an insult. You get to hear what the person thinks of you and you know what part of you is being praised and what part is being criticized.

Then what are you?

This can be used in two ways. It can be an insult. It can also be a compliment but it depends on which one was said to you.

 If you have been insulted, saying this will throw the insult back. You will be equally criticizing the other person.

If you have been complimented, saying this will throw the compliment back. You will be praising the person equally.

I don’t think so

This doesn’t make much sense if you are responding to an insult. However, it is a modest response to a compliment.

 With this response, you are saying you are not as good as you have been praised to be and this will be considered modesty.

You have no idea

This is a nice response if you have been complimented. With this response, you can explain whether you want to be called bot or not but you are also saying you are not as good as people think.

 While it sounds like you are downplaying yourself or your skills, people will see it as modesty. This doesn’t work perfectly as a response to an insult.


The word is mostly used as a compliment so you don’t have to worry about a perfect response. You just have to make sure you don’t appear proud. However, you can keep your ears open so you don’t get insulted and embarrassed.

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