What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

Many times we’re faced with friends or loved ones who need encouraging words from us; just anything to make them feel better.

Who knows, our kind words may be what a colleague or a stranger needs to find the inner strength to move on.

However, we may face difficulties coming up with these words. More often than not, we may feel it’s not the right thing to say.

Has someone told you that they could’ve been better? What did you give them in reply? Did you doubt that you said the right thing? Or did you struggle to come up with something?

Don’t worry. I’ve made a list of 20 things you can say to someone who says they could be better. You’ll find them here. 

20 Things to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

The things we say to people could either heal or mar them. It may only take someone with thick skin to be able to absorb words said to them without it having any effect.

So, when someone doesn’t feel good about themselves, your words to them should make them feel better and not worse. Below are 20 things to say to someone who says they could be better.

  • It’s alright
  • It’s alright. We learn every day
  • It’s okay. You’ll get it
  • It’s okay to feel this way
  • Keep trying
  • Don’t give Up
  • Keep Trusting Yourself
  • Belief in Yourself
  • You did Well
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Take it step by step
  • Don’t worry too much
  • Don’t think about it
  • Don’t be hard on yourself
  • Tomorrow is another day to try
  • You have all it takes
  • Just be yourself
  • Trust the process
  • Cheer up! 
  • Let’s give this a try

It’s Alright

It’s alright” can mean a lot of things depending on the context. It’s usually used to tell someone not to worry about something

Also, it can be used to show acceptance or satisfaction with something or somebody. So when someone says they could be better, this phrase it’s okay to use.

First, when someone tells you they could be better, it would mean they’re not satisfied with their achievements. So, “It’s alright” here shows that you agree with them but it doesn’t stop there.

This phrase also means that though they wish to be better, it’s still fine. Therefore, when you use this expression, it works to show that you share the feelings of the person.

And at the same time, you’re also encouraging them. So, this is an effective way of empathizing with someone, letting them know it’s okay to feel the way they do. 

It’s Alright. We learn every day

It’s alright. We learn every day” is a good thing to say to someone who tells you they could be better.

Here, this expression will work in showing your understanding of how the person feels. For example, when someone tells you they could’ve tried better in what they did, “it’s alright” will indicate that you agree.

Then giving them words that should tell them there’s still a chance for them should encourage them. An expression like, “we learn every day” is enough to let them know they still have a chance at getting it.

So, this reply will work to make them feel better and think about other chances they’d get.

It’s Okay. You’ll get it

What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

Another expression that will work when someone says they could be better is one that brings a lot of positivity.

When you tell them that it’s okay, it shows that you understand how they feel. Then, telling them they’ll get it is the energy they need to get ready to try again.

This expression will work well in making them feel good. It’s encouraging enough, and it shows that you believe in them.

Moreover, when they find someone who believes in them, it can make them put more effort.

It’s Okay to Feel This Way

One way to respond to someone who says they could be better is to help them understand it’s not bad to have the feeling.

Moreover, it’s the desire to be better that pushes one to do the hard work of getting better. So when someone says they could be better, tell them it’s okay for them to feel that way. 

Let them understand it’s a natural feeling. In this way, they’ll feel much better and think less about what they could’ve done. Also, it can encourage them to think about ways in getting it next time.

This statement is a very effective one that will work in helping the person not live in denial. But instead, accepting that they need to try better.

Keep Trying

Another encouraging way to reply to someone who says they could be better is to directly push them to keep going for it.

Maybe, they’ve been trying to finish a race in 30 seconds, tell them to keep trying. This statement is very effective in that it’ll work in giving them no time to sulk on what could’ve been.

Instead, it will push them in focusing their attention on getting it. Also, it’ll help them know that when they keep going for something, it’ll eventually pay.

Don’t Give Up

What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

Don’t give up” is another appropriate response for someone who says they could be better. This expression is a strong statement that’s very motivating.

When you tell someone who doesn’t feel cool about themselves that they shouldn’t give up, it’s enough to push them to work harder.

Keep Trusting Yourself

Another thing you can say to someone who says they could be better is, “keep trusting yourself. This statement is a nice and simple way of making the person put more effort.

This expression works in that it acknowledges their feelings and doesn’t dismiss them.

And then, it works to keep them from thinking badly about themselves, and also to look more on the positive side.

When you tell them to keep trusting themselves, they would believe that they could indeed be better.

Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself” is another appropriate thing to say to someone who says they could be better.

This is a nice statement that sees the good in the person, and it’s a cool way of making them see a good version of themselves too.

Telling someone who feels bad after not reaching the mark they’ve set for themselves to believe in themself, should encourage them to work harder.

You Did Well

One of the ways you can reply to someone who says they could be better is by saying, “you did well.”

This statement is appropriate when you encountered the incident that took place that led them to the statement.

Maybe they played a match you watched, you can let them know they did well to encourage them.

However, you should use this reply when you feel the person put in an effort, so it wouldn’t seem like you’re only trying to be nice. 

This is a very sensitive statement and you should be careful when using it, so as not to worsen your mood.

Therefore, always use this statement to encourage someone when you think they didn’t do too bad. 

Be Patient with Yourself

Be patient with yourself” is another thing to say to someone who says they could be better. This is to encourage them to take it easy on themselves.

When someone feels bad about what they’ve done, telling them to be patient with themselves should work well in calming them down.

This statement should make them know they don’t need to rush things to get what they want.

Take It Step by Step

When someone tells you they could be better, let them know that they can take things step by step.

When someone feels bad because they couldn’t get what they wanted, words that should make them take a break is also useful.

So, when you give them this response, it should remind them to be calm and take things slowly. It drives the point that they can be better if only they don’t rush things.

Don’t Work Yourself Over It

Another way to reply to someone who says they could be better is by saying, “don’t work yourself over it.”

This statement works by reminding them to be calm and not to be hard on themselves. “Don’t work yourself over it” is an expression that works in acknowledging their feelings.

Then, it’s a way to make them know it’s alright to feel that way and so they shouldn’t beat themselves over not getting it.  

Don’t Think About It

Don’t think about it” is another thing to say to someone who feels they could be better.

The essence of this statement is to take their minds off what’s making them feel that way to make them feel better.

When you say this, it’s not to keep them in denial, but to encourage them to not be too upset over the incident.

Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

Another thing you can say to someone who tells you they could be better is to let them know they shouldn’t go hard on themselves.

When things happen to us, blaming ourselves doesn’t work in improving us. Instead, it makes us feel bad and discouraged, which can lead to less productivity. 

So, when you tell them they shouldn’t be hard on themselves, it should allow them to focus more on getting better.

Tomorrow Is Another Day to Try

What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

When someone feels bad for not achieving what they want, remind them that they still have a chance at life.

So, when someone tells you they could be better, tell them there’s tomorrow and they can always try again.

This statement can help improve their mood and help them look on the brighter side. So, rather than mop over their failed attempt, they should prepare for tomorrow.

You Have All It Takes

Another good response that’ll work for someone who says they could be better is to remind them they’ve all it takes to be better.

This expression will work in gingering them to explore all they’ve got more. So, instead of them remaining upset, this phrase can challenge them to work better to get the best part of themselves.

Just Be Yourself

Just be yourself” is a nice thing to say to someone who says they could be better.

This response works to calm them and make them not take more than they can handle. When you tell someone to be themselves, it can help them not to put much pressure on themselves.

People who think they could be better have this tendency to overwhelm themselves and turn out to do things not meant for them.

So, they need the right words that would reassure them and make them work at their pace. The statement, “just be yourself” will work excellently.

Trust the Process

Trust the process” is another proper reply for someone who says they could be better.

This expression also works in encouraging them to believe in themself and take things slowly.

If people trust the process they’re taking, they’d know they’re doing their best, which will work fine. Therefore, they wouldn’t feel too bad. 

So this expression works in calming them down and also boosting their spirit.

Cheer up! 

What to Say When Someone Says They Could Be Better

Cheer up” is another thing you can say to someone who says they could be better.

This reply is meant to liven their mood and probably get a smile on their faces.

It’s not to make them put their problem away, but to encourage them to deal with them rather than worry over it.

Let’s Give This a Try

Another thing you can say to someone who says they could be better is to suggest ways for them to achieve it.

This response is appropriate for someone who’s a friend or you’re familiar with. Here, you bring up a suggestion that you think will make them get better at what they’re trying.


When people say they could be better, it would mean they had tried out something that didn’t work out as they wanted.

These sets of people will need kind and encouraging words that wouldn’t make them dwell on their sadness but will make them work better.

So, you can use any of the 20 things above to help someone who needs all the encouragement they can get.

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