What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday?

We make most memories in relationships on birthdays. It marks a new phase in your partner’s life and also means more maturity and love in the relationship.

You are probably going to get him gifts or indulge him in some romantic activities to make their day worthwhile. However, the table is turned on him now as you are the one having a birthday.

Most women expect to be treated to a ride in a fancy car around town, see some movies, or get a big party with friends and family, all courtesy of their boyfriend.

While this is obtainable, it will be more understanding if you have an excellent knowledge of what to expect from your boyfriend.

Also, why do a lot of women prefer surprises during their birthdays? A selected few do not want to be caught off-guard?

So, they try to figure out what to expect from their boyfriend on their birthday.

10 things to expect from your boyfriend on your birthday

Below are some of the things which you can expect from your boyfriend on your birthday.

While a lot of ladies would crave exquisite treats and lots of expensive spending, this list caters to both the high-class and low-class earners.

  1. You should expect flowers
  2. You can anticipate a special dinner night
  3. You can expect a spa treat
  4. You should expect jewelry
  5. You can look forward to a picnic
  6. You can anticipate your favorite designer shoes or bags
  7. You should expect lingerie and undies
  8. You can expect cash gifts
  9. You can anticipate a birthday party
  10. You should also expect quality intimacy

You Should Expect Flowers

Beautiful, scent-filled flowers are mostly the initials on the list of gifts that guys give to their girlfriends and you should expect some of them from your boyfriend too.

The reason why most men do this is not overly known because the practice dates centuries ago.

A good number of men do it because it’s the mainstream practice while others do it because they understand the essence of flowers and what they represent.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

Flowers represent youthfulness, liveliness, and a symbol of love. Flowers like red roses are usually the best forms of flowers to expect from your boyfriend on your birthday.

Red roses are not only beautiful to behold or do they only smell nice, they are also the embodiment of love and affection.

So, getting one from your boyfriend says a lot about his feelings for you.

You Can Anticipate a Special Dinner Date

The next on the list of what to expect from your boyfriend on your birthday is a dinner date.

Cool RnB music in the background, lit candles, some rose petals on the floor, red themed dining table, and a bottle of red wine, not to mention a meal made by him; is a good sight to behold and a pleasant experience to have.

Moments such as this are good for creating and keeping long-lasting memories. Dinner dates are special moments to reaffirm each other’s love and commitment.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

You can expect this treat in his apartment or out in a fancy restaurant. Either way, it is a beautiful encounter and tends to live on in the minds of so many women.

The love and affection in the atmosphere are enough to bring you to tears and can soften the hardest of hearts.

So, a special dinner night will be an experience to look forward to from your boyfriend.

You Can Expect a Spa Treat

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

Having a good time on your birthday is paramount, hence a need for spa treatment. You can expect this from your boyfriend.

The treat usually comes before the dinner dates, and it put you in the right shape and form to appear stunning on the dinner date.

The spa treatments can include a pedicure, manicure, and massage services, all paid for by your boyfriend.

To make the experience more fun, he can even join you during the facials. Spa treats help you get your skin and body back in shape, and getting a paid session from your boyfriend on your birthday can be both thrilling.

You Should Expect Jewelry

Gold chains, silver bracelets, and bronze necklaces made with artistic detail and expertise are among the pieces of jewelry which you should expect from your boyfriend.

Your birthday should be a day where he shows you just how much he cherishes you and your union.

A nice gold necklace proves this in so many ways because gold is a valuable metal and gifting you a gold necklace shows that he values you.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

Similarly, you can look out for other pieces of jewelry like bracelets, watches, and even anklets/leg chains (if you wear them).

These items may be saturated, as they have been used as gifts to women so many times for so many years, yet it does not make them invalid.

They still serve the same purpose as in old times, because wearing each piece of jewelry given to you by your boyfriend refreshes the memories of your birthday with him.

Some pieces of jewelry, like necklaces with pendants, have also been used for a particular age milestone in your life, so getting one from your boyfriend says just about how he values your memories.

You Can Look Forward to a Picnic

There are so many activities that foster closeness and bonding, picnics are one of them. You can look out for a possible picnic hangout with your boyfriend.

Most men are almost unpredictable, so your boyfriend can make the arrangements underground, without your knowledge.

On that day, he might just show up with a basket with some fruits, cupcakes, chocolate bars, and a mat on top of the selection.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

That’s a picnic selection, and you have to get off the bed and wear something flowy because picnics are usually fun-filled and you need a comfortable dress to enjoy the moment.

You can expect the picnics on the beach or in some park around town. However, I have learned from experience that beach picnics are one of the best, especially during the summer.

So, if your birthday falls in the summer, then you might be in luck of getting a beach picnic treat from your boyfriend.

You Can Anticipate Your Favorite Designer Shoes or Bags

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

This is the part where you start expecting gifts, especially tangible presents. You can anticipate getting one or two of your favorite designer shoes and bags.

Women love fashion and these two things are major elements for a stunning appearance.

If you get any of them as a gift on a day like your birthday, from your boyfriend… then you are certainly in for excitement.

Firstly, because he thought it wise to get you such a gift, and secondly, you get to add more accessories to your closet without having to spend.

You can expect your favorite designer shoes, like Aldo, Steve Madden, or Tommy Hilfiger, while your favorite Chanel, Gucci, Dolce, and Gabbana bags, can be on your list of presents to receive.

A loving boyfriend should be able to gift you at least one of these items to mark your birthday.

You Should Expect Lingerie and Undies

Don’t be surprised! This is one of the things most guys do not forget to add to their shopping list when getting things for their girlfriend on her birthday.

So, you should expect to get them on your birthday because they are all items that prove your boyfriend’s commitment to making you happy on your day.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

He can get you the lingerie with the expectation that you will wear and flaunt it right in his presence.

That’s how romantic a lot of men can get, due to wearing lingerie makes you look more erotic and super attractive.

Therefore, getting something like that would be one of the things you should expect from your boyfriend.

In the same vein, getting undies from your boyfriend on your boyfriend shouldn’t come as a surprise.

This is because giving a woman undies on her birthday as her boyfriend has long been done and should be easily figured out by the girl.

Thus, while you get your lingerie, also expect a couple of panties to look really cute for your man.

You Can Expect Cash Gifts

Another significant thing which you should expect from your boyfriend on your birthday is cash gifts.

You can actually walk down the stairs of your apartment to see dollar bills on the floor, creatively decorated, sometimes even used to spell out your name, and then a birthday wish follows.

This has been the practice for some time now, but as we all know the world evolves and so does the way of doing things.

Currently, there is a trending way of doing this, in which the money is arranged and designed like a bouquet, with a lot of notes making up the whole.

The cash bouquet can vary in size and volume based on the number of money bills used in making it.

You can wake up to surprisingly see your boyfriend by your bedside, handing out a bouquet of money to you.

Some people go to the extent of decorating cakes for their girlfriends with dollar bills. This is all in a bid to show her how much she is loved and cherished.

You Can Anticipate a Birthday Party

An eventful birthday party is among the things which most women expect from their man and you shouldn’t be left out of the league.

You deserve a party to commemorate your new age and you should anticipate your boyfriend to throw you one.

Although big parties with many people in attendance could be gross, it is the most fun of all parties due to the large attendance, which includes families, friends, colleagues, wells wishers, and your foes.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

Most women expect to get a birthday party thrown on their birthday, just so that they can make headlines.

Others make use of large birthday parties to reconnect with old friends and far away family members.

On the other hand, a small party with few people like close friends and immediate family members will be a better choice if your boyfriend has a smaller budget.

This does not make this type of party less fun or interesting. Instead, a lot of couples find this type of party to be more romantic and personalized than crowd-filled parties.

Birthday parties come with a lot of things, like cakes and gifts from mostly your boyfriend and then from others, like family members or friends.

You also get the opportunity of dancing to your favorite song, with your boyfriend, all in the spirit of love.

You Should Also Expect Quality Intimacy

This is where most birthday parties between couples usually end for the day and it will be a no-brainer for you to expect this from your boyfriend.

Just as most girls expect their boyfriend to turn up on their birthday with gifts, money, and lots of goodies, some other girls just need quality private time with their boyfriend.

What to Expect From Your Boyfriend on Your Birthday

It does not in any way mean that you should expect only quality time and forgo the rest. I’m just opining that you should expect good intimacy with your boyfriend, even amid all the goodies.

Intimacy in this context does not only pinpoint making love, it entails other close contact activities like cuddling, foreplay, or just being in each other’s arms.

At least, you know well enough to expect a couple of kisses from your boyfriend.


This post highlights a list of 10 things that you can expect from your boyfriend on your birthday.

The contents of the list are all-inclusive and range from both fairly affordable items like flowers, picnics, and intimate times; to exquisite ones like birthday parties, dinner dates in a fancy restaurant, pieces of jewelry, and designer shoes and bags.

I believe this post has served as an eye opener as to what you can expect from your boyfriend on your birthday.

The decision you make on what to expect is clearly on you but should reflect the financial status of your partner to avoid any form of disappointment.


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