What Does It Mean if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook?

The internet via social media has been connecting a lot of people for over a decade. Facebook is one such social media platform with a huge rating while maintaining a popular position in most countries of the world.

People connect on Facebook by sending friend requests and if a guy sends you a friend request as a girl; you’re compelled to assume a lot of things.

Does he find me attractive? Is this my dream guy? Hope this is not one of those jerks. Questions like this and more can build up in your mind yearning for answers.

You’re lucky if you found your way to this post because I’ll be answering your questions while sharing my experiences with you all at a glance. Keep up with the reading and join me in exploring the details of this article.

7 Meanings if a Guy Sends You Friend Request on Facebook

What Does It Mean if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook?

There could be a couple of meanings as to why a guy can send you a friend request on Facebook. I’ll be looking at 7 possible meanings to this line of action taken by the guy.

Well, it could mean he’s interested in you or he just wants a gist mate on the social media space, probably because you guys share similar views on societal issues.

Aside from that, it could also mean you have a very appealing persona, such as that got a guy to send you a friend request on Facebook. On the broader view, you could be dealing with a stalker, a jerk, or some annoying dude who wouldn’t stop at anything to ruin your day.

It Shows He Is Interested in You

What Does It Mean if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook?

I would think in the first instance that any guy who sends you a friend request on Facebook finds you interesting enough to be a friend. Most times, attractions like this often go past the walls of friendship into something more serious and interesting.

The main course which can lead to such beautiful moments is the single friend request the guy sends to you on Facebook. So you can arguably see it as the first thought to the reason why a guy will send you a friend request on Facebook. 

Look at it this way, he’s been on your timeline…probably spent a minute or two looking through your pictures and other uploads. Maybe your intelligence in writing social media content on your wall got him, or he was just drawn in by the pretty face behind most of your photos on Facebook. 

A lot of guys go a long way before sending out any friend request to a girl and as a guy, I have a better judgment to deliver here and you should take my word for it.

I once sent a girl a friend request on Facebook, and it wasn’t just a mere Facebook connecting thing.

But I felt chemistry with her; that I had to travel back in time to her old images and was convinced I was seeing a beauty before a sent out the friend request.

Turns out, she was on a similar vibe and we hooked up. So this could be the grail behind the meaning of when a guy sends you a friend request on Facebook.

It Could Mean He’s Looking for a Social Media Gistmate

A gist mate? I bet that’s what you’re asking right now, but that’s what it is. I know a couple of guys who spend most of their time a day, on the internet lay social media.

Most of them work online and they’re so withdrawn from physical life that they barely keep company with normal people.

When such persons get bored, they seek out succor in the arms of total strangers on social media. So a guy could send you a friend request on Facebook if he falls under this category of internet crawlers.

Who knows? This guy could be one of those people you took sides in a random argument on Facebook and they thought it wise to Date with you as official friends on Facebook.

I have a lot of experience in the social space so I’ll be obliged to share my experience too. So I commented something on an out-of-the-body experience, in another person’s post.

I didn’t see it as anything until I started getting a lot of replies and then subsequent DMs from different people. One girl in the crowd caught my attention via how she expressed herself and her thoughts, and I had to send out a friend request to her.

Funnily, we had more than a similar thought about the topic that brought us together and we’re still friends now turned gist mates.

It Means You’re Attractive

What Does It Mean if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook?

If you’ve noticed, only cool ad pretty girls get the most attention around the town. The same thing happens on social media and especially Facebook where there are tons of them. If you are pretty and endowed, there is a chance you’ll be getting lots of friend requests from guys. 

Therefore, being attractive is another reason why a guy would send you a friend request. Our thoughts as a guy are that there’s this satisfaction we get knowing that we’re friends and probably vibing with a very cool girl.

If you’re a guy reading this, I’m sure you can relate to this, because the feeling is purely a sensation. 

So when next you ask what it means if a guy sends you a friend request on Facebook, remember to take a look at yourself in the mirror and then decide if your beauty is not enough reason.

It Indicates Your Personality Resonates With His

Aside from posting photos and videos, Facebook is a social media platform where people also show their personalities. However, there’s a chance that most of what is portrayed on Facebook is fabricated but I won’t get into it so quickly.

My point is, just as you’re displaying your beauty and elegance through pictures you’re also likely showing your persona. You can be showing this via your write-ups on Facebook or your pages that you like or follow. I will usually get my first hints on a girl’s persona by studying the information she makes available in her bio.

Have you noticed? This curiosity builds up in a guy if he finds out that a girl on Facebook is a feminist or a nudist. Ladies with any of these two personality standards tend to have a lot of guys flooding their accounts with friend requests.

If a guy sends you a friend request on Facebook, it could be that you have an appealing personality that which he’d love to know more about. Whether a nudist or feminist, your personality can get a guy to come forward with a friend request.

It Probably Means He Thinks You Can Be a Good Business Partner

Facebook is not a place for only social networking, as other more formal activities going on around social media. You can get a friend request from a guy with the intent of a business proposal. 

In some cases, it could be a proposal to feature in his brand’s unveiling as a model or even be a move to be an investor in whatever business you do.

I’ve seen a lot of these moves from guys, especially representatives of model scout agencies. Some of these agents send friend requests to girls or guys who they perceive to have promising careers as models.

Hence, you don’t always have to dismiss it as a sexual move if a guy sends you a friend request because he could be more interested in your career than in your personal life.

It Could Mean That He Wants To Test His Game Skills on You

This meaning is kind of one of those reasons that come off the woodwork, but I won’t dispute the fact that some guys do this on Facebook.

I mentioned earlier on, that I have a vast experience on social media and Facebook especially; so I know most of the tricks that go on around there.

In this context, game skills simply refer to flirting abilities. Of course, some guys need some kind of tutorials or coaching for them to get theirs on the A-game.

And when they’re done skilling up, they look for unsuspecting girls to test the waters with. To do this, they send out friend requests to girls on Facebook and hope they accept them before they start launching their missiles of flirts and flattering.

So if a guy sends you a friend request, there’s a chance that he’s one of these guys who just want to test the height of emotional imbalance that their game skills can cause to you.

When you’re faced with guys like this, I think you should be careful but it is hard to find if you don’t accept the friend request. I’ll suggest you accept it and scale his utterances to know when he’s trying to heavily flatter you.

It Indicates That He Wants To Be More Than a Friend

I understand that this meaning doesn’t make sense at first glance, but I’ll explain what it means. A guy who you’ve been friend-zoning physically can decide to take a step further by sending you a friend request on Facebook. 

His move is a bid the boundaries of the friend zone by engaging you in conversations on Facebook social media.

In an experience I had, Facebook was my only route to show a girl I liked that we can be more than just friends. She wasn’t having it physically, so I took a bold step by sending her a friend request on Facebook.

5 Things to Do if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook

Are you wondering what you should do if a guy sends you a friend request on Facebook? There are basic things to do like accepting the request or hitting off a conversation with the guy.

However, you can do a couple of things before hitting the accept icon and I’ve listed some of them below.

  • You should visit the guy’s profile
  • You have to take a look at his profile pictures 
  • You should check to see if he shares any mutual friends with you
  • You have to study the type of content he posts
  • You then decide to either accept or reject the friend request based on your findings

You Should Visit the Guy’s Profile

What Does It Mean if a Guy Sends You a Friend Request on Facebook?

The first action I’d suggest you take if a guy sends you a friend request on Facebook is to check out his profile. In the course of doing this, you’ll figure out his personality and what he is interested in. 

You Have To Take a Look at His Profile Pictures

You should also look at his profile pictures, both present, and past. This way, you get to find out if he’s really what you look out for in a guy or not. You should see it as a red flag if he’s not using any real photos as his profile picture. If you don’t want to risk asking, then you should keep the request pending.

You Should Check To See if He Shares Any Mutual Friends with You

I know a lot of girls do this already, which is why you should consider it as a tip too. You have to consider it a plus for the guy if he shares mutual friends with you. This way, you can build some kind of trust in him, knowing he is friends with some of your friends.

You Have To Study the Type of Content He Posts

In addition to checking out his pictures and mutual friends, you can as well check out the type of content that he posts on his timeline. You should be able to take note if it is appealing to you or not.

You Then Decide to either Accept or Reject the Friend Request Based on Your Findings

After you’re done checking out all of these things on the guy’s profile wall, you can then decide on either accepting or rejecting the friend request. Whatever decisions you make depend on your findings.


This is the part we close the curtains on this post. But before I do that, I’d want to reiterate the need to take me for my words on any tip I gave in this article. This is because of my vast experience on social media and Facebook in particular. 

I’m convinced you got value through my experience-rich elaborations. Nevertheless, do well to hit the share icon and make sure this post gets to others who would find it informative as you did.

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