30 Things to Say When Someone Surprises You

Usually, when someone surprises you, the person wants to make you happy without you knowing about it. That is the person’s intent.

In a situation where someone surprises you, you have to show your appreciation by saying something nice or saying how you truly feel.

To avoid not knowing what to say, I wrote this article to show you 30 different things you can say to someone who surprises you.

30 Things To Say When Someone Surprises You

  1. Wow, you just made my day
  2. I never expected this would come early
  3. You make me love you the more
  4. This is a pleasant surprise
  5. No one has surprised me like this before
  6. Oh my God, you never told me, thank you!
  7. This is wild! Thanks
  8. You are such a fantastic person
  9. This is so adorable, thank you so much
  10. To be honest, I never knew this would happen to me
  11. What?? Unbelievable
  12. Thanks for being a good friend
  13. How come I never saw this coming
  14. You are so good at surprises
  15. Wait, you kept this a secret since
  16. You are so unpredictable
  17. You are one of my few friends that can get me a surprise
  18. This made me so excited
  19. I love you for this
  20. God bless the day I met you
  21. I am so emotional right now
  22. No one has given me such a beautiful surprise before
  23. What can I do to pay it back?
  24. I owe you one
  25. Because of this, you are so special to me
  26. This surprise left me open-mouthed
  27. Come here, you deserve a hug
  28. This means you have me in mind, thank you for your kindness
  29. I am grateful I have you as a friend
  30. What would I have done without you?

Wow, you just made my day

Things to Say When Someone Surprises You

This is a simple reply that you can give to someone who just surprised you. Whichever one the person did, you should let him know how happy you are and how it made your day.

Usually, when someone surprises you, it would most likely makes you happy. If it made your day, go ahead and let the person know that the surprise made your day and that you are happy about it.

I never expected this would come early

Things to Say When Someone Surprises You

This reply shows that you are aware that a surprise was going to come from that person, but you never knew that the surprise would come that early.

It could be that the person promised you a gift that was supposed to be a surprise, then you were expecting the surprise at a later date, not knowing that it was going to come earlier than expected.

If that is the case, you can let the person know that you never knew the surprise will come that early.

You make me love you the more

This shows that you already love the person, but due to the fact that the person surprised you at a time you least expected it, you tend to love the person more.

Sometimes, people will love you because you are able to buy them gifts and give them surprises, if you happen to be that kind of person, you may likely love someone the more if the person surprises you with gifts.

This is a pleasant surprise

This shows that you are satisfied with the surprise that the person gave you and that you think it is so pleasant. You so much liked the surprise and because of how good the surprise is to you, you had nothing else to say other than say that it is a pleasant surprise.

No one has surprised me like this before

This shows that you have been getting surprises from people in the past, but this very surprise that this person gave you is one of a kind. You have not received such a surprise from people before.

Let the person know in your reply that no one has surprised you like that before. A reply like this shows that you so much value the surprise that the person has you and it is not like the surprise that others have given you in the past.

Oh my God, you never told me, thank you!

This shows that the person did not even tell you about the surprise before giving it to you and you did not expect it either.

In your reply, let the person know that you are grateful for such a surprise and you are also happy that you got such a surprise from the person.

He never told you because he wanted it to be more like a surprise. If he told you, it would no longer be a surprise.

This is wild! Thanks

This shows that the surprise was way beyond your expectation and you never expected that the surprise will be as good as it came out to be.

In your reply, let the person know that you are grateful for such a surprise and that the surprise is wild, way beyond your expectation.

With a reply like this, the person will understand that you value the surprise that he gave you.

You are such a fantastic person

This reply shows that you so much love what the person did and you think that the person is fantastic. If the person is fantastic, you think that he is so good and you like him a whole lot.

Someone who is fantastic is good and has good qualities and you can always bank on him. Let the person know that you think he is fantastic and you so much love the surprise that he gave, and you will see how happy he will be about your reply.

This is so adorable, thank you so much

This means that the surprise that the person gave you was so adorable and you love it so much. In your reply, thank the person and let him know that you think the surprise he gave you is so adorable.

That way, the person will be willing to do more for you next time. When he understands that you find the surprise adorable, he will be happy that what he got for you was good and that you liked it.

To be honest, I never knew this would happen to me

This reply shows that you are being honest about the fact that you never expected that you would get such a surprise from the person.

Let him know that you never knew you would get such a surprise, and you also did not know that such a surprise would come to you so soon.

When you reply this way, the person will understand how happy you are that you got the surprise. This is a good reply that you can give if someone surprises you.

What?? Unbelievable

You never expected such a surprise. That is what this reply means. You never expected it and you even think that it is unbelievable that it happened to you. You never by any means thought this would happen to you in any way.

This reply will make the person understand how much you like the surprise and how you thought it was unbelievable. It came as a shock to you.

Thanks for being a good friend

If the person can surprise you, then it is obvious that the person is a good friend. Since the person surprised you, let the person know in your reply that he is a good friend and you love the fact that he was able to surprise you with something that you least expected.

How come I never saw this coming

It could be that you both were together for so long and there was no hint whatsoever that the person was going to surprise you.

If it happened that the person later surprised you and never saw it coming, then you should thank the person and ask how he was able to do it if you never saw it coming.

That way, he understands that you appreciate the surprise and at the same time you are shocked because it came earlier than expected.

You are so good at surprises

This reply shows that the person is so good at surprising you and you never knew that the person was going to surprise you at that point in time.

It could also be that the person had a stylish way of keeping the surprise away from you and he is so good at it because he has done it several times and you were not able to find out about it.

This shows that the person is so good at surprises. This is a good reply that you can give.

Wait, you kept this a secret since?

This is a reply showing how surprised you are that this person is able to keep this a secret for so long.

The person must have given you a good surprise, but you are shocked at how the person was able to keep this secret for so long without you knowing it.

This is another reply that you can give. This way, the person will be so happy that you were not able to know that he kept it a secret since.

You are so unpredictable

This reply shows that you are not able to predict the person at all. You do not know when he is about to surprise you or when is not.

This shows how unpredictable the person is. Let the person know in this reply that he is so unpredictable. That way, he will understand that he is unpredictable.

This is a good reply that you can give.

You are one of my few friends that can get me a surprise

This shows that you have a good number of friends, but only a few of them will be able to give you such surprises.

Let the person know that he is one of your few friends that can get you such a surprise. You have other friends, but not all are able to get you a surprise just like this person did.

That way, the person will understand that he must have done a huge thing for him to get you a surprise when most of your friends will not.

This made me so excited

This reply shows that he has no idea how happy it made you. A reply like this will make him want to do more. This is because once he sees that you are happy because of the surprise he got you, he will want to do more.

This is a reply you can give if you want to appreciate the person and if you want him to continue to do good.

I love you for this

This reply shows that you love the person because of how he was able to surprise you. Reply by telling him that you love him so much and watch how he will be willing to do more for you just because you said you loved him.

People love it when you show them how happy you are. That way, they tend to do better than they ever did before.

God bless the day I met you

It is a good thing when you are able to have good friends who care for you and are willing to do good things for you.

If you have a friend that is able to surprise you with gifts, you should be grateful that you have such people as friends who will be willing to look after you and get you things even when you did not ask.

I am so emotional right now

This reply shows that when a friend gets you a surprise, it makes you so emotional. This time that the person got you a surprise, it also made you so emotional that you almost feel like you want to cry.

With this reply, the person will understand you and the type of person you are when it comes to surprises.

No one has given me such a beautiful surprise before

This shows that you have never received such a surprise from anyone before and you are happy that you got the surprise from the person.

That way, the person will be willing to give you more now that he understands that you barely get surprises from people. He will be willing to get you more surprises.

What can I do to pay it back?

This shows that you are so excited and that you are even willing to pay the person back because of how excited you are.

When you ask the person what you can do to pay back, the person will most likely tell you to not bother because he never expected you to pay back.

I owe you one

This is a reply which says that you owe the person for the surprise the person gave you. People tend to think that they owe people once the person gives them a surprise gift.

Because of this, you are so special to me

Let the person know that he is special to you because he surprised you with a gift. That way, he will understand how much it meant to you and why you are so happy about it.

This surprise left me open-mouthed

This is a way of showing that you were shocked at the surprise the person gave you. It left you open-mouthed. Let the person know this in your reply.

Come here, you deserve a hug

This shows you want to embrace the person and thank him for the surprise he gave you. If he wants to embrace you too he will embrace you as well.

This means you have me in mind, thank you for your kindness

This reply shows that the person has you in mind and you do appreciate his kindness. Only kind people will remember you or have you in mind when you least expect it.

I am grateful I have you as a friend

There are some people that come into your life as a blessing. The moment you both become friends, things about you start to change.

What would I have done without you?

This shows that you will not have done so much if not for the person. The surprise the person gave you meant so much to you. This is a good reply.

Final Words

When someone surprises you, you tend to be so excited and want to say a lot of nice things to the person.

If someone surprises you and you do not know what to say to the person, you can make use of any of the replies that I have explained in this article, that way you will not run out of replies when someone surprises you.

Someone who surprises you has good intentions toward you. You should be grateful you have such friends.

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