What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They’re Funny But Are Not

If you don’t find someone comical, you may not want to hide it from them, especially if they personally demand a response from you.

You shouldn’t see them as liars or confused people since they may still be trying to discover themselves or someone they believe has told them that they are extremely funny, and this has made them think that they really are.

Don’t just stop at telling them that they are not as funny as expected. Encourage them too, or better still, add some advice like, “You are not so good at comedy, examine another niche” or “You can do better”. Keep your fingers crossed as you read on for more ideas on what to say to someone who thinks they’re funny but are not.

15 Things to Tell Someone Who Thinks They’re Funny But Aren’t

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

You mustn’t think of something grand to tell someone that they are not funny. You must not be so plain either. Simply try to consider how they will feel on hearing from you.

Make sure that you do not end up telling them that they are not so good at comedy or that their lines didn’t flow so well. Say it in a way that they should take action and not sleep or get over it.

You can say, “I think you do better at ushering. Comedy is not for you” or” “You are multi-talented, but I feel you do not have the potential for comedy”.

In situations where the comedian didn’t meet your expectations at an event put together by you, you can say, “I wish you perform better at the next edition”. Below are 15 ideas to consider when you want to say to someone who thinks they are funny that they are not.

“Quite A Sick Joke, Hahaha” 

Immediately, someone who just cracked a joke goes off stage. That is not the exact time to tell him or her that they have made a mistake. You can join the few people laughing till they come closer. At that point, you can now say, “It was such a crappy joke“.

To a straightforward person, this is the best compliment to give to someone who thinks they are funny but is not. Also, you shouldn’t feel bad about your rapid mood swings because they complement your statements.

Moreover, calling someone’s jokes crappy doesn’t completely condemn them since they can get better if they want to.

“Consider Some Other Specialty”

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

After cracking some jokes on stage, the comedian may need to know how their performance went, especially if the response they got from the crowd was not as anticipated.

In this situation, you may be undecided about whether or not to tell them the truth, but you have to let the cat out of the bag at some point. In that case, you can tell them, “I know that you are multiskilled and I feel you should try another field.”

They may look scared when you say this, but don’t try to rephrase, or sugarcoat your words. You should tell them that maybe comedy is not for them.

Still, encourage them that since they are multitalented, doing something else that they love to do can bring them more fulfillment, fame, and money.

It Was A Cool One, But I Don’t Think You Have The Possibilities For Comedy”  

It is possible that someone wants to try out different niches to see which of their potential stands out. And because a couple of people have told them that they are funny over time, there is a likelihood that they may think that they may want to explore their potential in comedy.

At this point, they can begin as program hosts, and if they feel they are unable to fully express their potential as show and event hosts, they can transition to full-time comedy.

After hearing their comedy for a while, you may want to tell them the truth about their performances. Especially if you are aware that they are still exploring their potential.

And if you don’t feel they are not as funny as they think, tell them the truth. You can say, “It was a nice one, but you do not have the potential for comedy.”

An Innovative Plot Would Have Made It More Impressive

If your roommate or friend is a comedian, but you feel they are not as funny as they think, you can tell them that he was not as creative as he should have been with the storyline.

It could be that you are aware of the story they shared, or that you both had an experience of the situation. But at some point, you felt that they should have been more creative or comical with the storyline.

You should come clean and tell them that they weren’t as funny as you expected. That was why just a few people found it humorous. And next time, they should be more creative with the storyline because only inventive people can be amusing.

“I Suggest We Invite A Comedian Rather Than Give You The Platform” 

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

If you are planning a reunion, a wedding, or any special event and you have a slot for a comedian, it is possible that one of the members of the planning committee may come up with a suggestio

n. This suggestion could be indirectly canvassing for him or herself that the comedian should be someone in the house instead of paying a huge amount of money to invite one.

A lot of people on the committee may not agree with the idea of getting an in-house comedian because no one among you is competent in that regard.

But if they don’t say anything against it, you can speak up and tell the person who brought up the idea that you disagree since his or her plans automatically mean giving him or her the platform.

Then suggest that the team invite a comedian because that person is not as funny as claimed.

“I Applaud Your Efforts. But I anticipated more”

Even inexperienced comedians do not want to be told that they are not as funny as they think they are. So, if you think that a comedy is not so funny, you can tell them in a manner that they won’t feel hurt or discouraged from cracking jokes next time. Start by praising them.

Compliment them with phrases like “you really tried,“I love your genuine passion for comedy,” or “well done.”

After commenting nicely, you can now say what you have in mind. This is not to put out their passion or dampen their courage, but to tell them that they can do much more and they shouldn’t settle at that point.

So, if someone thinks that they are funny and they are not, you can tell them, “Well done, however I expected more.”

“I Love Your Style Of Making Others Happy”

A lot of people feel that they are meant to serve in the entertainment industry. But they are confused as to which niche to serve in particular, so they wander from singing to dancing, to acting and here and there all the time. 

There is a likelihood that such people love to try different niches in the world of entertainment, and from dancing or any other related field, they move to comedy.

They may be good in other areas, but they are struggling to get it right in the comedy industry, and this may make them continue to believe and tell others that they are funny despite the fact that they are not.

Typically, they may be good in other areas but struggle to get it right in the comedy industry, and they still believe and tell others that they are funny even though they are not.

At this juncture, you can tell them the truth. I really love your strategy to make people happier, but I’d prefer you concentrate on miming because you do better there. “

“I Assumed I Was The Only One Not Howling With Laughter, But My Partner Wasn’t Either”

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

When a comedian is introduced to come on stage, it is normal to think that after their session, the whole place will be less tense and the people there, if not all, will be amused.

If you were not impressed after the comedy session, don’t feel timid to tell the comedian that there is still so much work to do. That was why the crowd was so cold.

There is a tendency that you have been bothered by a tough situation before attending the event. So, even when their jokes sounded uninteresting, you ended up saying, “They tried, but you were engrossed in your problems, and that was why“.

But, at the point when your neighbors say, they were not cracked up too, you need to let the comedian know if he or she asks you for a review.

“If I Had Moved Ahead With The Ridiculous Lines Myself, I Would Have Handled It Uniquely.”

On stage, seemingly interesting punchlines can make someone who thinks they are funny, not humorous. This indicates that the manner of presentation and understanding of your audience matters a lot.

The bottom line is that if the supposed comedian doesn’t know how to compose themselves on stage or doesn’t say the right comedy for the right crowd, they may be babbling and not comedic.

Thereupon, you can say, “If I had presented the punch line instead of you, I would have done better.”

“Even Though Every Kid Laughs At Your Joke, It Doesn’t Make You A Comedian”  

When people, especially kids, begin to laugh at every comment that you make, it is normal to feel like a professional comedian at that moment.

And if someone becomes a comedian on the basis that a lot of people laugh when they say something funny, then it might turn sour when they are invited as a comedian on stage.

Stage fright may step in, and if they are not trained in how to manage the crowd, their past experiences may not save them. There is a likelihood that if they mount the stage, they may not deliver well.

In that case, you can tell them that they are not as funny as they think they are. And even though kids laugh at their jokes, they still have a long way to go in the comedy industry.

“Truthfully Speaking, You’re Not So Funny” 

In a gathering of sincere friends, accurate assessment is inevitable. At that meeting, everyone’s viewpoint is noted, and there could be a careful evaluation of one another’s talents and skills.

In that case, you can tell someone who thinks they’re funny but isn’t telling the truth about what you think of them. Before going to that meeting, they might have positioned their minds to get to know their weaknesses too. 

It may not necessarily be in a meeting between friends. Anyone who does comedy can walk up to you and ask how their comedy feels. If you don’t enjoy their comedy, you can tell them, “Truth be told, you are not comical.”

“Why Don’t We Switch From The Topic At Hand?” 

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

When someone wants to ease the tension in the environment, they may decide to say funny things. And if you are not in tune with their comedy or you find their words provoking, you mustn’t stop them directly.

You can say, “Can we talk about something else?” So the person who believes they’re entertaining realizes you don’t find the discussions they start to be amusing because they’re not that funny.

“Did You Expect Me To Grin From Ear To Ear When You Are Not Funny?”  

Comedians can walk up to you from the stage and ask why you are not laughing at their jokes. And your response could be that their comedy isn’t funny.

And your response could be that their comedy isn’t funny. Although they mount the stage with full confidence that they are comical, you really don’t find them humorous.

In this condition, you shouldn’t pretend about how you feel when the comedian asks you. Tell them that they do not expect you to grin from ear to ear because they are not so funny.

“You Should Have Been More Entertaining Yesterday”

Many event organizers keep slots for comedians just to cool off tension and make people feel more relaxed. As a host, you may have considered inviting a comedian, and when you do, there is an expectation of the comedian to cheer on the audience.

As a host, you may have considered inviting a comedian, and when you do, there is an expectation of the comedian to cheer on the audience.

But if they do not entertain your audience as you expect, you may show your disappointment secretly and not approach him or her to express your dissatisfaction immediately.

When you next see the person who thinks he is funny but really isn’t, after a greeting, you can say, “I wish you were more entertaining the other day.”

“Just Stop It Already” 

What To Say To Someone Who Thinks They're Funny But Are Not

At some point, comedy can get so annoying instead of funny. Maybe the ‘funny person’ is cracking jokes at the wrong time or the joke is not worth your laughter.

When this happens, there is no time to waste, so tell the person who thinks they are funny that they should stop it immediately because it is not so funny to you.


It is not so difficult to tell someone who thinks they are funny that they are not. All you need to do is to be sincere about it, because when you fake your response to such a person, you can hinder them from improving, and in the end, both parties will end up being wrong. You are insincere, and they are mediocre. 

Telling someone that they are not funny, even when they think they are, should place a responsibility on them to either get better or leave the comedy industry.

But you should say it to them in a way that they should also take responsibility for it. Don’t throw it at them in a sarcastic or insulting manner. In some ways, always make sure you protect your time and mind too.

Not all jokes are worth spending time listening to. I hope you have gained clarity on how to sincerely tell someone the truth, especially when they are not as comical as they think.

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