Negative Words That Start With W

We have had a lot of issues with negativity in our present world. It is time we fought against whatever negative energy is in the air.

 We use some of these words daily and consequentially worsen social relations. Some people even get emotionally damaged by mere spoken words. Check the words listed below and note them among the list of words you avoid saying to a person.

Negative “W” Words

Negative Words That Start With W


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of crying bitterly. It is seen as a response to an extremely unpleasant situation.


Status: Not offensive:

Meaning: This refers to the act of rolling one’s body in the dirt. It is also used metaphorically to mean submergence in a negative situation.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a gradual decline in the power or worth of a person. It is not an offensive word but it is unpleasant.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is unrestrained and immoral. 


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something very violent and similar to a war. It is an unpleasant situation


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something ominous, predicting a coming evil. It can be very unpleasant.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person whose way of thinking or acting has been distorted perversely.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of cautiousness after the danger has been sensed. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.

Washed out

Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of fatigue or weakness. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that has been unprofitably used or thrown out. It is also slang for a drunk person. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.

Watered down

Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a liquid drink that has been diluted. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is used to wasting resources and things that should be kept.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is not strong enough, not powerful enough, or not capable of a particular thing.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is intentionally deviating from social norms and taking weird directions.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of making a person weak.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of physical tiredness or sudden dissatisfaction with something a person has been managing.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This is used metaphorically to refer to the act of creating a gap between two people who used to be close.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This is used metaphorically to refer to a person who is unwanted in a clique or among a group of people.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of crying bitterly. It is seen as a response to an extremely unpleasant situation.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person, a thing, or an act that deviates from what society is used to. It can be used to insult or reject a person.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of crying and complaining about something, usually trivial. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act that is intentionally done to hurt or cause damage. It also refers to a person who commits or is willing to commit such acts.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to something or a situation that causes one to brood or cause depression. It can also be used to refer to a person who causes a disturbance or depressing thoughts.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a situation that is crazy, violent, or barbaric. It also refers to a person who can be crazy, or unconventional.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a person who is fond of using deceit and trickery. It is not very offensive but may be found repulsive and wrong.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of fatigue or old age, usually physically obvious. It is not so offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an unsteady movement of the body, usually as a result of fear, weakness, or pain. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a shrieking reaction, usually as a result of sudden pain. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a cowardly person. It insults a person’s manner of acting.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of wretchedness and lament. It is an offensive word if used as an insult. It is also unpleasant.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of fornicating with many women. It is not a very offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a situation where a person is in deep thoughts about unpleasant things. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is considered to be of no worth or importance.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of fighting and arguing noisily and angrily. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to wild and uncontrollable anger which often leads to violence and mass destruction.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of inflicting harm or damage on something or someone. It can also refer to the act of chastising or punishing a person. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong. 


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of destroying something. It can be intentional and it may not be.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of twisting an idea or something socially right to become perverted and unacceptable. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of fighting against a person, sometimes as a game with rules, till one of them wins. It is a violent act and may be found repulsive without rules.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to the process of aging in which a person’s face or body develops irreversible creases. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation. It may be found offensive if used as an insult.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of twisting, wringing, or contorting the body, due to intense pain. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act that is not right or something that is offensive and should be avoided or canceled. It can also be an offensive act and may be found repulsive.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: It is another word for “Wreath”. This refers to the act of twisting, wringing, or contorting the body, due to intense pain. It is not offensive but it is an unpleasant situation.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of inflicting damage or injury on a person. It can also refer to the act of hurting a person emotionally. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong if done intentionally.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This is the same as “Wreak”. It refers to an act of inflicting harm or damage on something or someone. It can also refer to the act of chastising or punishing a person. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong. 


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to an action carried out in a manner that is socially unacceptable or unrighteous. It insults a person’s manner of acting.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to an action performed in a barbaric, crazy, or unconventional manner. It insults a person’s manner of acting.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of getting someone from a person by cajoling, flattering, or using deceit. It is an offensive act and may be found repulsive and wrong.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is always complaining even about the most trivial things. It is an offensive word to describe a person and may be seen as an insult.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state in which a person is deplorable and worthy of compassion. It is a synonym for “Wretched”. It is an offensive word to describe a person and may be seen as an insult.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an action carried out in an unfair, cruel, or hurtful manner. It insults a person’s manner of acting.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an action carried out in a manner that is socially strange or different from the known ways. It insults a person’s manner of acting.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a man who flirts excessively and fornicates. It is an offensive word to describe a person and may be seen as an insult.


Read through these words again and learn to avoid using them in the wrong way. Some of them can cause damage to the confidence of a person. Some are just terms for unavoidable circumstances.

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