My Boyfriend Is Easily Influenced By His Friends: Why Does This Happen?

Your boyfriend is easily influenced by his friends because he has low self-esteem.

Someone with low self-esteem will always think he is lower than others in all aspects and will also want to do all he can to feel like he is among his clique.

My Boyfriend Is Easily Influenced By His Friends

Take a look at 4 other reasons why your boyfriend is easily influenced by his friends

  1. Poor moral upbringing
  2. Lack of confidence
  3. The urge to be a part of a team
  4. Finds it difficult to say No

Poor moral upbringing

If a man was not properly brought up while he was still with his parents, he may not have the right mindset while relating with his peers and he will be easily influenced by his friends.

When he has a poor upbringing, he will not know when he is influenced by his friends to do something wrong.

Even though he knows, he may not have the moral discipline to decline or not indulge in whatever they’re trying to influence him into.

Lack of confidence

My Boyfriend Is Easily Influenced By His Friends

This is another reason why your boyfriend is easily influenced by his friends. If he does not have confidence in himself he will find it so difficult to hold on to his principles and standards.

Someone with low confidence will not believe in himself and he will not believe in who he is. He will feel that others are way better than him, so it will make him easily indulge in anything they want him to do.

The urge to be a part of a team

When he sees his friends doing something, he will be compelled to do the same just because he wants to feel among his peers.

The moment he does not join them to do what they do, the pressure from his friends could make him indulge, and because he wants to feel included, he will do anything just to make sure that he gets approval from his friends.

This happens just because he wants to feel included. This is a way that your boyfriend gets easily influenced by his friends.

Difficulty in saying No

Someone who finds it difficult to say no will always be easily influenced by his friends. This is because he has friends that push him to indulge in things he does not want to.

Because he cannot say no, he will immediately indulge.

This is another reason why your boyfriend easily gets influenced by his friends. If you notice this in him, you can draw your attention to it to make sure that he does better and does not get implicated by his friends.

8 Things to Do When You Realize Your Boyfriend’s Friends Are A Bad Influence?

  1. Talk to him
  2. Seek professional help
  3. Talk to someone he respects so much
  4. Listen to him
  5. Restrict his friends from coming around
  6. Introduce him to new friends
  7. Set some principles
  8. Introduce him to extra activities to keep him busy

Talk to him

This is something that you can do on your own end. You may not be a professional, but at least you can draw your attention to the fact that he needs to stop getting easily influenced by his friends.

Most especially if you notice that his friends are influencing him negatively and he does not act like he used to.

This is the best you can do on your end, as his girlfriend, he will be more willing to listen to you than any other person.

If you notice that he is not listening to you even after talking to him, you can now recommend another method which I will explain next.

Seek professional help

If you notice that after talking to your boyfriend he does not listen to you, you can recommend professional help for him.

What a professional will do is will help him to find exactly where the problem is. One thing about finding a solution to a problem is knowing exactly where the problem is from.

This is what the professional will help to accomplish. Even though professional help may cost some money, it is worth it.

You may pay the professional some money to get the job done, but as long as the professional helps your boyfriend beg better, it is worth every penny.

Talk to someone he respects so much

If after talking to your boyfriend and he doesn’t listen to you and you have recommended a professional and it seems that it is not yielding anything, you may have to resort to talking to someone he respects.

Since he is your boyfriend, you should know those people he respects so much and he always listens to them when they call him to order.

That is the type of person you are to talk to. It could be his dad or any of his parents, if he has mentors that he listens to, you can as well talk to the person.

If he does not listen to you and he does not pay attention to a professional who is good at handling issues like this, he should be able to listen to someone he so much respects.

Listen to him

This is another thing you need to do that is not always talked about. You need to listen to your boyfriend to know what he has to say.

This is good because you will know if there is a reason why he does what he does. It may be that you both do not give each other enough attention and you both do not sit to discuss technical and sensitive issues like this.

This is one thing that you should not forget to do if you notice that your boyfriend is easily influenced by his friends.

You just need to sit him down to talk about it and also make sure that you are doing more listening and less talking.

He should be doing most of the talking and you should be doing most of the listening. This will enable him to speak his mind and express himself better.

Restrict his friends from coming around

This is another big step you can make. If you notice that those friends that easily influence your boyfriend are not helping him in any way, you need to devise ways you can restrict those friends from coming around.

You can do things like taking your boyfriend out when you know those friends will come to hang out with him.

Let it be that your boyfriend spends less time with those friends. The less time he spends with them, the less likely he is to indulge in anything they are doing.

This is one way you can restrict your boyfriend from hanging around those friends that influence him.

This is a step you should take if everything you have done is not working and those friends are influencing him in a bad way.

Introduce him to new friends

Maybe your boyfriend does not know how to pick good friends. That could just be his problem and he may not be aware of it.

This is one way that you can help him. Make sure that the new friends you are introducing him to our good friends that will positively influence him and also help him become a better person.

Set some principles

When you set some principles in your relationship, it makes him not able to do anything he likes with those friends that influence him.

For example, if you both set principles that you should always tell your partner where you both are, that way, you will always know where he is, if his friends are trying to lure him to places he will not like to go naturally, you will be aware and be able to call him to order.

Setting this principle can help get things better. You should also set some other principles you know will work well for you both and will help you achieve your goals.

Introduce him to extra activities to keep him busy

Sometimes, it could be that your boyfriend doesn’t spend time playing or having fun with you. That is why he will rather have fun with his friends that lure him into bad things easily.

What you can do in a situation like this is to introduce new indoor games that you both can do together that would make you both spend quality time together and even bond well.

That way, he will remain busy and he will not always remember those his friends that easily influence him.

If you do this consistently, he will prefer to spend time with you than to spend it with those friends that easily influence him.

You should always give him reasons to always want to be with you instead of his friends.

3 Ways You Can Deal With Your Boyfriend’s Friends

  • Be his counsel
  • Listen to him well
  • Advise him to withdraw from those friends

Be his Counsel

You may not be able to completely Dave your boyfriend, but you can assist him by being his counsel. That way you are able to encourage him to be a better person.

The more you encourage your boyfriend, you will start to see changes in him. This may not be immediate, but you will most likely see changes if you become his counsel.

Be there for him when he needs to share his experiences and share his thoughts and feelings.

Listen to him well

Listening is different from talking. You need to listen to your boyfriend the most if you want to be able to deal with something like this.

Maybe he does not see you as someone that is willing to listen to him, that could be why he prefers to spend his time with those friends that influence him.

Once he sees that you are willing to listen to him without you taking too much, he will like to talk to you more often.

Advise him to withdraw from those friends

This shows that you are not comfortable with him having those friends around. You can play your part by advising him to withdraw from those friends.

Maybe he does not know that those friends are hurting him. Be the one to tell him that those friends are not doing him any good, and advise him to withdraw from those friends because as long as he is your boyfriend and he keeps relating with those friends that influence him, it will end up affecting you one way.

Final Words

If your boyfriend is someone that has low self-esteem, you need to help him to get his confidence high.

If you cannot do that yourself, ensure that you seek professional help that would be able to do that.

The moment you notice that he is easily influenced by his friends, you need to intervene and show some concern. Let him know that it is not a good thing when he is easily influenced by his friends.

Ensure that your boyfriend changes.

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