How To Reply When Someone Calls You Boss

There is no insult when a person calls you a boss but some people tend to take it personally. If you are one of them, you should take it easy.

There is a high chance you are not angry because of the name but because you think you are not worthy of the name.

From the tone with which you are called a boss, you can probably tell if it is an innocent compliment. However, if you don’t enjoy being addressed with words like a boss, there are nice and harmless responses you can give in the list below. Check them out.

How To Reply When Someone Calls You Boss

How To Reply When Someone Calls You Boss

  • Hello, Subject.
  • Don’t flatter me.
  • Not in the mood for jokes.
  • You are the real boss.
  • Call me Master
  • How are you doing, Chief?
  • Call me /Your Name or Nickname/
  • I don’t like the name
  • The boss is doing great
  • Stop calling me that.
  • We can’t have two bosses. Just you.
  • What’s up, bro?
  • Am I? Really, Am I?
  • How’s work going?
  • Do I look like your boss?
  • Hi, Servant.
  • You can say that again
  • Then You’re fired
  • That’s not my name
  • /Say Nothing and Ignore/

Hello, Subject

You have no reason to get angry when you are called a boss. Over the years, the word, boss, has become some sort of endearment term and friends refer to one another with the word.

Some people think of it as a sarcastic insult and will not tolerate it. Some other people think of it as a show of immaturity.

However, it is an innocent compliment. If you believe you were called boss as a joke, you can respond with a comment that sounds funny.

Jay: Good morning, boss.

John: Hello, Subject.

Don’t flatter me

This is a simple response you can give if you believe the person is joking with you. The person can also be using this word as a serious compliment and this will be one of the best responses to give.

 However, if you think it’s just a sarcastic way of insulting you, this won’t satisfy you. If the person was truly insulting you, then this response might only give him/her good laughter.

Jay: You are the boss, John. Wow.

John: Come on. Don’t flatter me.

In this case, the word has been used as a compliment so you should respond respectfully.

Not in the mood for jokes

 This is a good response you can give if you believe the person is only joking with you. If you don’t like the name, you can also use this to tell him/her to stop calling you boss.

 It could also be a sarcastic way to insult you and this response will work fine. You just have to keep a serious look on your face. There is a chance the person just wants to see you get flattered and mock your reaction. Show the person that it isn’t working on you by shutting him/her up.

Jay: You are the boss.

John: I’m not in the mood for jokes. Let me be, please.

You are the real boss

This is one of the best responses to give if you believe the word is being used as a true compliment. If it is a joke, it may not fit in. If you think of it as an insult, this response may sound a bit stupid.

 However, if it is a true compliment on something you have done, you can reply with this. You won’t only be giving a perfect response but also appearing humble to the person saying the compliment.

Jay: You are the boss, John. Wow.

John: No. You are the real boss.

Call me Master

This is one of the best responses you can give if you believe the person only jokes with you by calling you the boss. By giving this response, you are making the joke longer.

 It is perfect unless the person is using the word as a sarcastic insult. While your response is meant to be a joke, there is a chance the person will think of it as a proud reply. You have to be sure of what the case is.

You can also respond with this if it is a true compliment. The response will be found funny, depending on how you say it.

Jay: You are the boss, John. Wow.

John: Call me Master.

How are you doing, Chief?

 Boss and Chief are commonly used as endearment terms. If a person calls you the boss, you can also respond by calling the person Chief.

This response works fine if you are greeted with the word. In that case, it is less likely to be a sarcastic insult. However, if it is, it should still work fine. You won’t be shutting the person up but you won’t be appearing proud either.

If you are unsure what the intention of the compliment is, you can simply use this response.

Jay: Good morning, Boss.

John: How are you doing, Chief?

Call me /Your Name or Nickname/

 Some people only call you boss because they don’t know what else to call you so you can simply tell them what your name or nickname is. You can also just tell them what you want them to call you.

 If you walk into a restaurant and a waiter calls you boss, it is quite obvious it wasn’t meant as an insult. This response will be perfect. That way, the waiter can call you by the name you want whenever you come back to the restaurant.

Jay: Good morning, boss. How do I serve you?

John: Oh please, call me John. May I have…?

I don’t like the name

This is a way to shut the person up if he/she has always been calling you by the name. Keep a confident look on your face if you think the person is being sarcastic with you.

 If the person doesn’t know your name or what to call you, you can tell him/her.

Jay: Good morning, boss.

John: I don’t like the name. Call me John.

The boss is doing great

You shouldn’t find it insulting when you are called a boss. Even if it is a sarcastic insult, you don’t have to care.

Showing no emotion to it can reduce the expected effect of the insult. If you choose to respond to all touches of sarcasm, some sarcasm is so bad that you won’t realize it.

 By giving this response, you are accepting your position as a boss. If you believe it as a joke, you can wear a smile. If you are unsure, just wear a carefree and confident look.

Jay: How are you doing today, Big Boss?

John: Boss is doing great.

 Stop calling me that

You can simply tell the person- I don’t like the name. Stop calling me that.

This is a way to shut up a person who has always been calling you by the name. Keep a confident look on your face if you think the person is being sarcastic with you.

Jay: What’s up, Boss?

John: Stop calling me that.

If it was meant as an insult, this response will be a way of ignoring the fake compliment. The confident and absent-minded look is necessary.

 We can’t have two bosses. Just you

 This is a modest way to reply to the person if it is a compliment. Your boss can even call you a boss if you have done something to impress him.

You have probably experienced something similar to this in the past. It is an obvious compliment so you have no reason to get angry over it.

 Jay: Wow. You are so good at this, Boss.

John: We can’t have two bosses. Just you, sir.

 What’s up, bro?

Boss and Bro are common endearment terms. If a person calls you the boss, you can also respond by calling the person Bro.

This response works fine if you are greeted with the word. In that case, it is less likely to be sarcasm. However, if it is, this response should still work fine. You won’t be shutting the person up but you won’t be appearing proud to the person either.

If you are unsure what the intention of the compliment is, you can simply use this response, and the conversation may end there or continue.

Jay: Hello, Big Boss

John: What’s up, Bro?

 Am I? Really, Am I?

 This is how an annoyed person sounds and you have probably been in this situation. This response will feel like an attack and you will be stunning the person, even if it was meant as a joke.

 If it was meant as a joke, the most possible response you will get is- Calm down. I was playing with you. What’s up?

That is because the response will make you look like you are bothered by something and you care less about someone who thinks you are a boss. If it was meant as an insult, it will probably leave the person with less to jest about. You just say it and you walk out.

Jay: You are the boss, John.

John: Am I? Really, am I?

 How’s work going?

 If someone calls you the boss as an endearment term, you can give a normal reply while still playing along. This response will be quite horrible if the person was being sarcastic with you.

 However, if you can tell that it wasn’t meant to be an insult, this is a nice response for the person.

Jay: Good morning, Boss

John: Hey, Jay. How’s work going?

 Do I look like your boss?

This response will sound like an attack and you will be stunning the person, even if it was meant as a joke.

 If it was meant as a joke, the most likely response you will receive is- Calm down. Is something wrong?

Then you can tell the person you just hate the name. However, this is not a good option If you believe it was meant as an insult, it will probably leave the person with more to jest about.

The person may joke about your outburst so it’s better to just ignore or say something else.

 Hi, Servant

You will probably get the person angry by saying this. If it is a friend, it will be alright and this won’t stop him/her from calling you the boss.

 When the person gets angry for being called a servant, you can tell the person not to call you boss again. If it was meant as sarcasm, the person will probably get angry and there will be less to jest about.

Jay: Hello, boss.

John: Hi, Servant.

Jay: What was that for?!

John: Don’t call me boss. (Walks away)

 You can say that again

This is a good response to give if you believe the person only jokes with you by calling you the boss. By giving this response, you are making the joke longer.

 It is perfect unless the person is using the word as a sarcastic insult. While your response is meant to be a joke, there is a chance the person will think of it as a proud reply. You have to be sure of what the case is so you don’t leave more to jest about.

You can also respond with this if it is a true compliment. The response may be found funny, depending on how you say it.

 Then you’re fired

This is not as unpleasant as its literal meaning. In this case, it will only be found funny. It won’t get the person angry and it won’t be making the person stop calling you the boss.

 If you believe it’s a sarcastic insult, this response is not the right one.

 That’s not my name

This is a nice way to shut the person up if he/she has always been calling you by the name. It will work fine unless the person means it as a sincere compliment.

Then, you will have to directly tell the person not to call you boss anymore. Keep a confident look on your face if you think the person is being sarcastic with you.

 If the person doesn’t know your name or what to call you, you can tell him/her.

 /Say nothing and Ignore/

If it is a joke, this might be found rude. When a compliment is said to you, a good response is expected. You may even be considered proud if you ignore the compliment.

 However, if you believe it is a sarcastic insult, say nothing and ignore it.


When you are called boss, it is most likely a compliment and it should be received well. If it is sarcasm, you shouldn’t care so you don’t need to respond in special ways. However, if you feel a need, you have the list above.

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