How to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

It’s that time of the week again and you’re excite out for your favorite show with your guy who is coming to pick you up.

So you’re relaxed as you don’t have to bother about driving or getting a cab. But what if your guy doesn’t offer to pick you up?

Many guys are good at picking girls up for their dates and some girls see this as a male duty. However, when he doesn’t offer, how do you ask him to pick you up without sounding demanding?

This might be a bit tasking for some ladies, so to help you out, I’ll be listing ways you can ask a guy to pick you up.

12 Ways to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

How to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

Asking a guy to pick you up is not a big deal. If he’s your boyfriend or your good friend, it makes it all the easier.

However, if he’s someone you’re meeting for the first time, you can also ask politely. Below are 12 ways to ask a guy to pick you up.

  • Can you pick me up, please?
  • I’m out with the girls. Can you pick me up afterward?
  • I’m feeling lonely. If you want you can pick me up so we can hang out
  • Do you mind picking me up?
  • Are you free? Please drop by, let’s hang out
  • Would you mind picking me up?
  • Do you mind stopping at my place, let’s go for a drink
  • Can you drop by later? I have this sweet restaurant we should visit
  • I would love it if you picked me up
  • Can you drive me downtown?
  • Do you mind driving me to the mall?
  • Do you mind taking me to the airport?

Can You Pick Me Up, Please?

How to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

One of the proper ways to ask a guy to pick you up is to be direct and polite. It works as it doesn’t beat about the bush and it shows your boldness.

Can you pick me up please?” is one of the proper ways to construct your request. This question is a polite approach that’s straightforward.

You can use this approach on your male friend, your boyfriend, or even someone you’re just meeting and if he’s disposed of, he should oblige.

It doesn’t sound demanding and if they care about you, they wouldn’t think twice about picking you up.

With your boyfriend, you can use endearments to make it more intimate. Something like: “babe, can you pick me up please?” can work.

I’m Out With the Girls. Can You Pick Me Up Afterwards?

If you’re out with your girlfriends and you need your male friend to pick you up, it shouldn’t be a difficult task.

A statement saying what you’re doing or where you are will work well. For example, “I’m out with the girls. Can you pick me up afterward?

Telling a guy who cares about you that you’re out with your friends, his first instinct would be one of concern and protection. Many guys in this case would offer to pick you up, especially if it’s at night.

So, when you ask if he can pick you up afterward, it won’t take much for him to do so. So, you can always use this line when you’re out with friends.

I’m Feeling Lonely. If You Want You Can Pick Me Up So We Can Hang Out

Another way you can ask a guy to pick you up is to leave the option open for him. He will surely get the message.

Something in this line, “I’m feeling lonely. If you want you can pick me up so we can hang out” should work. 

Here, you’re placing the decision-making on him while giving him the hint of what you want without asking. 

First, when you use the expression that you’re lonely if he’s a friend he would be moved to find ways to keep you occupied.

So, when you tell him if you want you can pick me up, he would know you want him to pick you up.

This approach is suitable to use for a friend, or someone crushing on you. It’s a way to ask him without actually asking him.

Do You Mind Picking Me Up?


Do you mind picking me up?” is one of the methods to ask a guy to pick you up. This is a nice and direct approach.

When you ask him if he minds picking you up, it shows you’re not pressuring him or making it sound like his duty. Moreover, it shows that you’re conscious that if they can’t that it won’t be a big deal.

This method is a polite request that should move him to pick you up. You can use it for your male friends or your boyfriend. With your partner, you can add any endearments.

Are You Free? Please Drop By, Let’s Hang Out

“Are you free? Please drop by, let’s hang out” is another approach to use to ask a guy to pick you up. This is an indirect way of asking him to pick you up and he would get the message.

This is a polite approach that first acknowledges that he might not be disposed to pick you up. So, “are you free?” expresses your value for his time and person.  

You can use this style on your male friend or boyfriend. When you tell him to please drop by for you both to hang out, he’ll get the message that you want him to pick you up from the house.

Would You Mind Picking Me Up?

Another way you can ask a guy to pick you up is by saying, “would you mind picking me up?”

This is another polite way to ask any of your male friends to come to pick you up from wherever you are. Moreover, this expression shows you’re conscious that it isn’t his duty to pick you up.

Do You Mind Stopping at My Place? Let’s Go for a Drink

Another way you can ask a guy to pick you up is to let him know you want to go out and then politely ask him to drop by your place.

Do you mind stopping at my place, let’s go for a drink” is a nice way you can go about it. This statement doesn’t pressure him or give him the impression that it’s a must.

It acknowledges his time and lets him know he’s free to decline. This method can work on any of your male friends or your boyfriend. 

Can You Drop by Later? I Have This Nice Restaurant We Should Visit

Another way you can ask a guy to pick you up is by using an expression like, “can you drop by later? I have this nice restaurant we should visit” 

“Can you drop by later?” is a courteous statement that doesn’t enforce the request on him. It shows that you give him an option of either rejecting or accepting your request which wouldn’t be a big deal.

And when you say you have a nice restaurant that you both should visit, it indicates you want him to pick you up for the date. So, you can use this method, fixing whatever you want after “can you drop by?”

He should get the message well without feeling cornered. In addition, this is appropriate to use on any of your male friends or your boyfriend.

I would Love it if You Picked Me Up, Please

How to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

Another method to ask a guy to pick you up is to let him know you would love him to do so.

This is an approach that appeals to his emotions. It tells him you’d love him to spoil you. And if he cares about you, he would want to. 

Moreover, this is a straightforward approach that’ll be very difficult for the guy to refuse. It tells him what you love and want in a convincing yet polite manner.

This approach is cool to use on your boyfriend and using sweet terms will make it all appealing. Something like, “babe, I would love it if you picked me up, please” is cool to use. 

Also, you can use this on any close friend of yours. 

Can You Drive Me Downtown?

“Can you drive me downtown”? Is another nice way to ask a guy to pick you up.

This approach doesn’t tell him to pick you up directly but when you ask if he can drive you, he’ll get that you want him to pick you up. 

This is a good approach you can use if you don’t want to use the exact words. It’s still a polite way of letting him know your intention. Moreover, this approach is suitable for your friend or boyfriend.

Do You Mind Driving Me to the Mall?

“Do you mind driving me to the mall?” is one of the methods to use to ask a guy to pick you up.

Here, you’re not using the words directly but telling him you want him to drive you is the same as asking him to pick you up.

This is a cool and polite approach that doesn’t make it look like a duty to him. Making your request in this manner will let him know you’ll understand if he can’t drive you.

You can always tell your friend or your partner. They’ll understand and not see it as a demand.

Do You Mind Taking Me to the Airport?

How to Ask a Guy to Pick You Up

“Do you mind taking me to the airport?” is another tactic to use to ask a guy to pick you up. This is also a polite way that doesn’t sound pushy. 

When you ask him if he can take you somewhere, it shows you want him to pick you up. Here, you’re able to make your request without demanding it from him.

It’ll be suitable to use this on your male friends or your partners. When you say this, they’ll understand you want them to pick you up.

Final Thoughts

Asking a guy to pick you up is not a big deal. And if the guy cares for you he wouldn’t see it as one.

However, you’ve to put it as a polite request. Whether the guy is your boyfriend or friend, there are ways you should ask that won’t sound demanding to them.

So, you can use any of the above methods to ask a guy to pick you up. However, you shouldn’t make it a habit. 

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