How To Respond To A Liked Message On Instagram  

Instagram is particularly popular among young adults and teens. One of the unique features of Instagram is that you can see when someone likes your message. 

When you see that someone has liked your message, you may feel flattered and happy. But, you may also feel unsure of how to respond. Should you like their message back? Should you send them a message? 

In this article, we will explore the different options for responding to a liked message on Instagram. We will also provide some tips on how to respond in order to keep the conversation going.

Ways To Respond To A LIked Message On Instagram

How To Respond To A Liked Message On Instagram 

There’s nothing like getting a notification that someone has liked one of your message on Instagram.

Most times, this happens when the person doesn’t have things to talk about with you or if the person resonates with what you sent. Your reply or response should help pave way for the conversation to resume.

Whether it is suggesting a new topic or going to their profile and interacting with them could birth new ways for conversations. Here are some ways to respond to a liked message on Instagram.

  • Don’t send a text at that moment 
  • Send a heart emoji in return – who doesn’t love a good heart emoji?!
  • Comment on one of their recent photos or posts with something positive or funny. 
  • Follow them if you don’t already. 
  • Like their most recent photo in return.
  • Write something nice about them on their latest photo caption.
  • Admit to them that you don’t have anything else to talk about with them.
  • Ask about why they liked the message.
  • Share something related to what they posted. (e..g., “I loved reading your caption”)

1. Don’t send a text at that moment 

How To Respond To A Liked Message On Instagram 

One way to respond to a liked message on Instagram is not to send a message at that moment. Receiving a like on your message on Instagram shows that they have nothing else to say and they drop a like on your message just to show that they are responding to you.

You can decide to reply later for this reason or you can decide to reply later to feel good about someone putting a like on your message.

It can be tempting to respond right away. But sometimes, the best thing to do is just sit back and enjoy the moment.

There’s something special about knowing that someone out there likes what you’ve said. It feels good to know that your words have resonated with someone else. So take a moment to savor that feeling before responding.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with responding right away if you want to keep the conversation going.

But if you’re not sure what to say, or you’re just enjoying the moment, don’t feel like you have to reply immediately. Just enjoy knowing that somebody out there likes what you’ve said.

2. Send a heart emoji in return 

How To Respond To A Liked Message On Instagram 

Another way to respond to a liked message on Instagram is to send a heart emoji in return – who doesn’t love a good heart emoji?!

When you receive a liked message on Instagram, it’s always nice to respond with a heart emoji. It’s a simple way to show that you appreciate the gesture and are happy to have received it. Plus, it only takes a second to do!

A simple heart emoji can brighten someone’s day and let them know that you’re thinking of them.

So next time you see a message from someone you like on Instagram, be sure to respond with a heart emoji because it lets them know that you enjoy their company and it’s a simple way to keep the conversation going.

3. Comment on one of their recent photos or posts

One good thing to do is to also comment on one of their recent photos or posts with something positive or funny. This lets them know that you’re thinking of them and also puts a smile on their face! 

If you’re anything like me, you love getting likes on your Instagram messages. But sometimes, when someone likes your message, you don’t know how to respond. Well, I think the best way to respond is by leaving a funny comment on their recent post.

So, if you want to respond to a liked message on Instagram funnily, here are some tips: 

– First, take a look at the person’s profile and see if they have a sense of humor. If they do, go ahead and leave a funny comment on their most recent post. 

– Second, think about what made you laugh about their post in the first place. Was it something visual or was it something they said? Use that as inspiration for your comment.

4  Follow them if you don’t already

Another nice way to respond is to follow them if you don’t already. If this person is someone who just randomly slid into your DM, this is a great way to support someone’s account and see more of what they post in the future.

This is a great way to show that you’re interested in what they have to say and that you appreciate their interest in your message.

Plus, it’s always nice to connect with new people on social media. So go ahead and give those new followers a follow back!

5. Like their most recent photo in return 

Another good way to respond is to like their most recent photo in return. This is a great way to show that you appreciate the love

If someone likes a message you’ve sent them, the best way to respond is by liking their most recent post in return.

This lets them know that you’re still thinking of them and that you enjoy seeing what they’re up to. Plus, it’s a great way to stay connected with friends who might be far away.

Doing this also shows them that you wish to interact with them but can’t just send a message back!

6. Write something nice about them on their latest photo caption 

Another good way to respond to a liked message on Instagram is to write something nice about them on their latest photo caption 

When you like someone’s message on Instagram, it’s always nice to respond with a compliment.

Not only does it make the other person feel good, but it also shows that you’re paying attention to their posts and make them more willing to continue the conversation with you. 

It’s always nice to get a like on your message on Instagram, but it’s even nicer when you take the time to write something positive about them on their latest photo.

This is a great way to show that you appreciate their support and that you are interested in hearing what they have to say. Here are a few tips on how to respond when someone leaves a positive comment on your Instagram photo:

  • Thank them for their kind words and let them know that you appreciate their support.
  • Take the time to read what they wrote and see if there is anything else you can comment on or ask about.
  • Let them know that you’re looking forward to seeing more of their photos and updates in the future!

7.  Admit to them that you don’t have anything else to talk about with them

When someone likes your message on Instagram, you can also admit to them that you don’t have anything else to talk about with them

You can do this if you won’t like to call their attention to you by going to their posts or profile.

I do this because when I have nothing to talk about, I can easily admit, that they’ll try to suggest a topic to talk about, and we might pick up from there. Sometimes, I feel going to their profiles doesn’t work well so I limit it to the DM.

This shows that you are very outspoken and can make the person admire your guts too.

8. Respond with a short, friendly text 

If you’ve ever sent a message on Instagram and gotten a like in return, you know how satisfying it is. But what’s even more satisfying is responding to that like with a friendly comment or message. Here’s why:

It shows that you’re paying attention. When you take the time to respond to someone who liked your message, it shows that you’re interested in what they have to say and that you value their opinion.

It opens up the conversation. By responding to a like, you’re giving the other person an opportunity to continue the conversation (or start one!).

This can lead to some great back-and-forth banter or even deeper conversations about things both of you are interested in.

It makes people feel good. We all love getting likes on our messages, so why not make someone else feel good by responding? 

9. Ask about why they liked the message

When someone likes your message on Instagram it’s also a good idea to ask questions about things they posted

It’s always nice to get a notification that someone has liked one of your messages on Instagram.

But did you know that you can take your interaction with that person to the next level by asking them questions about what they posted? By doing this, you’re showing that you’re interested in their life and what they have to say.

If you’re anything like me, you probably love spending time on Instagram. And one of the best parts about Instagram is when someone likes your message! It feels good to know that someone out there appreciates what you’ve sent.

But sometimes, it can be hard to tell what someone meant by liking your message. Did they just think it was funny? Or did they like what you had to say?

If you’re not sure, there’s no harm in asking a question about it. Just shoot them a quick DM and ask if they enjoyed your message or if there was anything specific that they liked about it.

They’ll appreciate that you took the time to reach out and ask, and who knows – maybe even continue the conversation!

10. Share something related to what they posted 

When someone likes your message on Instagram, it is also a good idea to share something related to what they posted that you found interesting or enjoyable (e..g., “I loved reading your caption – it made me think of this article I read recently.

I especially liked the part where you said ABC. It made me think about how different our perspectives can be, but also how we can learn from each other.

It sounds like you’re passionate about this topic, and I admire that. Keep up the good work!”)

This is sure to make them want to continue the conversation with you.


It’s always great to get a response from someone on Instagram, especially when it’s a positive one. It means that they’re interested in what you’re saying and they appreciate your content.

When someone likes your message, it’s a good idea to like theirs back and maybe even leave a comment. This way, you can start a conversation and get to know each other better. Who knows, you might even make some new friends!

We’ve talked about various ways you can respond to a liked message on Instagram and I hope this article helps in your online interactions.

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