What Does It Mean When You Compliment A Guy And He Says Nothing?

It can be confusing when you compliment a guy and he says nothing. Does he not like what you said? Is he not interested in you? Or maybe, he just doesn’t know how to respond.

In this article, we’ll explore what it means when you compliment a guy and he says nothing.

We’ll also give you some tips on how to respond to these situations, and how to know someone who won’t take compliments.

6 Reasons You Compliment A Guy And He Says Nothing

There are many reasons why you might compliment a guy, and he says nothing in response.

Maybe he didn’t hear you, he’s not sure how to respond, he’s not used to getting compliments from people he doesn’t know well, he’s shy and can’t express his gratitude properly yet, he’s not interested in you, or he just didn’t appreciate your comment as much as you thought he would.

Compliments can be a great way to show your interest in someone, but they can also be awkward if the other person doesn’t know how to react.

If you compliment a guy and he says nothing, don’t take it personally. Just move on and find someone interested in what you have to say.

1. He didn’t hear you

When you compliment a guy and he doesn’t reply, it is most likely because he didn’t hear you

This is especially likely if there was noise or other people around at the time of your compliment.

It can be frustrating when you take the time to compliment someone, and they don’t even seem to hear you.

You might think that they’re just rude, but sometimes there’s a good explanation for why they didn’t respond.

Sometimes people don’t hear compliments because they’re not paying attention to the person who is speaking to them.

They might be lost in thought, or focused on something else that’s going on around them.

In those cases, it’s not their fault that they missed your kind words – so there’s no need to get upset with them.

2. He’s not sure how to respond

What Does It Mean When You Compliment A Guy And He Says Nothing

Another valid reason why a guy might not reply to your compliment is that he’s not sure how to respond.

Compliments are a great way to make someone feel good, but what do you do when the person you compliment doesn’t know how to respond?

This is what happened to me recently. I complimented a guy on his shirt and he didn’t reply.

I thought he might not have heard me, so I said it again, but still no response. When I asked him later why he didn’t say anything, he told me that he was too embarrassed because he didn’t know how to react.

It can be tricky knowing how to react when someone compliments you. Sometimes it’s easy to just say “thank you”, while other times it’s better to give a more detailed response.

But if you’re not sure what to do, the best thing is probably just to smile and say thank you.

That way, the other person knows that you appreciate their sentiment and they’ll feel good for having given it!

3. He’s not used to getting compliments from people he knows well.

A guy might also not reply to your compliment because he’s not used to getting compliments from people he knows well.

In some cases, guys might only receive compliments from girls who are attracted to them, so hearing a genuine compliment from someone he doesn’t know can feel strange or unexpected.

He might get dumbfounded for a moment.

Compliments are a great way to show someone that you care about them and appreciate them.

However, sometimes people can be shy or uncomfortable when receiving compliments.

I know a guy who is like this – he’s not used to getting compliments from people he doesn’t know well.

I think it’s because deep down, he doesn’t believe that he is worthy of such compliments.

He always tries to downplay any good thing anyone says about him, and often won’t reply to a compliment at all.

4. He’s shy and doesn’t know how to express his gratitude properly yet

What Does It Mean When You Compliment A Guy And He Says Nothing

Another reason he won’t reply is that he’s really shy and doesn’t know how to express gratitude properly yet.

Compliments are a great way to show someone that you appreciate them. It can make their day and make them feel good about themselves.

However, sometimes people don’t reply to compliments because they are really shy and don’t know how to express their gratitude properly. This is the case with my friend John.

I have known John for a few years now, and I can tell you that he is one of the most kind-hearted people I know. He always goes out of his way to help others, and he has a heart of gold.

A few weeks ago, I told him how much I admire him for being such a great person, and he just smiled sheepishly without saying anything in response.

I could tell that he was uncomfortable with the compliment, so I didn’t push it further.

I’m sure he’ll come around as I know him to be a very shy person.

5. He’s not interested in you

A guy might also not reply to your compliment because he’s interested in you

Guys can be insecure about taking compliments, especially from friends they don’t want to seem too interested in.

Compliments are a great way to show someone that you appreciate them, but sometimes they can backfire. A guy might not reply to your compliment because he is not interested in you.

It’s important not to take it personally; there could be any number of reasons why he’s not interested. Maybe he’s already in a relationship, or maybe he just doesn’t think you’re his type.

6. He just didn’t appreciate your comment as much as you thought he would

The simplest explanation of allmaybe he just didn’t appreciate your comment as much as you thought he would!

It can be tough to know when you’ve complimented someone in just the right way, and it’s even harder when they don’t seem to appreciate your kind words.

A while back, I had a situation where I complimented a guy and he didn’t reply.

At first, I thought he might not have heard me or that he was too busy to respond, but after a few minutes passed and there was still no response, I started to get worried.

I eventually asked one of his friends what happened and it turns out the guy didn’t appreciate my compliment as much as I thought he would.

In hindsight, it was probably because the comment wasn’t genuine – something that could easily happen if you’re not careful about how you phrase things.

Compliments are always appreciated when they’re given with sincerity, so if you’re ever unsure about whether or not a certain remark will be taken well, it’s best to err on the side of caution and keep things simple instead.

What to do when you compliment a guy and he says nothing (3 things)

When you compliment a guy and he says nothing, you can smile and say “thank you”, or say something else, or just walk away.

1. Smile and say “thank you” 

A smile can show that you’re happy with the compliment, even if the other person doesn’t respond. And thanking them lets them know that you appreciate their kind words.

There are a few reasons why the other person might not respond. Maybe they didn’t hear you, or maybe they’re just really busy and didn’t have time to say anything. It could also be that they’re not very confident in their appearance and don’t feel comfortable accepting compliments.

No matter what the reason is, it’s always best to smile and say thank you when someone compliments you. It shows that you appreciate the gesture, even if the other person doesn’t reply.

Plus, it makes everyone feel good and keeps you from feeling too embarrassed.

2. Say something else 

If the silence is making you feel uncomfortable, try breaking it by saying something else entirely unrelated to the compliment.

For example, if you compliment someone on their shirt and they don’t reply, you could say “I like your shirt” or “That’s a cool shirt”. This will help keep the conversation going and makes it less awkward.

Another thing you can do is wait for them to reply. Sometimes people might not see your message right away or they might be busy and not have time to respond.

If you give them enough time, they might eventually respond.

3. Walk away 

This might be your last resort if everything else fails, but it’s better than standing there awkwardly waiting for a response that may never come.

What Does It Mean When You Compliment A Guy And He Says Nothing

How To Know If A Man Can’t Take Compliments 

Compliments are a great way to make someone feel good, but not everyone knows how to take them.

To know if a man can’t take compliments, you would see that he deflects compliments and downplays them, gets defensive when you give him a compliment

1. He deflects compliments or downplays them

To know if he can’t take compliments you would notice that he deflects compliments or downplays them.

If he always seems to find something wrong with what you say, or he insists that he’s not that great, then it’s likely that he doesn’t believe in himself and is uncomfortable with compliments, or turns the conversation away from himself whenever someone pays him a compliment.

2. He gets defensive when you give him a compliment. 

To know if he can’t take compliments you would notice that he gets defensive when you give him a compliment.

If the minute you compliment him, his hackles start rising and he starts getting argumentative, then it’s clear that your kind words bother him more than they please him.

3. He turns the conversation away from himself whenever someone pays him a compliment. 

To know if he can’t take compliments you would notice that he turns the conversation away from himself whenever someone pays him a compliment.

This guy doesn’t like being the center of attention, even if it’s for something good! It might be because he feels unworthy of the praise or because he doesn’t want people thinking too highly of him – either way, it means your kind words won’t have much effect on this dude.

What Do You Call Someone Who Won’t Take A Compliment?

A person who won’t take a compliment is someone who doesn’t believe in themselves.

They may feel like they are not worthy of the compliment or that they don’t deserve it. It’s important to be able to accept compliments graciously because it shows that you have confidence and humility.

There are many names to call someone who won’t take a compliment, but the most popular are

“Skeptic”, “cynic.”, A skeptic is someone who questions the validity of a statement or claim, while a cynic is someone who believes that people are motivated by self-interest and deception and won’t reply to your compliment because they don’t believe it is genuine.

Other names for this type of person include “belittler,” “nitpicker,” and “tease.” People who don’t take compliments can also be called “pessimistic”, “insecure”, or “realist” who sees the downside to everything.


If you’ve ever found yourself in a conversation with a guy and you compliment him, only to be met with stony silence, you might be wondering what it means.

There are a couple of explanations for this. One possibility is that the guy is just not very good at taking compliments.

This might be because he’s not used to them, or because he’s low on self-confidence.

Either way, it’s not a personal slight against you, so don’t take it too hard.

Another possibility is that the guy doesn’t want to appear too arrogant by responding to your compliment.

This might be because he’s a modest guy, or because he doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression.

We’ve looked at ways to understand why he won’t take a compliment and I hope this helps you build better relationships with your friend.

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